Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story....

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

eNPHAN wrote:
Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

Now let me ask you: respectfully, what do you know about Capitalism?
that greed and exploitation run rampant in it.....

am i wrong?
First of all, tell me: do you know of any system that is free of greed or exploitation? Is greed/exploitation unique to Capitalism?

Question begging at its finest.  Rather than answering or even addressing the question, you attempt to shift the onus by asking him to justify something that only superficially relates to his question.  You might as well have replied by asking him to give a brief history of capitalism or something similarly superfluous.

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

eNPHAN wrote:
yet, ole boy above you said "that's not unique to capitalism"

but, im dead wrong...


yo, if you work for wall street or youre a finance major, just stay free of this thread

excersize your right to a capitalist NT board and use your ability to make a choice on the free market to go to another thread.

im asking you to comment on the film.

if you havent seen it, beat it.

Thats a very insecure stance.

Why?  Because he asked the initial question and now you are trying to redirect it?  That doesn't mean his stances are somehow "insecure". 
(BTW, you may have meant "tenuous".)

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

Let's take the other extreme: Socialism or better still, Communism.

Do you think they were all kittens and sunshine?

"Were"?  Because these have been fully tested and uniformly deemed inferior to mature and fully realized free market capitalism?

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

Capitalism, FYI is the only moral system we have. (1)

Prior to capitalism, how did people get rich? They had to kill and pillage for king, country or church. Capitalism came along and enabled common folk to improve their lot in life by serving their fellow men and women. (2)

Now, in the interest of full disclosure: I am working for a boutique firm, whilst finishing my graduate degree. Our firm, however, does not trade for itself or its clients. (3)
1.  You have just made one of the most fantastical statements I've ever heard - and I'm a NT lifer.  I would love for you to attempt to justify that utterly amazing statement.

2.  First, this is an ad hoc argument.  Second, other than making cartoonish references to historical vagaries you have done nothing to prove anything.  You're just saying words that sound like they relate to the topic. 

3.  Thank you for the disclosure.  Even more so because I don't see how it would necessarily create conflict or bias, unless your concern (and perhaps justifiably) is that people would presume that a trader is necessarily some abhorrent form of capitalist.  Personally, I did not make that presumption but kudos nonetheless for disclosing.  

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

eNPHAN wrote:
if the USA was truely capitalist and truely believed in a free market....

the banks and the american car industry would have tanked.


so keep the theory in the classroom, sirs.
This I agree with.

As do I.  (I share this only to show that I'm not just writing to attack any and everything you say.)

Regarding your specific references to elders of the Austian School (and any other individuals to whom Libertarians ascribe their origins), all I have to do is raise you Keynes, Krugman, and Amartya Sen and the implied punch of your ad hominum* argument dissolves.  And regarding your reference to Adam Smith...have you actually read The Wealth of Nations?  Even just Book IV?  If so, you would realize that Smith's famous "invisible hand" espoused a system that no longer tipped to favor the wealthy, but that at a minimum permitted the underclass(es) to play on even footing.  I find it somewhere between troubling and revealing that a graduate student (presumably in some sort of economic science) would include Smith in your list of those defending capitalism in the face of all other economic systems. 

*For a graduate student you seem blithely unaware of logical fallicies and how frequently you commit them. 
Originally Posted by roc4life24

As film i actually enjoyed. bringing spotlight to how deeply effected Americans were by the collapse.

what he said was factual, but somehow i think he's full of it. just me though

capitalism is a love hate thing expect sharks to take advantage to grow their personal accounts.

nah, not just you

i know moore has a bias, and he's trying to invoke a certain reaction from his audience...

but he didnt make up FDR's second bill of rights which was never utilized in THIS country.....

yet italy, japan and germany (the destroyed axis we helped rebuild) had all of that.

in italy, they did a women's rights bill in the 1940s


could you imagine civil rights being instituted in the 1930s via FDR?

we had to wait 35 more years....smh  

Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

colon, hat, sir.

