Most Racist tweets during Obama's speech at da National Convention courtesy of Complex

It's really sad that there are still ignorant and dumb people who think just because someone skin color is a different from their own they think they are less of a person or not even a person in some cases .
not everyone learns something like racism from their parents or immediate family. It's kinda like you guys who are atheiests with religious parents. Where did you learn to be atheist?
Eh not even shocked.

I don't know why people even get pissed at this stuff knowing damn well none of these people will pop off in person.
The only people that should be shocked are the ones who live in the idealistic America where racial issues don't exist. For those who live in the real world, this isn't surprising at all. Racism's alive and well folks. We'll never make progress while we continue to pretend it isn't.
Why wasn't there a thread about the slurs made towards Mia Love on twitter and her wikipedia page after the Republican National Convention?

Oh wait, I guess I already answered that question...
Not shocked. These days, I'm not even sure if it's purely racism driven or to cause an internet firestorm...with threads like this made. People starve for attention and go through desperate measures to get it, even on the internet. But chances are, the racism is real. Nevertheless, what can you do as a black man in America, but keep this in the back of your mind?

And shame on you all who missed MMG's joke @ Ninjahood....that flew right over people's heads.
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