MTV The Challenge season 27: Bloodlines Fall/Winter 2015

I'm not defending what Cara Maria did, but she is in a really bad place with Abram, and in no way did she "apologize" for her actions. Instead, she did enough damage control to make sure Abram didn't actually kill someone. This is what Cara Maria said to her bloodline when they were sitting on the bed:

“I just don’t want to be with him anymore. I was gonna leave him when I got home from this. We’ve broken up so many times. It’s just an unhealthy relationship. Like, I’m so glad I have you. God, I wish he never came.”

THAT is unhealthy.

Also, the way Abram very calmly told her what she was going to do in order to atone for her actions is exactly what a manipulative person would do. Instead of working through the problem, he basically said "here's what you're going to do for ME." Problem solved, right! No. She even admitted that her goal was to prevent Abram from flying off the handle (which he ended up doing anyway, when he turned into Psycho Abe at the vote and the elimination).

She's effing terrified of the guy, and doesn't know how to break away.
You falling for Cara Maria's act.

I believe she wants to dump him but all this our relationship is unhealthy and she's terrified of him is a damn illusion.
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You're letting Cara's act fool you. When it comes to women you have to take into account the timing of these emotional confessions/outbursts. Cara was salty because Thomas was eliminated, and she wish he never came because she had to stop carrying on like a school girl with a crush. Cara's entire demeanor switched when Abram sowed up because she couldn't carry on like she was doing before he got there.
:lol: @ "basic psychology"

Tell us more of your insights and analyzation about a couple's relationship from watching and edited contest reality show.

I don't think Cara's just fooling you but the show sensationalism is as well.
I've never seen this uncut version before. Awesome!


Mannnn, you've got me on a RR/RW/Challenge binge the past hour or 2 after watching that :lol:

The beginning of Abe, damn I still remember watching this live. Start it at ~9:10 if you dont want to watch the full thing

I'd love to see Donnell on one of these challenges :lol:
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Tomy on the low was the MVP of the first quarter of the season. He came off the bench putting up shots! I hope they invite him back in the future.
It's like what's left of the 90s era in the nba, almost extinct, same with the old heads of the challenges now.
If that list holds true, I hope MTV wises up, cancels The Real World along with these challenges, and starts re-airing all the seasons from the 90's. None of those cast members have the kinda personalities that can hold viewers for sustained amounts of time. It's run its course.
Don't think it's terrible and idk how none of the new people are. The are u the one cast could be live idk, hope the females get live tho
totally forgot to record bloodlines! any leads to a link/websitw that has all the episodes? Thanks in advanced!
Abe is crazy hyped, not at all abusive.
He was more getting amped and going high energy for his bro than actually angry yelling at him.
Son is a straight shooter, far from manipulative. He straight up told Cara Maria that if it was like how she said, massages & egg sandwiches, the whole Tom thing ain't no thang, then she wouldn't have a problem voting him in.
When she protested, son didn't push it, but waited the next day to expose the twins that they really didn't have Cara's back like he did.
Somehow, Cara Maria proving Bill Burr's anti-women theories to be true, tried to spin all her problems, which she absolutely made herself, on Abe.
If his side was really unhealthy, dude would've been slapped both Tom & Cara Maria a long time ago.
Cara Maria is not intimidated like a battered woman, that's more the look of guilt & shame.
Broad got caught and knows it, she's just waiting for DJ Khaled to congratulate her on playing herself.
dmbrhs dmbrhs , you should replace Jamie as Cara Maria's bloodline the way you're caping for her.

I respect your emphasis or value on human psychology, but you're significantly overanalyzing the situation IMO.
averey :pimp:
nothing else matters.
averey :smokin

they might as well invite zuri hall and da camera people at this point.

ol girl thought she was gonna get some new meat and eat it too with no consequences, now she wants to paint herself as da victim? :rolleyes
Averey wasn't even the best in her season. Matter of fact, she was third. Joi and Jessica > Averey


joi was on for one episode, ol girl doesn't exist and lolololol ha ha at cry baby jess being better than da queen

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Nah Joi was on for like 3, and they are an hour long, so in old school RW days she that equals 6
wiki says three but she was so underwhelming it seems like just 10 minutes of air time.
It was all about da queen averey, her dog, and that hurricane nia fluff that turned into just bark and no bite.
I don't know or remember who that Joi chick is but she fine :evil: :pimp:

If that list holds true, I hope MTV wises up, cancels The Real World along with these challenges, and starts re-airing all the seasons from the 90's. None of those cast members have the kinda personalities that can hold viewers for sustained amounts of time. It's run its course.
How would canceling the Challenge and RW then re-airing old eps be wise? :lol: This is just something you'd like to happen man :lol:

You think that's gonna do the same ratings as a new show/season?

Their problem for some time now has been who they've been choosing for new Real World seasons and having to compete with crazy personalities on other reality shows.
The cast for the next Challenge (not sure how legit this is but looks like RW/RR people are becoming extinct)
:lol: Damn, guess it's Johnny's, Wes', and Sarah's challenge to lose minus any crazy twists by TJ or if the newbies smarten up and get rid of the veterans.

They really went back to that Bloodlines well to fill out that cast with all of these Are You the One ppl :lol:
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:lol: Damn, guess it's Johnny's, Wes', and Sarah's challenge to lose minus any crazy twists by TJ or if the newbies smarten up and get rid of the veterans.

I'd add Leroy and Corey to that list.
As far as head figures those 2 guys are always focused on as favorites. Sarah has shown she's just as big a liar and manipulator her last few challenges.

Leroy is a dark horse choice. Going in eliminations constantly won't phase him. Has all the tools to win but usually gets screwed by a partner. Plus he doesn't play the game. It's no surprise if he makes it to the final. It's just if he can win it.

I don't see it with Corey. I haven't seen dude in a long time.
The cast for the next Challenge (not sure how legit this is but looks like RW/RR people are becoming extinct)

It's legit. Vevmo had the cast months ago, including info on a replacement. Just don't scroll too far because there are elimination spoilers.

As for lack of RW/RR people, keep in mind that half the Challenge casts were RR people, and that show hasn't been on the air since 2007. That's almost a decade. They have to have more than just RW casts to recruit from. Think of it as AYTO replacing RR for the talent pool. I mean, they could reboot RR, but then ya'll would just complain about the new people from that because they're not old school people. Nostalgia is nice and everything, but Bunim/Murray has been smart about increasing the talent pool and developing new rivalries and factions.

This season has been great so far, and a Rivals season with all these new folks is going to be good. Also, can't wait to watch the Ashley train wreck.
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