Mr looooonelyyyy vol. She turned the tables like a motha$#@&!%

Sep 21, 2008
Me and wifey well ex wifey broke it off what seems like for goodIt all started when "truthgetsbusy" (think that's his name) started a thread about his chick not wanting to workout, turns out I was having the same problems
read through the thread and formulated a way to tell her that her lazy habits got to change or else our relationship gunna suffer in the most respectful way possible...she took it OD hard as if I beat her mom in front of her and told her to deal with it, couldn't believe it...all the little references to me on her fb are gone, its like she went from literally loving and adoring me to the highest and the next second it was like she was acting like she had me on a string, example: not returning texts, acting like she got no time for me, its all things that point to having some other dude in the picture
...last night she told me she didn't know if she wanted to work things out between us and that at this point she think we shouldn't talk...after a year of being together doing this long distance thing, life done took a 180, don't know what to do, don't really got friends, the party scene in Boston being under 21 is weak, I workout on the daily pretty much...this is wild, mind=blown on this whole situationCliffsI told my girl her lazy habits needed to changeShe took it unexpectedly really hardSound like she wanna break it off for goodBeen together for a bit over a yearSimping, #feelsbatman End of vent...needed to get that off
Me and wifey well ex wifey broke it off what seems like for goodIt all started when "truthgetsbusy" (think that's his name) started a thread about his chick not wanting to workout, turns out I was having the same problems
read through the thread and formulated a way to tell her that her lazy habits got to change or else our relationship gunna suffer in the most respectful way possible...she took it OD hard as if I beat her mom in front of her and told her to deal with it, couldn't believe it...all the little references to me on her fb are gone, its like she went from literally loving and adoring me to the highest and the next second it was like she was acting like she had me on a string, example: not returning texts, acting like she got no time for me, its all things that point to having some other dude in the picture
...last night she told me she didn't know if she wanted to work things out between us and that at this point she think we shouldn't talk...after a year of being together doing this long distance thing, life done took a 180, don't know what to do, don't really got friends, the party scene in Boston being under 21 is weak, I workout on the daily pretty much...this is wild, mind=blown on this whole situationCliffsI told my girl her lazy habits needed to changeShe took it unexpectedly really hardSound like she wanna break it off for goodBeen together for a bit over a yearSimping, #feelsbatman End of vent...needed to get that off
At least you didn't get married to her. Imagine if you said it then. You'd be sleeping at a men's shelter while the dude in the picture is wearing your drawers while going through your fridge.
At least you didn't get married to her. Imagine if you said it then. You'd be sleeping at a men's shelter while the dude in the picture is wearing your drawers while going through your fridge.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

there's another dude.
Yup. Classic scenario.  
OP, just do your own thing and concentrate on you. This is the time to take on a new sport or hobby.  Work out. Play video games, spend time with old friends and/or family, take a class, learn a new skill... etc. And definitely you have to set your mind to forget her and chase after females. Offline, online, dating sites, whatever... now is the time to go buck wild and enjoy your freedom. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

there's another dude.
Yup. Classic scenario.  
OP, just do your own thing and concentrate on you. This is the time to take on a new sport or hobby.  Work out. Play video games, spend time with old friends and/or family, take a class, learn a new skill... etc. And definitely you have to set your mind to forget her and chase after females. Offline, online, dating sites, whatever... now is the time to go buck wild and enjoy your freedom. 
Welp first off your under 21 and in a long distance relationship? you dodged a bullet breh...

2nd of all, if it was that easy for her to do a complete 180 on you like that, what yall had wasn't really love anyways...

go out and have fun, be young
Welp first off your under 21 and in a long distance relationship? you dodged a bullet breh...

2nd of all, if it was that easy for her to do a complete 180 on you like that, what yall had wasn't really love anyways...

go out and have fun, be young
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