Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

2 things I’ve been noticing recently

-I’ve been catching cramps

-my back gets cold now. This is a big one for me :smh:.. my parents always said this and I always thought it was such an old person thing to say
I think I have sciatica. Fell on my *** snowboarding a couple weeks ago and have this nagging pain deep in my thigh / butt / hip.

Been trying different stretches trying to relieve the pain. Think I need a chiro or something
Had the anti-washed mojo with me on Sunday night. Open gym. Courts full of mostly certified ballers.

I got there late so 4 of the guys on my team are guys that lost and are automatically in. I realized I’m the most skilled player on my team. Saw how long of a wait it was if you got bounced, even with 2 gyms it was still 30-40 mins if you lost to get back on.

With those circumstances, something took over my body. Felt like that movie The 6th Man where something otherworldly happened. I DOMINATED like I’ve never done before. Almost every shot went in. I was blowing past dudes with ease. Step backs. Picking pockets for layups the other way. Game winners. 35-40 footers. Handles. The whole kit and kaboodle. Didn’t even feel tired or sore.

I’m usually the quiet reserved dude who lets others do their thing, and lately I’ve been content just setting ball screens and picking up assists. Today I had time.

Got in a nice little yelling match with the best dude on the team that held the winners court until my squad worked our way up. We were guarding each other and he got a goose egg, meanwhile I scored 8 of our teams 10 buckets to send them to the losers court bench. I jokingly told him when I got there “ayyyyy bro, enjoy the sweet life while it lasted because we’re about to send you packing.” I was obviously kidding around because my squad looked so much worse than theirs. Dude got all in his feelings I guess and started chirping the whole game. THen tried to say they lost because he didn’t get the ball enough. Anyways he literally stomped off and I didn’t see him again. We won out and I don’t think he waited around to get back to the winners court.

Long story but I just had to get it off my chest. Best game of ball I’ve ever played in my life. Don’t know where it came from but I guess it be like that sometimes. Stay thirsty my friends.
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