colon, hat, indeed.
Originally Posted by roc4life24

As film i actually enjoyed. bringing spotlight to how deeply effected Americans were by the collapse.

what he said was factual, but somehow i think he's full of it. just me though

capitalism is a love hate thing expect sharks to take advantage to grow their personal accounts.

nah, not just you

i know moore has a bias, and he's trying to invoke a certain reaction from his audience...

but he didnt make up FDR's second bill of rights which was never utilized in THIS country.....

yet italy, japan and germany (the destroyed axis we helped rebuild) had all of that.

in italy, they did a women's rights bill in the 1940s


could you imagine civil rights being instituted in the 1930s via FDR?

we had to wait 35 more years....smh  

Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

colon, hat, sir.

colon, hat, indeed.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

im asking you to comment on the film.

if you havent seen it, beat it.

I've watched Michael Moore's film and he's just as clueless about Capitalism as you are.  Michael Moore's film wasn't about Capitalism at all, actually.

When you have a production system that has been taken over by government, they print billions of dollars and give it to their bankster friends is called FASCISM. If you cannot understand the difference between Capitalism and Fascism, then I suggest you logout of and read a book.

I dont believe this is 100% true. What about the barter system? 
I wish we had a barter system in this country. The Free Market would determine the best currency, instead of a government monopolized one which destroys the value thereof.  

he's saying that we must lead an american revolution as the bottom 95 percent against the top 1%, which is why i use the word socialist for lack of a better word...he's basically calling us lazy americans out on what we're LETTING happen.....and telling us to do something about it....
Yeah, Karl Marx said the same thing and look how great Communism works. Famines, death, dictatorships.

so his film wasnt about the system that our country operates on, that is supposedly marketed to REALITY as "Capitalism"?

oh, okay.


also, noone is talking about dictatorship...actually, moore is calling on us to literally use our rights as americans in our democracy...and use democracy how it was created to be used. If we americans used democracy the correct way, and actually took $+%% serious like they do in other countries, this discussion wouldnt be taking place.

if this $+%% happened in europe, there would be rioting in the streets...

people don't even vote, g.......

Our country operates as "Capitalism" because our government uses the term "Free Market", but anyone woh knows anything about a true Free Market would know, one could not possibly exist with a Central Bank...and we have one. This country doesn't operate nothing how a Capitalist society would work. Capitalism is blamed for everything, but in actuality Corportism and State Capitalism is the true culprit. Corporitsm/State Capitalism acutally inspired Marx to write the Communist Manifesto.

Capitalism works as a voluntary exchange and contracts, people meet in a market to bargain between products and commodities without force and coercion.

Corporate Welfare is not Capitalism by any means and this is what the movie is basically about.

Democracy = Mob rule

Ugh, people are rioting in the streets in Europe. Look at France, Portugal, England, and Greece, there is rioting in the streets because Nanny Government ran out of money.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

im asking you to comment on the film.

if you havent seen it, beat it.

I've watched Michael Moore's film and he's just as clueless about Capitalism as you are.  Michael Moore's film wasn't about Capitalism at all, actually.

When you have a production system that has been taken over by government, they print billions of dollars and give it to their bankster friends is called FASCISM. If you cannot understand the difference between Capitalism and Fascism, then I suggest you logout of and read a book.

I dont believe this is 100% true. What about the barter system? 
I wish we had a barter system in this country. The Free Market would determine the best currency, instead of a government monopolized one which destroys the value thereof.  

he's saying that we must lead an american revolution as the bottom 95 percent against the top 1%, which is why i use the word socialist for lack of a better word...he's basically calling us lazy americans out on what we're LETTING happen.....and telling us to do something about it....
Yeah, Karl Marx said the same thing and look how great Communism works. Famines, death, dictatorships.

so his film wasnt about the system that our country operates on, that is supposedly marketed to REALITY as "Capitalism"?

oh, okay.


also, noone is talking about dictatorship...actually, moore is calling on us to literally use our rights as americans in our democracy...and use democracy how it was created to be used. If we americans used democracy the correct way, and actually took $+%% serious like they do in other countries, this discussion wouldnt be taking place.

if this $+%% happened in europe, there would be rioting in the streets...

people don't even vote, g.......

