Most Disappointing Video Game of 2011?

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and it's really not even close. 
MW3 isnt the worst but the spawns are terrible. The maps are small and unoriginal. Feels like you're playing in a box most of the time. Hinders the gameplay.
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

MW3 isnt the worst but the spawns are terrible. The maps are small and unoriginal. Feels like you're playing in a box most of the time. Hinders the gameplay.


I just don't get how people are saying Skyrim was disappointing. There is so much to do and explore.
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916


*waits for EA Sports basketball game*

Good look with that.

Until proven otherwise I have absolutely zero faith in EA Sports when it comes to making a quality NBA game, especially after the Elite 11 debacle.

They were on the right track with Live 10 but completely +%@+$+ that up.

My most dissapointing games are NCAA 12 and Madden 12.

Probably won't be picking up NCAA 13 until a few months after release if at all. By then the 1st patch should be out and maybe the 2nd patch to fix the problems cause by the first patch as well.
lol at MW3 comments!

knew it would be straight trash from the getgo. people dont listen.
Originally Posted by deFOBking

Originally Posted by Mac4167

I think the people who hate MW3 are the ones that get mad because there not any good, just my opinion though.


for me its between 2k12 and skyrim
Both of yall probably camp in corners and what is good? k/d should be taken out and SPM/tag captures put in
Originally Posted by prymone

i dont see how th emost played/bought game could be the worst
You don't? Have you seen what the most popular show on TV is? Heard the most popular song on the radio? 
But yeah, if it's popular it can't be bad.
na man i dont camp in mw3...i think all the ones complainin are the campers who still get horrible score lol seriously though mw3 is a game for rushin, u just cant explain tat u run around and mowin down ppl in sight
Just about every damn game that dropped this year.

MVC3 (lack of sooooo many characters)
MW3 (wack maps, campers)
LA Noire (no replay value)
Mafia 2 (no replay value, short)
NBA 2K12 (so many errors, its an unfinished game)
Madden (same +*@! every year)
Arkham City (too short of a main story)
Saints Row (so cheesy)

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Brink easy. I mean....EASY

I'm saying other game should be mentioned. Coaster status.

And I feel like dudes that are saying MW3 weren't going to give it much of a chance in the first place..but bought it anyway.
LA Noire disappointed the hell out of me. I was so excited for it and it was boring as +%*!
This thread brings up a real %$* issue to me...

Do you understand how hard it must be to be a video game creator AND keep your fans happy? This community has a TOUGH crowd. Very hard to please. A lot of nerds, for lack of better terms, and people that pay close attention to detail and notice every mistake. The graphics keep getting better and better, it costs more and more to produce games these days, and that means there's little room for error. If a game company fails a couple times, they usually end up dissolving or just failing. Look at what's happening to Hideo Kojimas team... That's a prime example. It's getting tougher and tougher to make successful video games, that keep kids happy, sells, detours piracy, etc etc et.

Respect and peace to video game teams.
Ya'll making me not want to get L.A. Noire lol. But to those who said Skyrim, I feel you but I disagree. It's pretty slow but there's just so much to do, people with multiple hundred of hours ain't lyin lol. BF3 is actually nice and different ( I still got MW3 though smh lol), 2k12's AI is mad difficult but I couldn't put the game down for a month. Overall, a very good year in gaming IMO, lots of good titles. Still looking forward to playing Uncharted 3 and Arkham City sometime next year
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