Most overrated NBA player today?

Not only is he undersized and underathletic, but he never passes, he forces shots, and holds up the offense, also he plays 0 D. But he might be the best well rounded player in the NBA. An argument can be made but he definitley may be.


just think about what you just said.
I think people are being kinda hard on the guy who called Kidd overrated. I wouldn't call him the most overrated player in the league today, but at thispoint in his career, it's pretty clear that people are hyping him up a little more than he should be.

Take his near triple-double average for instance. Everyone's pointing at it as the reason why Kidd just can't be overrated, but look at theefficiency at which he gets them and how he gets them. On the season, he's shooting a horrific 36.7%. I mean, really? Kidd's never been a highpercentage shooter, but 37% from the the floor is just absurd. To put that in perspective, everyone's been going on about how Durant's been shootingpoorly and taking such bad shots, but even he's been beating Kidd with his 40.2% from the field.

And then look at his turnovers, which are currently at 3.8 a game. That's over a full turnover per game more than last season. The only person in theleague who averages more is Wade, and Wade doesn't even have players of VC and RJ's caliber for opposing defenses to focus on. He's not taking careof the ball nearly as well as he should be.

The problem is that people are looking purely at his body of work over his career, and at just his plain numbers without evaluating them further. Whilehe's still very good, he's definitely not the player he once was. But that being said, I wouldn't vote for Kidd as the most overrated. He'sstill a top five point guard in the league. The way some of you guys are claiming that he's still the best though would make that guy's case forcalling Kidd the most overrated.

Personally, at this point, I think CP3, Nash, Deron, and Baron are above Kidd right now.

Oh, and
@ the guy who said Z-Bo has a better skill set than Boozer, Dirk, and KG.
Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Not only is he undersized and underathletic, but he never passes, he forces shots, and holds up the offense, also he plays 0 D. But he might be the best well rounded player in the NBA. An argument can be made but he definitley may be.


just think about what you just said.

by well rounded i mean that he might have the best overall offensive skill set in terms of outside shot, ability to take it to the hole, and to play in thepost. I never said he is that good though. Hes an idiot out there, therefore he dont pass, and he forces shots, but that still does not mean that he is supertalented on offense skillwise. And what does defense have to do with offense?

What i said makes perfect sense. He is one of the most talentented well rounded offensive pfs, but he is not elite cause he does some things terribly.
Gilbert Arenas

He is a entertaining scoring lead guard. THAT's it. He will never be the #1 option on a real contender. I love Gil but if he ain't scoring thenhe's almost worthless. He really has to work on focusing on other aspects of the game. I see every Wizards game and for every swaggerific game winner hehad was a 3-17 from the field 3 assists 0 rebounds night.


I just don't get it with this guy. He's surrounded by talent, he's soft, and he's extra soft. I respect his jumper but afterthat.....what's he really done?
^^to add on to that post,

although Zach aint as good as these dudes he might be the most well balanced scorer, not overall...

there are not too many pfs that have the post game that Z Bo does in the 1st vid at 18 seconds, that can also make long shots and 3s like Zach can as shown atthe 1st vid at 50 seconds. Zach's post game is nice and he is a great shooter and he can also take it to the rack like in the second vid.

I know he is not as good as these guys cause of all of which he sucks at, but scoring wise he is VERY nice. He may not even be top 10-15 PFs overall but as acomplete scorer, he might be the best.

Guys like Duncan and boozer may be able to post up like Zach can, but they cant hit the outside shots from that distance like he can, and guys like Dirk whocan do that cant really take it to the hoop and post up like Z Bo does. And an athletic dude like KG who is exceptional at taking it to the rack, is not asbalanced between the post game that Z Bo shines in and a long range jumper.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

by well rounded i mean that he might have the best overall offensive skill set in terms of outside shot, ability to take it to the hole, and to play in the post. I never said he is that good though. Hes an idiot out there, therefore he dont pass, and he forces shots, but that still does not mean that he is super talented on offense skillwise. And what does defense have to do with offense?

What i said makes perfect sense. He is one of the most talentented well rounded offensive pfs, but he is not elite cause he does some things terribly.

What kind of argument is that? In that case, I think Okur and Brad Miller have better offensive skill sets than that overrated Dwight Howard. Dwight Howardcan't pass or hit threes like Okur and Brad Miller can. Nevermind that Dwight does what he does better and more efficiently. His skill set isn't asgood and that's what counts.

C'mon now.

I just don't get it with this guy. He's surrounded by talent, he's soft, and he's extra soft. I respect his jumper but after that.....what's he really done?

Seriously? He's the best passer on that Mavs team, he's a good rebounder, and he's one of the better scorers in the league. If you really thinkthat all Dirk has is a jump shot then I really don't know what to say.
^^that is exactly why i never said he is one of the best pfs in the NBA, he is just one of the best scoring pfs in the NBA, and he might have the most completescoring game out of all the pfs in the NBA. He may not be that good overall, but Z bo can score.
i wouldnt say he's a bum. but he is overrated. he definitely should not have been put in the company of other 2 time MVPs
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Not only is he undersized and underathletic, but he never passes, he forces shots, and holds up the offense, also he plays 0 D. But he might be the best well rounded player in the NBA. An argument can be made but he definitley may be.


just think about what you just said.

by well rounded i mean that he might have the best overall offensive skill set in terms of outside shot, ability to take it to the hole, and to play in the post. I never said he is that good though. Hes an idiot out there, therefore he dont pass, and he forces shots, but that still does not mean that he is super talented on offense skillwise. And what does defense have to do with offense?