Our country operates as "Capitalism" because our government uses the term "Free Market", but anyone woh knows anything about a true Free Market would know, one could not possibly exist with a Central Bank...and we have one. This country doesn't operate nothing how a Capitalist society would work. Capitalism is blamed for everything, but in actuality Corportism and State Capitalism is the true culprit. Corporitsm/State Capitalism acutally inspired Marx to write the Communist Manifesto.

Capitalism works as a voluntary exchange and contracts, people meet in a market to bargain between products and commodities without force and coercion.

Corporate Welfare is not Capitalism by any means and this is what the movie is basically about.

Democracy = Mob rule

Ugh, people are rioting in the streets in Europe. Look at France, Portugal, England, and Greece, there is rioting in the streets because Nanny Government ran out of money.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

im asking you to comment on the film.

if you havent seen it, beat it.

I've watched Michael Moore's film and he's just as clueless about Capitalism as you are.  Michael Moore's film wasn't about Capitalism at all, actually.

When you have a production system that has been taken over by government, they print billions of dollars and give it to their bankster friends is called FASCISM. If you cannot understand the difference between Capitalism and Fascism, then I suggest you logout of and read a book.

I dont believe this is 100% true. What about the barter system? 
I wish we had a barter system in this country. The Free Market would determine the best currency, instead of a government monopolized one which destroys the value thereof.  

he's saying that we must lead an american revolution as the bottom 95 percent against the top 1%, which is why i use the word socialist for lack of a better word...he's basically calling us lazy americans out on what we're LETTING happen.....and telling us to do something about it....
Yeah, Karl Marx said the same thing and look how great Communism works. Famines, death, dictatorships.

so his film wasnt about the system that our country operates on, that is supposedly marketed to REALITY as "Capitalism"?

oh, okay.


also, noone is talking about dictatorship...actually, moore is calling on us to literally use our rights as americans in our democracy...and use democracy how it was created to be used. If we americans used democracy the correct way, and actually took $+%% serious like they do in other countries, this discussion wouldnt be taking place.

if this $+%% happened in europe, there would be rioting in the streets...

people don't even vote, g.......

Our country operates as "Capitalism" because our government uses the term "Free Market", but anyone woh knows anything about a true Free Market would know, one could not possibly exist with a Central Bank...and we have one. This country doesn't operate nothing how a Capitalist society would work. Capitalism is blamed for everything, but in actuality Corportism and State Capitalism is the true culprit. Corporitsm/State Capitalism acutally inspired Marx to write the Communist Manifesto.

Capitalism works as a voluntary exchange and contracts, people meet in a market to bargain between products and commodities without force and coercion.

Corporate Welfare is not Capitalism by any means and this is what the movie is basically about.

Democracy = Mob rule

Ugh, people are rioting in the streets in Europe. Look at France, Portugal, England, and Greece, there is rioting in the streets because Nanny Government ran out of money.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

im asking you to comment on the film.

if you havent seen it, beat it.

I've watched Michael Moore's film and he's just as clueless about Capitalism as you are.  Michael Moore's film wasn't about Capitalism at all, actually.

When you have a production system that has been taken over by government, they print billions of dollars and give it to their bankster friends is called FASCISM. If you cannot understand the difference between Capitalism and Fascism, then I suggest you logout of and read a book.

