Movies You Wish You Could Change the Ending To!

The Mist was so hardcore, he smoked his kid and killed half the town thinking he was right..."The Mist" was a metaphor for his cloudy judgement andstubbornness....oooo it must've have stung sooo bad to see the black guy with the "WHAT?" face drive by on that army truck.
4 thumbs up wouldn't change a thing.

Now Quarantine and Cloverfield were douche juice with an umbrella straw
I liked how The Departed ended. Everyone got brutally shot in the face except Wahlberg

- Tical.
you guys would suck as film're doing wonderful hack-jobs on beautifully written screen plays


it's obvious who's under 15-16 and shouldn't have saw those movies without adult they could've explain to you the importance ofa good character "kill-off"
Damn Hardball had me

Chop Shop.. this indie film.. it was so dope then...

Titanic, Cloverfield, The Strangers was just dumb- the end was ridiculous though
Little Mermaid
If King Triton can turn Aerial human, he could have the powers to turn the dude into a mer-butler? Whatever the *&^% a guy mermaid is.
Plus she was only 16 man, so you know that marriage didn't last, and she can't even go back to her dad's kingdom.
InterSpecies relationships FTL.
The Mist had an awesome ending. Very bleak, very depressing. Most movies would have copped out and explained everything, and saved the little kid. This wasdifferent.
The Dark Knight, Aaron Echart confirmed that his character is dead. RIP Two Face.
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

spider man 3.

i actually wish i could change that whole movie...
One of the most disappointing movies I've seen.

Venom was a %+!+%, Sandman was an emotional wreck, Harry Osborn had some yellow $*+ teeth, and it should have been a "to be continued" type deal anyway. They tried to fit way too much into it.

Seriously I was really really disappointed.....Waited in line for a mediocre movie
I don't know if I agree with the people who said Cloverfield. I liked that ending, but I definitely think it was too short. That whole movie is an hour andten minutes. *!%?

Also, I'm surprised no one's mentioned Indiana Jones.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

The Mist had an awesome ending. Very bleak, very depressing. Most movies would have copped out and explained everything, and saved the little kid. This was different.

Word. I think the ending was the best part.
Originally Posted by abernja

Eagle Eye - Why did they have to hook up. Made the ending lame.

Oh and dude CLEARLY got shot in the chest, yet he had his arm in a sling. LOL come on hollywood. Dude was getting pumped with bullets in his chest.
Yeah why did they hook up that chick was way older than him.

And to this day I still don't understand how he didn't die from the bullet shots. But I think his arm was in a sling is because when he was shot hefell off the table and broke his arm.

It was still a great movie though.
^ The only thing that could've happened was since he was in police gear he could've had on a bullet proof vest. IDK though. He got pumped like 5 timesin the chest. That girl was a good 10 yrs older than his character.

Agreed - Movie was still good.
Scarface... damn Tony Montana took all them shots and then gets blasted in the back

I am Legend --- wudafux
Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Heat - obvious reasons
Boyz `N Da Hood- RIP Ricky....

First movie I thought of when I saw the title

Deniro on the his girl, plane tickets an all his money, but at the last second decided to get off the freeway to go after some worthless lildude... that was one of the most unbelieveable things I've ever seen in a movie
Originally Posted by bmorekicks

Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Heat - obvious reasons
Boyz `N Da Hood- RIP Ricky....

First movie I thought of when I saw the title

Deniro on the his girl, plane tickets an all his money, but at the last second decided to get off the freeway to go after some worthless lil dude... that was one of the most unbelieveable things I've ever seen in a movie
But still the mutual respect between Deniro and Pacino at the end was one of the best scenes in movie history
The movie that year should have won the Academy Award.
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