Most Random Thing You Have Said/Done While Drunk

- asked the bouncer obviusly like a drunk a**hole if the girls who wants us inside the bar are good enough to f**k, because all of them was f**ck*n ugly, he said it's just fine and way better than to get laid with a girl with a d*ck...

- saying stupid war revolutionary things while walking to patrolling police officers and totally humiliating the chicks walking with us..

- can't remember anything (this is the worst thing that can happen to you),  i remember i was drinking with my chick and the next thing you know i was in my room passed out...i was like, how in the hell did i get here?

- probably this weekend when i go on vacation.  

so many else, but can't remember....
Walked 15 miles.

dumbest thing ever.
My boy last month made out with a guy because someone questioned his sexuality. So dude walked over, tongued this guy down and walked back over to these girls and said nah I'm not into that. A week later dude says he's Bi. To each their own i guess.
My boy last month made out with a guy because someone questioned his sexuality. So dude walked over, tongued this guy down and walked back over to these girls and said nah I'm not into that. A week later dude says he's Bi. To each their own i guess.
Originally Posted by INS

My boy last month made out with a guy because someone questioned his sexuality. So dude walked over, tongued this guy down and walked back over to these girls and said nah I'm not into that. A week later dude says he's Bi. To each their own i guess.
Why do I sense your just trolling? Randomest thing I ever did was probably going to bk with my boys and started running around the parking lot speaking gibberish they started clowning and next thing you know my boy pulls out the drive through and just keeps going straight into a wall 
Originally Posted by INS

My boy last month made out with a guy because someone questioned his sexuality. So dude walked over, tongued this guy down and walked back over to these girls and said nah I'm not into that. A week later dude says he's Bi. To each their own i guess.
Why do I sense your just trolling? Randomest thing I ever did was probably going to bk with my boys and started running around the parking lot speaking gibberish they started clowning and next thing you know my boy pulls out the drive through and just keeps going straight into a wall 
Originally Posted by proper english

me & my homegirl chillin'.. drunk:
her: youre hella drunk huh? yea, me too.. too bad im on my period.

me: wait, lol, wut?

her: oh nothing.. nvm.. hehe.. *walks back to her BF*


buzz, gone.. my emotions that entire night: 

edit: most random thing IVE done: break dance with street performers.. woke up the next day w/ bruises all over my body and sore wrists 
Originally Posted by proper english

me & my homegirl chillin'.. drunk:
her: youre hella drunk huh? yea, me too.. too bad im on my period.

me: wait, lol, wut?

her: oh nothing.. nvm.. hehe.. *walks back to her BF*


buzz, gone.. my emotions that entire night: 

edit: most random thing IVE done: break dance with street performers.. woke up the next day w/ bruises all over my body and sore wrists 
So many stories back in my college days.

- Ended up army crawling in the hallway of my apartment building all the way to the next building.

- After I got drunk, I blazed up with some peeps on our balcony, and then jumped from the second story. (Successful jump, nothing broken or hurt amazingly). I didnt even remember that.

- Wrestled with a buddy and ended up powerbombing him. Neither of us remembered the powerbomb. He had a bruised shoulder for 2 weeks. Lol.

- Walked up to my roomate's girlfriend and told her she was scrumdidlyuptious (Flanders) and licked the whole side of her face, bottom to top. (Didn't remember either, apparently it was hilarious)

Ah, I miss college.
So many stories back in my college days.

- Ended up army crawling in the hallway of my apartment building all the way to the next building.

- After I got drunk, I blazed up with some peeps on our balcony, and then jumped from the second story. (Successful jump, nothing broken or hurt amazingly). I didnt even remember that.

- Wrestled with a buddy and ended up powerbombing him. Neither of us remembered the powerbomb. He had a bruised shoulder for 2 weeks. Lol.

- Walked up to my roomate's girlfriend and told her she was scrumdidlyuptious (Flanders) and licked the whole side of her face, bottom to top. (Didn't remember either, apparently it was hilarious)

Ah, I miss college.
I do a lot of dumb/random things when I'm drunk. Recently I burned my finger on a black and mild and got a blister bubble type thing, when we left the club I was yelling to my boy, "You wish you had this on your finger, you're not as real as me!"

Last week I stole this guys sunglasses in the club, I have NO idea why, I don't even want them at all.
Friday night, was at a party where I didn't even know the host, raided his pantry and took a giant bag of cookies, opened them up and shared them with people but didn't eat any myself
I do a lot of dumb/random things when I'm drunk. Recently I burned my finger on a black and mild and got a blister bubble type thing, when we left the club I was yelling to my boy, "You wish you had this on your finger, you're not as real as me!"

