MTV The Challenge season 27: Bloodlines Fall/Winter 2015

Cara and her cousin are the strongest team left I think. Sucks that Abe didn't even get to participate in an elimination.
It's probably gonna come down to who punks out first in the final, Vince or Cara.
Yea the production team did not think out this years challenge very well. Every time has been anti climatic and you risk the good players being eliminated when they don't even perform in the pit.

Too many advantages and disadvantages for many teams throughout the season.

It has been poorly ran and they need to fix it immediately.
My ideal format would be every man for himself, with one guy and one girl being eliminated every episode. And the voting needs to be removed. Bottom two performers of each challenge compete against one another in the elimination.
My ideal format would be every man for himself, with one guy and one girl being eliminated every episode. And the voting needs to be removed. Bottom two performers of each challenge compete against one another in the elimination.

You would think it would be that easy to just do that format. That idea makes too much sense but like we said mtv wants that drama, alliance, and backstabbing with the voting.
Bananas is the ultimate manipulator or these people are really that dumb. :smh:
If they have to go into the final WITH their bloodline, Banana's is screwed.

I can see it now, an hour and a half episode filled with 43 minutes of Vince getting screamed at. Big Easy reincarnated right there man.

Dude couldn't swim the boxes, no way he has the lungs for climbs, and nothing has been competitively challenging endurance wise so far.

He's gotten in worse shape since he's been there
It's not a glitch. It's strategy :lol:

Nobody thinks much of Aneesa no matter what she says in one on one interviews.

Oh no I get that it is good strategy on her part in a sense but it's so garbage when it happens every week. And then when she eventually gets voted into the pit she's going to blow a gasket. I can't wait for it next week! The Anessa Meltdown.
Oh no I get that it is good strategy on her part in a sense but it's so garbage when it happens every week. And then when she eventually gets voted into the pit she's going to blow a gasket. I can't wait for it next week! The Anessa Meltdown.

Same way how Jenna cruised to the finals last season but to her defense she has been going to the pit three times this season and done well. She actually has proved her stay this season no doubt.
cory looks like he gets heatstroke next week.

Abe must be sick also with the way he kept trying to help his cheating gf.
Haven't watched any of this season, but who was it on a challenge a couple years ago that got pushed over in the sand and just laid on the ground like a sack of crap? Was a completely embarrassing way to go out on a challenge. It wasn't Leroy or Tyree, that's all I remember. Sand all on dude's face and he was gasping for air.
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cory looks like he gets heatstroke next week.

Abe must be sick also with the way he kept trying to help his cheating gf.

So many things annoyed me in last nights episode from Abe's cousin putting himself in the elimation when the blue team had Vince on the ropes, to Jenna and her cousin getting game ran on them after Cara said they would look out for them. However when Cara said she was kinda glad Abe was gone so she wasn't distracted and can focus on winning was so damn stupid. On game day him and his cousin are their to compete and were her only allies in the house. Abe would of given his share of the winnings to her if he had made it and to hear Cara undermined him at the end was sickening.
If producers roll out a team challenge like this again, they need to incentivize finishing challenges. Also, punish the people who don't finish. If one person on the losing team doesn't finish, they go directly into elimination and the winning team votes for another. If two people don't finish, then those two go in and there's no vote. If it's three, then the winning team votes for two of the three non-finishers.

I'm sure there are flaws in that system, but that's just off the top of my head. The point is to get people to at least TRY, while also not punishing the people who actually succeed over and over. Also, I kinda wish TJ had one veto for the season, where he's just like "nah, you half-assed it, you're in the elimination."
Haven't watched any of this season, but who was it on a challenge a couple years ago that got pushed over in the sand and just laid on the ground like a sack of crap? Was a completely embarrassing way to go out on a challenge. It wasn't Leroy or Three, that's all I remember. Sand all on dude's face and he was gasping for air.
Now you got me knowing exactly what you're talking about but not being able to remember dude's name either.
It was Tye, that god damn fail! He let sassy Marlon pin him down in Rivals II :smh:

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As a matter of fact he did it TWICE. The first time was in the Gulog in Cutthroat against Brandon when they were doing some jousting elimination. :smh:
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Popcorn muscles and then showed up fat one challenge. He got in Emily's guts though and i'm jelly.
Haven't watched any of this season, but who was it on a challenge a couple years ago that got pushed over in the sand and just laid on the ground like a sack of crap? Was a completely embarrassing way to go out on a challenge. It wasn't Leroy or Three, that's all I remember. Sand all on dude's face and he was gasping for air.
Now you got me knowing exactly what you're talking about but not being able to remember dude's name either.
I'm pretty sure this is Tyree or Ty. I remember TJ being absolutely disgusted with this individual but I'm not sure which one of them it was. 
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