Most Influential Film In Your Life and Why?

Jan 24, 2005
What is the one film that had the most impact on your life in terms of life lessons/outlooks/perspectives...i don't mean you're #1 favorite movie, i mean whats the #1 film you learned something from? What film had the biggest effect on the way you think/act? What film gave you a new perspective on something that you applied to life? Why did it have that affect on you? 
For me? 


first saw it soon after i learned to play chess when i was younger...the way he planned his moves and timed his execution was 

i to this day approach life and my plan in it like a chess game...

not only do i strategize on my plan for success, but i also try to calculate the approach "the enemy" would take to put my life in "checkmate"...

may just be me, but this strategy works wonders in real life...

chess definitely teaches you how to think like your enemy, or think from a totally different perspective than your own in general, and seeing this movie showed me how to apply that strategy to real life situations...

definitely in my top 5 favorite movies of all time...

what's yours? 
Space Jam

i used to only want to play baseball as a youngster before i saw it, but afterwards and since all ive wanted to do is play basketball.
for some of those that posted responses, i'm interested in seeing WHAT exactly you took away from the movie that influenced your life...not just what movie...

Last Life in the Universe

Film is about an OCD suicidal loner with ties to the yakuza who meets some crazy Thai chick through unfortunate events and he becomes alive again. The story isn't what influenced me though, it's the mood of the film and the cinematography. I always feel like I'm hitting reset on my consciousness after I watch it. I watch it every year on Dec. 31 or Jan. 1.
The Matrix

It really put things into perspective.

In my world, at least, it made me realise a lot.
Back to the Future. It got me in Nikes in the first place (Marty 1985 shoes, not the Air Mags), and I learned how to swear for the first time from that film.
Only saw this movie relatively recently, but it knocked me out:


It's not for a Hollywood audience.
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