MTV The Challenge season 27: Bloodlines Fall/Winter 2015

I like Jenn because she was loose cannon and brought entertainment value to the show. Don't necessarily think she's one of the best looking ones, but I guarantee she's an animal in bed.

As far as Cara, I always thought she was gorgeous.
yall remember Emily from season 2 of Road rules.

she lived in my town, and I use to see her at my gym.
I watched her season but in my head i was like. naw she doesn't live her so I use to give her that creepy gym stare....

then one day one of the managers was like yea that's her. i was going to go in speak the next day. never saw her again.... :smh:

Cara used to vlog on her Youtube channel. If you watch a few of her videos you'll be quickly turned off. One of the most vapid girls I've seen. She was down to earth and humble on her season of Road Rules. Then she got invited to the Playboy mansion and got gassed. I remember on the Challenges she would drink wine with Susie and she basically said she was only there to maintain her TV presence. She was coming off all the Playboy stuff. She has a kid now and I think she owns a boutique. I know she had to have knocked up a sugar daddy.
I don't ever remember Zach winning a challenge.

When did that happen? :nerd:

He won the very first one he was on lol. Battle of the Seasons. San Diego dominated. He beasted in the final. He peaked early though.
Like won as in got first place?

I vaguely remember Battle of the Seasons and don't remember who won. If only MTV had this on demand so I could refresh my memory.
I never liked Jen.
Shorty was so far below AWG (SFBAWG), I couldn't stand how much she was always feelin herself.
Jenn >>>>>> Jenna
And for all this talk, CT stays getting sent home when he sees an elimination chamber. His only memorable performance in one, he wasn't even a cast member.

Shouts to CT though. He's still my dude.

Huh? Only one memorable elimination? CT's fist always eliminated him. Off the top of ky head, he's taken 3 L's in an elimination round and 2 of them were flukey.

He smoked Brad in Duel 1 but lost on a technicality.

He smoked John & Tyler in Rivals but Adam threw the elimination

The loss to John in Free Agents was his onlt legit loss.

Cara was in a handful of challenges in the early 2000's has always been in my top 3

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Jenn and Tyler need to come back too, they always made things interesting

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Tyler's in one of my friend circles. I used to see him around but wasn't boys with him or anything. (Frank and a couple other cats too tbh.)

As of 2012 I think Tyler was still trying to do a few with the plan of retiring (he's 32 now, wasn't really pursuing a profession at that time, and wasn't trying to be Johnny Bananas.)

Jenn I was trying to smash :lol:

I think she's wife'd up now somewhere and isn't doing any mtv parties or events anymore.
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The **** all I see is baby pics in that link :lol: :smh: Would not risk seeing CT for that.

As for battle of the seasons, I remember the teams but do not remember the final and saying Zach won is a bit bogus. That was a complete team event. The way it was said he won his first challenge made it sound like he was solo or just had one partner. I remember the seasons going against each other and losing members like crazy and San Diego was good enough not to take heavy losses.

At best Zach didn't let the rest of his partners down and was his usual self barking on females.

Anyway, guys like Tyler and Frank should be on challenges regularly. Angry gay dudes tended to be comedy. Jordans hold be a mainstay as well.
The **** all I see is baby pics in that link :lol: :smh: Would not risk seeing CT for that.

As for battle of the seasons, I remember the teams but do not remember the final and saying Zach won is a bit bogus. That was a complete team event. The way it was said he won his first challenge made it sound like he was solo or just had one partner. I remember the seasons going against each other and losing members like crazy and San Diego was good enough not to take heavy losses.

At best Zach didn't let the rest of his partners down and was his usual self barking on females.

Anyway, guys like Tyler and Frank should be on challenges regularly. Angry gay dudes tended to be comedy. Jordans hold be a mainstay as well.

Frank & Zack were verbally assaulting Sam (the little short lesbian boy) the whole way through the sand. Trishelle & the not gay guy who did gay porn dude came in 2nd place. The weirdo Brooklyn team of Chet, Devyn, the Swimmer & someone else came in 3rd. It was a weird season.
No. If you're talking about Cara Maria.

That's just a chick named Cara who I barely remember :lol:

The chick with the red hair in the pic with Jenn is Cara Maria.
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Frank & Zack were verbally assaulting Sam (the little short lesbian boy) the whole way through the sand. Trishelle & the not gay guy who did gay porn dude came in 2nd place. The weirdo Brooklyn team of Chet, Devyn, the Swimmer & someone else came in 3rd. It was a weird season.

Weird and kind of disappointing in a way. First, Sydney got replace early on, Then, I thought Vegas was a slam dunk until Alton exchanged his penis in for a vagina and basically quit. Maybe he did that vet move of just collecting a paycheck and eliminating himself, but Nany was LIVID because she was tied to him. All things being equal, Vegas probably should have won.
Isn't Coral the one who coined the term "Trashelle"?
That was either Coral or Aneesa.

has Coral and Aneesa been on a challenge together???
I feel like Coral only did one challenge. She wasn't ever that in to them.

I remember Aneesa beefing with Trishelle but I think it was Coral that coined the term.
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