I dont believe this is 100% true. What about the barter system? 
I wish we had a barter system in this country. The Free Market would determine the best currency, instead of a government monopolized one which destroys the value thereof.  

he's saying that we must lead an american revolution as the bottom 95 percent against the top 1%, which is why i use the word socialist for lack of a better word...he's basically calling us lazy americans out on what we're LETTING happen.....and telling us to do something about it....
Yeah, Karl Marx said the same thing and look how great Communism works. Famines, death, dictatorships.

so his film wasnt about the system that our country operates on, that is supposedly marketed to REALITY as "Capitalism"?

oh, okay.


also, noone is talking about dictatorship...actually, moore is calling on us to literally use our rights as americans in our democracy...and use democracy how it was created to be used. If we americans used democracy the correct way, and actually took $+%% serious like they do in other countries, this discussion wouldnt be taking place.

if this $+%% happened in europe, there would be rioting in the streets...

people don't even vote, g.......

Our country operates as "Capitalism" because our government uses the term "Free Market", but anyone woh knows anything about a true Free Market would know, one could not possibly exist with a Central Bank...and we have one. This country doesn't operate nothing how a Capitalist society would work. Capitalism is blamed for everything, but in actuality Corportism and State Capitalism is the true culprit. Corporitsm/State Capitalism acutally inspired Marx to write the Communist Manifesto.

Capitalism works as a voluntary exchange and contracts, people meet in a market to bargain between products and commodities without force and coercion.

Corporate Welfare is not Capitalism by any means and this is what the movie is basically about.

Democracy = Mob rule

Ugh, people are rioting in the streets in Europe. Look at France, Portugal, England, and Greece, there is rioting in the streets because Nanny Government ran out of money.
eNPHAN, realtalk, don't even waste your breath...

Frankly, it perplexes me that folks (in this day and age) are still incapable of seeing the evil that capitalism is...really really sad...


eNPHAN, realtalk, don't even waste your breath...

Frankly, it perplexes me that folks (in this day and age) are still incapable of seeing the evil that capitalism is...really really sad...


actually, i said "if this happened there, people would riot in the streets"

but good try, tho.

im sorry, he wasnt talking about theoretical capitalism...

he was talking about the bastarized american concept of capitalism

thanks for clearing that up, man

i was so lost before you made that clarification....


i still havent been given real-world examples of the practice of neither democratic socialism nor democratic communism...

(well, thats because ONE of those doesn't even theoretically exist.....but im still waiting on an example of the one that does exist....)

i mean, since yall seem to think capitalism is so much better, please, show me the governments/countries that practice it, so we can compare those countries to capitalist countries...i mean, those countries must be 4th world, right? they're operating on such an inferior economic/political concept.

STILL waiting....

btw, government shouldnt be capitalistically run, either...

its not supposed to be a free market on your representation...(but it is....)

and until we, the people, wont take that +!$% anymore, we gonna be dominated by corporations...

its a slave master/slave mentality....we outnumber them 95% to 1%......war....votes....debates....we should ALWAYS come out on top....

but, like mike moore says, the majority of americans are brainwashed and are buying into the dream that ONE DAY they will become part of that 1%.....therefore you have white middle americans making 40k a year voting for politicians that are advocating for tax breaks for that top 1%......even holding tax breaks on 90 percent of "middle class" americans (which those very same white middle americans making 40k a year fall under) hostage to get these corporate tax breaks for the wealthy continued....


they signed over 700 billion dollars to banks, they dont have to show us what theyre doing with it, and we can never take them to court over it....


and these people are still in, seriously....

because we, the 95 percent, are divided so many ways....race, class, gender, creed, religion, health, culture, region......

its pretty sad, really.
actually, i said "if this happened there, people would riot in the streets"

but good try, tho.

im sorry, he wasnt talking about theoretical capitalism...

he was talking about the bastarized american concept of capitalism

thanks for clearing that up, man

i was so lost before you made that clarification....


i still havent been given real-world examples of the practice of neither democratic socialism nor democratic communism...

(well, thats because ONE of those doesn't even theoretically exist.....but im still waiting on an example of the one that does exist....)

i mean, since yall seem to think capitalism is so much better, please, show me the governments/countries that practice it, so we can compare those countries to capitalist countries...i mean, those countries must be 4th world, right? they're operating on such an inferior economic/political concept.