Last week I stole this guys sunglasses in the club, I have NO idea why, I don't even want them at all.
Friday night, was at a party where I didn't even know the host, raided his pantry and took a giant bag of cookies, opened them up and shared them with people but didn't eat any myself
i walked for about 6 hours one night. left the bar with some girls i met there. we went to someones house but then decided we were hungry so we're on the way to white castle and for some reason i decide to jump out... so now Im pretty much blacked out and i have no idea where i am. I just started walking and walking, i tried to grab a bike off a pole but I couldnt get it up high enough over the pole. there was no sign on it for some reason but I got scared and ran off anyway. Then I walked some more, til I actually found somewhere I recognized. I ended up about 10 miles away from my house... So I walk a little bit then decide to to wait for a bus, that took about 20 minutes, ended up downtown and had to wait 15 minutes for the lightrail so I could take that home. i left the bar at 2 and ended up getting home at 8. to top it off, i was still drunk and ended up going to old country buffet breakfast right after that
i walked for about 6 hours one night. left the bar with some girls i met there. we went to someones house but then decided we were hungry so we're on the way to white castle and for some reason i decide to jump out... so now Im pretty much blacked out and i have no idea where i am. I just started walking and walking, i tried to grab a bike off a pole but I couldnt get it up high enough over the pole. there was no sign on it for some reason but I got scared and ran off anyway. Then I walked some more, til I actually found somewhere I recognized. I ended up about 10 miles away from my house... So I walk a little bit then decide to to wait for a bus, that took about 20 minutes, ended up downtown and had to wait 15 minutes for the lightrail so I could take that home. i left the bar at 2 and ended up getting home at 8. to top it off, i was still drunk and ended up going to old country buffet breakfast right after that
Originally Posted by Zero 0123

 - Walked up to my roomate's girlfriend and told her she was scrumdidlyuptious (Flanders) and licked the whole side of her face, bottom to top. (Didn't remember either, apparently it was hilarious)

Ah, I miss college.

This past weekend there was a fire alarm at my apartment complex at like 3 AM. I don't remember any of this, but I moved a chair from the kitchen table to underneath our fire alarm so I could stop the noise. I ended up yanking off the smoke detector completely. As this was happening my roommate walked in. He asked me what I was doing and apparently I said, "What? You don't hear that" then proceeded to fall off the chair onto the ground pretty hard. No more OG 4 Lokos for me anymore.
Originally Posted by Zero 0123

 - Walked up to my roomate's girlfriend and told her she was scrumdidlyuptious (Flanders) and licked the whole side of her face, bottom to top. (Didn't remember either, apparently it was hilarious)

Ah, I miss college.

This past weekend there was a fire alarm at my apartment complex at like 3 AM. I don't remember any of this, but I moved a chair from the kitchen table to underneath our fire alarm so I could stop the noise. I ended up yanking off the smoke detector completely. As this was happening my roommate walked in. He asked me what I was doing and apparently I said, "What? You don't hear that" then proceeded to fall off the chair onto the ground pretty hard. No more OG 4 Lokos for me anymore.
- got wasted in the city around NYU buildings....met some Jewish kids and told em how much I hated them (not them but these jewish people I use to work for), but bc I was drunk they got the blame.....and then ended up racing a few of them in a relay race with my boy....on the final run I over stepped, kept on running trying to catch myself, only to fall face first. Left damning them all to hell....

- Pre gamed at two parties and then went to beer garden drunk for a friends bday...ended up grabbing my homegirl's backside all nite (from what she told me) and some how feel on my face I guess trying to sit down and had a huge scab on my forehead for about a week  

- a few days ago for my boys b day....pre gamed at my boys house and 
pimp.gif the time I got to the bar, I was gone....later was outside and everyone was telling me to tie my sneakers (had some sneakers i X looped so the laces were hella long) because we were going in and could not do it....still went in with them semi-tied (BOSS)...only to yak inside....after that got into a covo with some chick telling her "who gonna touch me, nobody" 
.....some how got to my boys house chilled for alil to gather myself, left and blacked out once i got outside....ended up walking about an hour and a half the wrong way and when I came to...ended up walking to Main St. cuz i didnt want to just jump on the bus (not bout that life
) got home at like 10 in the morning but I wished I knew what time I left my boys crib

- my boy said he got 6min worth of recording of me talking nonsense....will be listening to it once I get my income tax to cop some heavy 
 at myself
- got wasted in the city around NYU buildings....met some Jewish kids and told em how much I hated them (not them but these jewish people I use to work for), but bc I was drunk they got the blame.....and then ended up racing a few of them in a relay race with my boy....on the final run I over stepped, kept on running trying to catch myself, only to fall face first. Left damning them all to hell....

- Pre gamed at two parties and then went to beer garden drunk for a friends bday...ended up grabbing my homegirl's backside all nite (from what she told me) and some how feel on my face I guess trying to sit down and had a huge scab on my forehead for about a week  

- a few days ago for my boys b day....pre gamed at my boys house and 
pimp.gif the time I got to the bar, I was gone....later was outside and everyone was telling me to tie my sneakers (had some sneakers i X looped so the laces were hella long) because we were going in and could not do it....still went in with them semi-tied (BOSS)...only to yak inside....after that got into a covo with some chick telling her "who gonna touch me, nobody" 
.....some how got to my boys house chilled for alil to gather myself, left and blacked out once i got outside....ended up walking about an hour and a half the wrong way and when I came to...ended up walking to Main St. cuz i didnt want to just jump on the bus (not bout that life
) got home at like 10 in the morning but I wished I knew what time I left my boys crib

- my boy said he got 6min worth of recording of me talking nonsense....will be listening to it once I get my income tax to cop some heavy 
 at myself
Originally Posted by Copp 2 Of Em

My birthday:

*throws up all over the urinal
Chick I was with was helping me the whole way through.
After I was done, she made sure I was clean and drank a glass of water...

then I said.. "b****, take me back to the dancefloor"...
Originally Posted by Copp 2 Of Em

My birthday:

*throws up all over the urinal
Chick I was with was helping me the whole way through.
After I was done, she made sure I was clean and drank a glass of water...

then I said.. "b****, take me back to the dancefloor"...
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