MTVs Real World vol Trail Blazing

Nia is really going to win over a lot of people in her life with comments like that $11 an hour BS.
Jessica acting like a child because Bird & Avery don't want to include her in their clique.

Nia is rachet
Here's the logic (surprised you can't see it)

Person A calls person B a monkey (because she's black)
Person B and people sharing her background become offended.

Person B takes shot at person A's deformed hand
Person A and people sharing similar deformity/defect become offended.

See it? Can be perceived as personal and an attack against a certain people.

Person A calls person B a monkey, because she's black
Person B sharing a background :lol:

You typed that :rofl:
all of you guys would smash if she offered it up. Nobody is thinking about some sturdy chin when yambs in ya face. She isn't as bad as you guys make her see physcially. Maybe her attitude is turning you guys off, and that would make sense, but shorty is nice.
on another hand she looks better on tv though
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Nia is really going to win over a lot of people in her life with comments like that $11 an hour BS.
Well joi hit people with something like that before leaving
But I still would beast on them yambs since she's down with the swirl
Bird is fake as hell. Has a lot to say any other time but when Jessica came to talk she got quiet as hell and put her head down :lol: and let Avery's dumbass do the dirty work.

all of you guys would smash if she offered it up. Nobody is thinking about some sturdy chin when yambs in ya face. She isn't as bad as you guys make her see physcially. Maybe her attitude is turning you guys off, and that would make sense,


Nia is really going to win over a lot of people in her life with comments like that $11 an hour BS.
Well joi hit people with something like that before leaving

Yep. Everyone ignored it though. :lol:

From a few weeks ago.

Chick said she was gonna come in there and act a fool...(yall loved the previews) now she's doing too much and yall don't like it :rolleyes
She had been on a reality show before. Before Real World would exclude you. Seems like they knew they had a boring cast, and brought her in to excite things. The way it was before the other girls before were scared of Jordan.
The way it was before the other girls before were scared of Jordan

And now they like him :lol:

And the way Nia handed the job/getting fired was stupid but the Manager isn't suppose to run and tell other employees so everyone can gossip.

Jordan and his *** kissing/instigating :smh: I'm in the middle "You got fired" same with Johnny's simp ***. Yeah he wanted to defend his girl but he was gonna go in over what Nia said to that lady regardless.
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typical black women living in black hollywood aka Atlanta, if you ever wanted to know how birds that think they something off of nothing just look at nia.
lulz @ averery calling out nia's 15 minutes of fame on the aftershow
nia cant even get her lies straight, bout 1.3 mill for 3 chapters :smh:
coral :lol:

the irony in the sneak peek :smh:
marlon is really getting on my nerves, i mean i knew he was gonna be a simp for nia the minute they showed his face when she walked in but come on, act like you've been here before
Certain seasons I can't take serious, because they seem more scripted. The last good one to me was Vegas with Leroy.

You know Nia's on the show for ratings.

Look at how often they show her in panties, leggings or tight shorts. They never did Jessica or Joi like that. They had a whole segment where they talked about Joi's *** and they didn't even show it, but you get a couple of glimpses of Nia's cheeks every episode.
From the neck up shes Cousin Skeeter from the armpits down its all Good!
on point
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and honestly, this real world is full of crazies. nia is fine af tho ill give her that, but she is cray. but so is everybody. the only sane guy is the white dude so far... theyll probably dig something dirty up in his past later tho... mtv detectives never fail

lol Nia looks like a ****** to me.
But actually tho. Look at her when they show her feet, broad has dinosaur feet. And her hands look like she could palm a bball easily. Long extremities having ***
Plus she got a husky *** voice

Man.. I don't like aaanyone on this cast whatsoever. I thought Marlon would be a cool Leroy type character but he's a simp to the fullest. Dude prob massages Nias feet at night.
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I don't recall, did Marlon get burn at Tech?


Oh apparently he got All Big-XII honorable mention twice.

And was a 3-star.  The more you know.

I remember trucking him in NCAA on XBOX.
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Certain seasons I can't take serious, because they seem more scripted. The last good one to me was Vegas with Leroy.

You know Nia's on the show for ratings.

Look at how often they show her in panties, leggings or tight shorts. They never did Jessica or Joi like that. They had a whole segment where they talked about Joi's *** and they didn't even show it, but you get a couple of glimpses of Nia's cheeks every episode.

Yeah no backshots of Joi in the see through leggings on the first episode :frown:

MTV blurred Jessica in the thong :smh:
This whole ep seemed like Ana's trick to make it about her. Starts off with her saying she feels nobody cares about her and then she manages to make the whole ep about her with the bs I'm going home cry for attention and in the end pointlessly getting ppl to bury the hatchet with each other.
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