STILL waiting....

btw, government shouldnt be capitalistically run, either...

its not supposed to be a free market on your representation...(but it is....)

and until we, the people, wont take that +!$% anymore, we gonna be dominated by corporations...

its a slave master/slave mentality....we outnumber them 95% to 1%......war....votes....debates....we should ALWAYS come out on top....

but, like mike moore says, the majority of americans are brainwashed and are buying into the dream that ONE DAY they will become part of that 1%.....therefore you have white middle americans making 40k a year voting for politicians that are advocating for tax breaks for that top 1%......even holding tax breaks on 90 percent of "middle class" americans (which those very same white middle americans making 40k a year fall under) hostage to get these corporate tax breaks for the wealthy continued....


they signed over 700 billion dollars to banks, they dont have to show us what theyre doing with it, and we can never take them to court over it....


and these people are still in, seriously....

because we, the 95 percent, are divided so many ways....race, class, gender, creed, religion, health, culture, region......

its pretty sad, really.
It a good documentary to watch and for you to make your own judgements on capitalism.

I really felt that he wasn't against capitalism, but just showing the harsh realities of it.
It a good documentary to watch and for you to make your own judgements on capitalism.

I really felt that he wasn't against capitalism, but just showing the harsh realities of it.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

But you're immaturity and insecurity is appalling.
on NT of all places?


i asked for a discussion about THE FILM

not about capitalism.

not about free markets.

not about finance.

the FILM, as a FILM....

and i have STILL yet to see a single comment about THE FILM

yall havent even seen it, yall just automatically defending capitalism theory and dismissing mike moore....

the movie dead $%! had me emo....seeing stars and stripes....wanting to get involved in politics....

and typically, movies don't even move me.
 Biggest cop out reply ever. Leave to this dude to mark boundaries on discussion in an internet forum so it can meet his agenda. It's not even like the thread took a huge turn and is about Sports. It's actual discussion about themes from the film that MM attacks.

Would you rather have this thread be about the quality of the audio or the cinematography of the documentary? B please...

On the other hand, all the points you've mentioned so far, I agree with. You're just a bit childish and immature for this thread, even on NT.

Eh whatever.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

But you're immaturity and insecurity is appalling.
on NT of all places?


i asked for a discussion about THE FILM

not about capitalism.

not about free markets.

not about finance.

the FILM, as a FILM....

and i have STILL yet to see a single comment about THE FILM

yall havent even seen it, yall just automatically defending capitalism theory and dismissing mike moore....

the movie dead $%! had me emo....seeing stars and stripes....wanting to get involved in politics....

and typically, movies don't even move me.
 Biggest cop out reply ever. Leave to this dude to mark boundaries on discussion in an internet forum so it can meet his agenda. It's not even like the thread took a huge turn and is about Sports. It's actual discussion about themes from the film that MM attacks.

Would you rather have this thread be about the quality of the audio or the cinematography of the documentary? B please...

On the other hand, all the points you've mentioned so far, I agree with. You're just a bit childish and immature for this thread, even on NT.

Eh whatever.
Originally Posted by E3LAL

It a good documentary to watch and for you to make your own judgements on capitalism.

I really felt that he wasn't against capitalism, but just showing the harsh realities of it.

he was actually advocating democracy in its purest form......much like these teabaggers claim to be doing....

i think he was against capitalism, because he sees it as a direct contradiction with not only democracy, but christianity, as well.

he sees capitalism, in practice, as evil......and watching his documentary, its pretty hard to disagree....

moreso than that message, though, i think moore was trying to inspire americans to be truely american....

to excercise their rights as citizens and to take the responsibility of restoring our country to what it once was, what it can be and what it should be.

that's the major message i got from the film. it was like, examples in order to motivate people....a compelling argument in order to challenge americans......

but finance majors see "micheal moore" and "capitalism" and automatically say "dont drink the kool-aid, read these economists"


BTW, this is the kind of response i was asking for in my OP....."did you see the film? yes, what did you think of the film?"

not what do you think of communism vs. capitalism....

not what did you learn in finance class....
Originally Posted by E3LAL

It a good documentary to watch and for you to make your own judgements on capitalism.

