Movies Thread!!!

Originally Posted by BriaNiLLa

^ which of the best picture films are worth watching? currently haven't watch any of those..TIA

co-sign sir maxtempo on Inception... add The Fighter... True Grit... and Black Swan... they say The King's Speech is also a good one
thanks..will watch all of y'all suggestions...
Didn't feel like making a thread, but I just watched Hereafter...eughk. What a dry @!*, unmotivated, slow, boring, pretentious, blase, dull piece of should've been something. I thought I was gonna get an intelligent Lovely Bones or What Dreams May Come and maybe even mixed with some Sixth Sense.

No such thing. I regret the time I spent watching it, and understand how a Clint Eastwood movie just disappeared like it never happened. Even Flags of Our Fathers got some burn.
Dude's a regular in the General section, probably thought he was over there. But hey, this IS a movie thread.
since this thread is bumped again,

I suggest the guys from around ortigas center to try the new "digital theaters" in Podium.

damn, their new projectors are clean, like watching in a massive LED TV.

it was about time for an upgrade for podium.

we watched Rango there by the way.

(I'm a big johnny depp fan)
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