What i said makes perfect sense. He is one of the most talentented well rounded offensive pfs, but he is not elite cause he does some things terribly.

by well rounded do you mean the only things he can do? don't you think passing, and not clogging up the offense should be included in determiningsomeone's basketball skill set? because he clearly lacks those.
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Clearly you're on drugs. Please, please elaborate...

And it's clear some of you have never watched Zach Randolph outside of some highlights. Dude is as offensively talented as ANY PF in the NBA, now I'mnot saying he's the best PF in basketball or he's not a selfish non-defending S.O.B. but as far as offensive talent he can compete with anyone...sopause all the
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Ben Wallace ain't overrated he's just overpaid.
Isn't compensation part of most people's criteria for "overrated"?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Name me one guy in the NBA that can have the outside shot that he has, the ability to take it inside, and his post game.
Rasheed, Duncan, Garnett, Boozer, Dirk...
Elton Brand, Jermaine O'Neal... Your view of Randolph is real delusional.
you're kidding right, there is no way that averaging 13 ppg and shooting 37% in playing only 49 games is Quentin Richardson's best season... not by a longshot buddy.

13/7 on 41% from the floor....37% from 3pt range.....I think considering all the ball hogs on the Knicks and all the BS that goes on surrounding that team, itcould arguably be his best year as a pro....he's had a good 2nd year in LA, and a nice year in Phoenix...but those were way more cohesive teams than whatis routinely on the floor for the Knicks....
people who hate on zach randolph probably have not taken the time to actually watch him play...very few saw him in portland. I agree w/ EVERYTHING thegr8t hassaid about zach..

20/10 is 20/10...zach is a monster in the paint and he can knock down the open shot. He's one of the few (if not the only) PF w/ a soft touch who stillmixes it up and bangs in the post on the regular..

he's a great rebounder who's motor runs non stop and grabs rebounds w/o being a high flyer..

imagine z-bo's numbers if he was in new orleans instead of david west...if he can ever get a pg who can get him the ball like duncan, amare, boozer anddavid west, he'd avg 25 and 10...easy..

no, he's not a great defensive player and he rarely looks to pass...LATELY he's been making the extra pass..
20/10 is 20/10

Nope. Then how come KG's 20/10 this year makes him an MVP candidate and "Z-Bo" putting up numbers in Portland didn't even get him an All-Starinvite?

He scores the ball (on bad teams nonetheless) but that doesn't even make him a great offensive player (bad shots, poor passer - doesn't make anybodyaround him better), and we're not even talking about his inabilities on the other end of the floor. I could name at-least a dozen PFs I would rather haveon my squad, CP3 is better off with David West.
JayDubH11 wrote:
Nope. Then how come KG's 20/10 this year makes him an MVP candidate and "Z-Bo" putting up numbers in Portland didn't even get him an All-Star invite?

It's simple...KG is winning...he wasnt an MVP candidate last year when he was losing. Z-Bo will never get an invite as long as he's on a bad team..

Yes, he does have a "motor" else does he have games of 15+ rebounds when he's never above the rim? you can't avg as many offensive rebounds as he does w/o being active..
The question was rhetorical and the offensive rebounds are his own misses
*Nitzski - The quote was "20/10 is 20/10", my refutal was 20/10 on a contender is A LOT different than 20/10 on a lottery team. You really thinkRandolph could put up 20/10 anywhere? I don't. I didn't realize so many people on NT had all this love for Randolph. Looks like we found a winner.
Originally Posted by JayDubH11

20/10 is 20/10

Nope. Then how come KG's 20/10 this year makes him an MVP candidate and "Z-Bo" putting up numbers in Portland didn't even get him an All-Star invite?

He scores the ball (on bad teams nonetheless) but that doesn't even make him a great offensive player (bad shots, poor passer - doesn't make anybody around him better), and we're not even talking about his inabilities on the other end of the floor. I could name at-least a dozen PFs I would rather have on my squad, CP3 is better off with David West.

Are you really using this as your argument? I mean seriously, think about this and then edit...
There are soooooo many flaws in this argument. #1 thefans vote for 5 of the 12 players on the all-star time, and I think it's safe to say that alot of the time they get it wrong, it's a popularitycontest...2nd until recently the West was stacked with all-star caliber Forwards: Duncan, Garnett,Zach, Brand, Dirk, Amare, Marion, Melo,Boozer,Rashard Lewis,Pao, J. Howard the list goes on... arguably any one of those guys could have gotten the spot at any given time.
Someone's going to get left off, just as some deserving guards will get snubbed in the West this year because it's stacked...

Garnett was always an MVP candidate, it's just that he's playing with 2 other all-stars, on one of the most storied franchises who have been awful forthe past few years and all of a sudden have the best record in the league. Has nothing to do with the sheer fact that's he's 20/10.

Zach Randolph can put up 20 and 10 anywhere please believe that, and like someone else said if you actually watched him play you'd know that, it's justhe has other shortcomings in his game that makes him undesirable...
*Nitzski - I was just saying it is a lot easier to get numbers on poor teams and I think that is a viable point. The quote was "20/10 is 20/10", my refutal was 20/10 on a contender is A LOT different than 20/10 on a lottery team. You really think Randolph could put up 20/10 anywhere? I don't. I didn't realize so many people on NT have all this love for Randolph. Looks like we found a winner.
Agreed 110%. 46% for a guy that makes his living on the blocks is extremely inefficient. Like said, he's not a good passer, he's a blackhole when the ball comes his way, he takes bad shots, he turns the ball over a lot... I really don't agree with the assertion that he's an extremelyactive and great rebounder, either. But again, I'll agree to disagree.
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