I really felt that he wasn't against capitalism, but just showing the harsh realities of it.

he was actually advocating democracy in its purest form......much like these teabaggers claim to be doing....

i think he was against capitalism, because he sees it as a direct contradiction with not only democracy, but christianity, as well.

he sees capitalism, in practice, as evil......and watching his documentary, its pretty hard to disagree....

moreso than that message, though, i think moore was trying to inspire americans to be truely american....

to excercise their rights as citizens and to take the responsibility of restoring our country to what it once was, what it can be and what it should be.

that's the major message i got from the film. it was like, examples in order to motivate people....a compelling argument in order to challenge americans......

but finance majors see "micheal moore" and "capitalism" and automatically say "dont drink the kool-aid, read these economists"


BTW, this is the kind of response i was asking for in my OP....."did you see the film? yes, what did you think of the film?"

not what do you think of communism vs. capitalism....

not what did you learn in finance class....
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

But you're immaturity and insecurity is appalling.
on NT of all places?


i asked for a discussion about THE FILM

not about capitalism.

not about free markets.

not about finance.

the FILM, as a FILM....

and i have STILL yet to see a single comment about THE FILM

yall havent even seen it, yall just automatically defending capitalism theory and dismissing mike moore....

the movie dead $%! had me emo....seeing stars and stripes....wanting to get involved in politics....

and typically, movies don't even move me.
 Biggest cop out reply ever. Leave to this dude to mark boundaries on discussion in an internet forum so it can meet his agenda. It's not even like the thread took a huge turn and is about Sports. It's actual discussion about themes from the film that MM attacks.

Would you rather have this thread be about the quality of the audio or the cinematography of the documentary? B please...

On the other hand, all the points you've mentioned so far, I agree with. You're just a bit childish and immature for this thread, even on NT.

Eh whatever.

waste of post, bandwidth, and pixels.

you honestly didn't even say #!%#, but call me out of my name (which would get you slapped in person), and say you agree with me....

i know you do, its only logical.

i asked for peoples thoughts about the movie....not their thoughts about capitalism vs. socialism or communism.....

had you, or they, actually seen the film i asked for commentary on, then you know the discussion wouldnt be about the defense of capitalism, instead, it would be discussing the overall themes of the film...

i.e. self-responsibility, cooperation, REAL american values, the people vs. the corporations, the molestation of our legal system and government, the corporate raping of our legislation and labor (which is taxed, then given to banks so that the market cant determine their future), etc.

not "hey, capitalism sucks bad......lets compare it to communism"

yo, don't bother responding back...youll just waste more pixels giving me some long winded paragraph explaining how you agree with me.....crumb
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

But you're immaturity and insecurity is appalling.
on NT of all places?


i asked for a discussion about THE FILM

not about capitalism.

not about free markets.

not about finance.

the FILM, as a FILM....

and i have STILL yet to see a single comment about THE FILM

yall havent even seen it, yall just automatically defending capitalism theory and dismissing mike moore....

the movie dead $%! had me emo....seeing stars and stripes....wanting to get involved in politics....

and typically, movies don't even move me.
 Biggest cop out reply ever. Leave to this dude to mark boundaries on discussion in an internet forum so it can meet his agenda. It's not even like the thread took a huge turn and is about Sports. It's actual discussion about themes from the film that MM attacks.

Would you rather have this thread be about the quality of the audio or the cinematography of the documentary? B please...

On the other hand, all the points you've mentioned so far, I agree with. You're just a bit childish and immature for this thread, even on NT.

