MTV The Challenge season 27: Bloodlines Fall/Winter 2015

I mean why you caping for zach so hard? Pretty much everyone said he's a good athlete but is a dummy and will fade when the going gets tough.
yeah i think his name was tony, new cat got drunk fought with his brother. it was pretty pointless and they made up soon after.

the previews made it seem real brutal. ive never swung on my brother like that before.

any other key notes from ep 1 and ep 2?

and im sorry no sexy chicks this season. Kelly annes body is :smokin her face is :rolleyes
Tony hooked up with one of the AYTO girls while his girl at home was pregnant (I think she was pregnant at least)
I mean why you caping for zach so hard? Pretty much everyone said he's a good athlete but is a dummy and will fade when the going gets tough.

Cuz dude has won a challenge and this is the same stuff people said about Bananas and Lebron :lol:

"He's not any good." *wins chip* "well anyone can win one. It was his team show me another!" *makes multiple finals* "see! That just proves to me he's soft. Fades when the going gets tough!" *wins another challenge* "GOAT!"

Say what you want about him but the facts are he's been on the challenge 3 to 5 times and made the finals 2 or 3 of those times and no one wants to see him in any competition that isn't trivia. All I'm saying. Does he have the renown of CT? Nah. But aside from The Miz, Darrell, Wes or Alton that one season, whoever has in eliminations?

And for all this talk, CT stays getting sent home when he sees an elimination chamber. His only memorable performance in one, he wasn't even a cast member.

Shouts to CT though. He's still my dude.
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Yup. Cheating on your pregnant girl at home is near the top of scumbag behavior. On the after show he said they were working on their relationship.
1. im surprised she kept him, all she would've had to do was watch her season

2. yes biggest scumbag move ever. and she was cool to me.
oh how i mIss Rachel, Veronica and Coral :smokin

Coral still has the most memorable line in MTV history if you ask me.

Melissa: come on Coral let's wrestle

Coral: I dont wrestle, I beat ***'s up
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oh how i mIss Rachel, Veronica and Coral :smokin

Coral still has the most memorable line in MTV history if you ask me.

Melissa: come on Coral let's wrestle

Coral: I dont wrestle, I beat ***'s up

Nah, CT when he said he'd "pepper his sauce" to Stephen from RW Seattle. I can't remember the exact quote lol.
^ lol nah T that's not even close :lol:

The quote was "back in the day you'd already be knocked out."
oh how i mIss Rachel, Veronica and Coral :smokin

Coral still has the most memorable line in MTV history if you ask me.

Melissa: come on Coral let's wrestle

Coral: I dont wrestle, I beat ***'s up

I was actually thinking about that scene a few days ago. Wondering what happened to julie and what happened to coral's *******. I don't think coral ever got in a fight on any of these shows though. I think the last challenge she was on all the newbies were treating her like an old lady, it was sad to see.
Cara was in a handful of challenges in the early 2000's has always been in my top 3

Jenn and Tyler need to come back too, they always made things interesting
Cara was average during her rr season then out of nowhere she posed in playboy and looked a lot hotter.

Jen was cute but she had those drawn on eyebrows. I remember her playing adam. Felt bad for that guy.
I never liked Jen.
Shorty was so far below AWG (SFBAWG), I couldn't stand how much she was always feelin herself.
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