Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I always sleep like 6-9 hours a night no matter how busy I am. :lol:

Probably why my house is a disaster in the summer while I’m working crazy ot. :lol:

nothing hurts today. Back is a little stiff from squats. No pain though.
So I get up for work at about 2am everyday. I’ve been doing this PADI scuba cert class Wednesday nights........from 8pm-11pm. Already told my GF, if I don’t get a god damn nap in before that class, I’m not going.

I don’t care if the house is on fire, don’t wake me up from my Wednesday nap. I paid good money for this class And I’m not tryna fall asleep underwater.
I get off work 2-3 am. My girl knows not to wake me up either.

if you do riff raff is gonna be blasting at 4am the next day while I cook after work.
Aw man I had another super washed moment this past weekend 🤦🏾‍♂️...

Took wifey out for a lil date night. Got dinner and then walked over to one of our favorite spots for a couple drinks and their dessert. After that I surprised her and took her to a new drive in movie theatre near downtown to see Tenet. We’ve never been to a drive in before so I figured it’d be a playa move. I even brought a ton of her favorite snacks in a backpack under my seat, man I thought I was DOING IT. Figured once the movie gets going and people get settled in we crawl in the backseat and fog them windows up 😈...

Bruh...3 mins into the movie I’m mouth open sleep in the driver’s seat. I wake up she looking at me like “this negro here 🙄”...

But I’m so washed I didn’t even try to fight the sleep or play it off. I crawled right in that back seat, took my shoes off and laid it down like I was in my bed back at that crib. She must be the washed queen cuz she fell asleep too and we ended up leaving only like an hour into the movie. I paid $30 and couldn’t tell you about one second of that movie. Damn shame 😔
Night shift is the worst. Used to do the 12am-8am at a hotel. Only employee working too, really odd.

I was always KO in the back office. If you needed anything you were SOL. I remember once i forgot to lock the door, this chick had come to the front desk and opened the door after i didnt respond. Seen me, shoes off, sleeping on 3 chairs. She used to die laughing everytime shed see me after that 😅🤦‍♂️
This gonna sound even more washed but in my defense the movie started at 10:30pm. We had eaten good and had two strong drinks each plus pregamed at the house before we left. Also it was a Friday so full day of work and all that too. Still sad though.
I be eating dinner like 5:30/6 #washedgang

This is actually good for your metabolism. I try to keep my last meal before 7PM at the latest too. Pandemic did a number on my weight due to gym closures but thankfully I was able to get most of it down when they reopened.

Trying to drop a bit more but I think I might also have to run the intermittent fast a few times a month now. :smh: :smh: :smh:
fax :lol:
my wife and i always comment on the quality of sleep we get
we used to get no sleep and go out and be happy about it now it seems like our goal each day

we get together with close friends a lot and have drinks. we used to meet up around 9-10 and be up till like 2 am talking and drinking
now it's more like 5 or 6 to have dinner and drinks and be at home in bed by 9 or 10
im at this phase in my life where my mind still wants to go and do dumb immature **** and i still enjoy it but my body just doesn't comply anymore.
This is the worst for me. I’ve always been a night owl so it’s a huge change. Like I’m gonna go watch the game tonight at my friends house, it starts at 9 and no way they’ll make it to the 4th quarter :lol:
Damn I found this on IG and made me think of us washed folk.
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This gonna sound even more washed but in my defense the movie started at 10:30pm. We had eaten good and had two strong drinks each plus pregamed at the house before we left. Also it was a Friday so full day of work and all that too. Still sad though.
Thinking back to when Fridays started hitting hard, I was 29 and in the best physical shape I've been in. Crazy.
Aw man I had another super washed moment this past weekend 🤦🏾‍♂️...

Took wifey out for a lil date night. Got dinner and then walked over to one of our favorite spots for a couple drinks and their dessert. After that I surprised her and took her to a new drive in movie theatre near downtown to see Tenet. We’ve never been to a drive in before so I figured it’d be a playa move. I even brought a ton of her favorite snacks in a backpack under my seat, man I thought I was DOING IT. Figured once the movie gets going and people get settled in we crawl in the backseat and fog them windows up 😈...

Bruh...3 mins into the movie I’m mouth open sleep in the driver’s seat. I wake up she looking at me like “this negro here 🙄”...

But I’m so washed I didn’t even try to fight the sleep or play it off. I crawled right in that back seat, took my shoes off and laid it down like I was in my bed back at that crib. She must be the washed queen cuz she fell asleep too and we ended up leaving only like an hour into the movie. I paid $30 and couldn’t tell you about one second of that movie. Damn shame 😔

post dinner + reclining car seats + late evening movie + dark setting ...uSHOULDVEalreadyknown23

but ayyee A+ plan my guy.. just C- execution
Should have my CPAP machine in a few weeks :pimp:

bruh once you get used to that thang, you're about to be feelin like a new person in the morning

Sleep Apnea Gang checking in #ifimnotsnoringimdead

but i know for some, including myself, that **** got cumbersome after awhile and i stopped using it. my sleep was ******. so i started pestering my insurance provider about getting my one of these

for those with obstructive sleep apnea, this is basically a really thick retainer with bottom fangs that prevent your bottom jaw from receding and blocking air passages. this **** has improved my quality of sleep and just made me a much better human when i'm awake. running on peak efficiency nowadays. plus, aint a single girlfriend complained about me snoring in 4+ years now.
Should have my CPAP machine in a few weeks :pimp:
I need to get a sleep test eventually and get a machine. Seems annoying though to sleep with a mask and it hooked up to a big machine.

My friend who is a doctor got some mini- cpap from his doctor friends. So much more convenient.
I listen to a mix of Bloomberg business radio and SiriusXM Watercolors (smooth/contemporary jazz) in my car now. My car is a Subaru Outback (safe and practical). In the Nissan days, I used to only listen to Shade45. I still listen to Shade45 but pretty much only for Sway in the Morning and Rude Jude. Once they start playing actual hip hop music, I usually tune back to Watercolors or talk radio.
Facts naps are an essential part of me staying up past 11pm :lol:
I envy you and others who take naps. I have never once taken a nap where I was actually refreshed afterwards. 100% of the time I feel disoriented, sweaty, confused and even more tired than I was prior to passing out.
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