Eh whatever.

waste of post, bandwidth, and pixels.

you honestly didn't even say #!%#, but call me out of my name (which would get you slapped in person), and say you agree with me....

i know you do, its only logical.

i asked for peoples thoughts about the movie....not their thoughts about capitalism vs. socialism or communism.....

had you, or they, actually seen the film i asked for commentary on, then you know the discussion wouldnt be about the defense of capitalism, instead, it would be discussing the overall themes of the film...

i.e. self-responsibility, cooperation, REAL american values, the people vs. the corporations, the molestation of our legal system and government, the corporate raping of our legislation and labor (which is taxed, then given to banks so that the market cant determine their future), etc.

not "hey, capitalism sucks bad......lets compare it to communism"

yo, don't bother responding back...youll just waste more pixels giving me some long winded paragraph explaining how you agree with me.....crumb
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

But you're immaturity and insecurity is appalling.
on NT of all places?


i asked for a discussion about THE FILM

not about capitalism.

not about free markets.

not about finance.

the FILM, as a FILM....

and i have STILL yet to see a single comment about THE FILM

yall havent even seen it, yall just automatically defending capitalism theory and dismissing mike moore....

the movie dead $%! had me emo....seeing stars and stripes....wanting to get involved in politics....

and typically, movies don't even move me.
 Biggest cop out reply ever. Leave to this dude to mark boundaries on discussion in an internet forum so it can meet his agenda. It's not even like the thread took a huge turn and is about Sports. It's actual discussion about themes from the film that MM attacks.

Would you rather have this thread be about the quality of the audio or the cinematography of the documentary? B please...

On the other hand, all the points you've mentioned so far, I agree with. You're just a bit childish and immature for this thread, even on NT.

Eh whatever.

waste of post, bandwidth, and pixels.

you honestly didn't even say #!%#, but call me out of my name (which would get you slapped in person), and say you agree with me....

i know you do, its only logical.

i asked for peoples thoughts about the movie....not their thoughts about capitalism vs. socialism or communism.....

had you, or they, actually seen the film i asked for commentary on, then you know the discussion wouldnt be about the defense of capitalism, instead, it would be discussing the overall themes of the film...

i.e. self-responsibility, cooperation, REAL american values, the people vs. the corporations, the molestation of our legal system and government, the corporate raping of our legislation and labor (which is taxed, then given to banks so that the market cant determine their future), etc.

not "hey, capitalism sucks bad......lets compare it to communism"

yo, don't bother responding back...youll just waste more pixels giving me some long winded paragraph explaining how you agree with me.....crumb
waste of post, bandwidth, and pixels.

You see how easy that was?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by stateofsingularity

But you're immaturity and insecurity is appalling.
on NT of all places?


i asked for a discussion about THE FILM

not about capitalism.

not about free markets.

not about finance.

the FILM, as a FILM....

and i have STILL yet to see a single comment about THE FILM

yall havent even seen it, yall just automatically defending capitalism theory and dismissing mike moore....

the movie dead $%! had me emo....seeing stars and stripes....wanting to get involved in politics....

and typically, movies don't even move me.
 Biggest cop out reply ever. Leave to this dude to mark boundaries on discussion in an internet forum so it can meet his agenda. It's not even like the thread took a huge turn and is about Sports. It's actual discussion about themes from the film that MM attacks.

Would you rather have this thread be about the quality of the audio or the cinematography of the documentary? B please...

On the other hand, all the points you've mentioned so far, I agree with. You're just a bit childish and immature for this thread, even on NT.

Eh whatever.

waste of post, bandwidth, and pixels.

you honestly didn't even say #!%#, but call me out of my name (which would get you slapped in person), and say you agree with me....

i know you do, its only logical.

i asked for peoples thoughts about the movie....not their thoughts about capitalism vs. socialism or communism.....

had you, or they, actually seen the film i asked for commentary on, then you know the discussion wouldnt be about the defense of capitalism, instead, it would be discussing the overall themes of the film...

i.e. self-responsibility, cooperation, REAL american values, the people vs. the corporations, the molestation of our legal system and government, the corporate raping of our legislation and labor (which is taxed, then given to banks so that the market cant determine their future), etc.

not "hey, capitalism sucks bad......lets compare it to communism"

yo, don't bother responding back...youll just waste more pixels giving me some long winded paragraph explaining how you agree with me.....crumb
waste of post, bandwidth, and pixels.

You see how easy that was?
You're the only person here who really knows what their talking about.

Capitalism is the best economic system out there. It's not perfect, but it is hands down the best. Unfortunately, government has diluted the Free Market system and taken advantage of their powers thus, destroying the true definition of Capitalism. Today, we no longer live in a truly capitalistic society. Capitalism and the free market have helped Japan and Hong Kong (now even communist China, because they have adopted capitalistic economic beliefs, contrary to political belief) grow exponentially.

When people are trading freely and striving to succeed in a capitalistic society two things happen. The quality of life improves for all and the competition for your dollar forces manufacturers/businesses/sellers to create better products/services/etc for cheaper prices. In the end, we do win. It isn't until government steps in that we lose the freedom of free enterprise.

After watching Moore, get the story from the other side of the spectrum by watching Milton Friedman. That man's theories will blow your mind. 
You're the only person here who really knows what their talking about.

Capitalism is the best economic system out there. It's not perfect, but it is hands down the best. Unfortunately, government has diluted the Free Market system and taken advantage of their powers thus, destroying the true definition of Capitalism. Today, we no longer live in a truly capitalistic society. Capitalism and the free market have helped Japan and Hong Kong (now even communist China, because they have adopted capitalistic economic beliefs, contrary to political belief) grow exponentially.

When people are trading freely and striving to succeed in a capitalistic society two things happen. The quality of life improves for all and the competition for your dollar forces manufacturers/businesses/sellers to create better products/services/etc for cheaper prices. In the end, we do win. It isn't until government steps in that we lose the freedom of free enterprise.

After watching Moore, get the story from the other side of the spectrum by watching Milton Friedman. That man's theories will blow your mind. 
i still havent been given real-world examples of the practice of neither democratic socialism nor democratic communism...

Wow, are you serious? What do you think Europe is? The whole European Union is a Democratic Socialists, and Democratic Communism can't exist. Reason being, Communism deals with a "stateless" society, which means no government at all. At least that's what Marx implied.

i mean, since yall seem to think capitalism is so much better, please, show me the governments/countries that practice it, so we can compare those countries to capitalist countries...i mean, those countries must be 4th world, right? they're operating on such an inferior economic/political concept.

Off the top of my head, Hong Kong does very good for themselves. They aren't perfect, but they have the most economic freedom on the planet. Unemployment is low, easy to start a business, contracts are strongly enforced with Rule of Law, private property is secure.

In reality, the Free Market cannot work to its full potential with government present. Government and big business cannot control themselves. Big business hates Capitalism because they can fail, governments hate Capitalism because they can't control the means of production.

btw, government shouldnt be capitalistically run, either...

Agreed. They cannot coexist, some libertarians will disagree, but I'm on the "extreme" side I guess you can say.
i still havent been given real-world examples of the practice of neither democratic socialism nor democratic communism...

Wow, are you serious? What do you think Europe is? The whole European Union is a Democratic Socialists, and Democratic Communism can't exist. Reason being, Communism deals with a "stateless" society, which means no government at all. At least that's what Marx implied.

i mean, since yall seem to think capitalism is so much better, please, show me the governments/countries that practice it, so we can compare those countries to capitalist countries...i mean, those countries must be 4th world, right? they're operating on such an inferior economic/political concept.

Off the top of my head, Hong Kong does very good for themselves. They aren't perfect, but they have the most economic freedom on the planet. Unemployment is low, easy to start a business, contracts are strongly enforced with Rule of Law, private property is secure.

In reality, the Free Market cannot work to its full potential with government present. Government and big business cannot control themselves. Big business hates Capitalism because they can fail, governments hate Capitalism because they can't control the means of production.

btw, government shouldnt be capitalistically run, either...

Agreed. They cannot coexist, some libertarians will disagree, but I'm on the "extreme" side I guess you can say.
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