My Boy ( 510Ballin) almost got both of us Robbed/Killed today... Edit: HA. Look whose on PG 7... -_-

Damn really he's selling a stole system for $3000. Your homie says $100 and then the other guys says well work it out. WHAT THE BLOOMINGDALES! Does ya manthink he's the hustlah of the year and he talked homie out of $2900?????
Money87 wrote:
Originally Posted by Snake201

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by Can I Live

i wouldve posted no later than 10 minutes after the incident
With your post count, you probably don't leave the house, so this never would have happened.
get em!!!

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

how the hell do you follow a stranger???? have you no street smarts????????? cali people man

i'm just glad you're ok, i would have probably passed out at the sight of a machete

uh oh
[DMX] Here we go again! [DMX]

But NYers def have more street smarts and commonsense than any other city..Thats why out of towners are always gettin juxed
Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

how the hell do you follow a stranger???? have you no street smarts????????? cali people man

i'm just glad you're ok, i would have probably passed out at the sight of a machete

uh oh
[DMX] Here we go again! [DMX]

But NYers def have more street smarts and commonsense than any other city..Thats why out of towners are always gettin juxed

Both of yall cant be serious because he did this all cali people have no stree smarts?? If thats the case who are the NY goons jacking? It cant all be out oftowners some people in NY Have to have no common sense to be getting jacked by fellow NY'ers. Both of yall go DIAF for that one.
Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

how the hell do you follow a stranger???? have you no street smarts????????? cali people man

i'm just glad you're ok, i would have probably passed out at the sight of a machete

uh oh
[DMX] Here we go again! [DMX]

But NYers def have more street smarts and commonsense than any other city..Thats why out of towners are always gettin juxed

come on now.. CALI >NY

i wouldve posted no later than 10 minutes after the incident

With your post count, you probably don't leave the house, so this never would have happened.

same thing i was thinking.

anyways, good thing no one got hurt tho man.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Why is some people blaming the OP also? It was his boy's fault for following them.

I woulda went upside your boy's head for being such a damn idiot.

Dudes trying to sell stuff out of a truck = keep driving.
I'm pretty sure thats not the 1st dumb thing his friend has done.

It's not like they were on the interstate he could have gotten out the car
Glad yall made it out, but your boy gotta be smarter than that. A "naw im good" should've ended that.
You need to turn this joint into a police apreciation thread cause they just saved your rear end. You got really lucky. I have had dudes say similar thingswhile I was driving and they would pull up beside me and say a similar story but I never ever followed them or even entertained the idea. Bottom line do likeyour moms taught you and don't talk to strangers.
Originally Posted by RONdomness

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Money87 wrote:

Originally Posted by Snake201

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by Can I Live

i wouldve posted no later than 10 minutes after the incident
With your post count, you probably don't leave the house, so this never would have happened.
get em!!!




Damn that's crazy! Great timing on the cop's guys were in a BAD situation...
Too many blue faces to be given out but congrats on still being alive.

I bet though, their boys are going to come looking for you
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by seventh letter

Son almost dies, and first thing he does is post on NT
No he didn't, he went to T-Mobile and afterwards got some food.

I find it ironic that you're "still shaking" and you SN is The Harlem Shake.

Originally Posted by Can I Live

i wouldve posted no later than 10 minutes after the incident
With your post count, you probably don't leave the house, so this never would have happened.

HOLY %%*%. Fremont? I'm from Fremont. That's crazyyyy. Gotta be careful. You tried doing the right thing but dudes an Idiot. Glad your safe. lol
Aye where did this happen at? Thank God you guys are alright......people don't play around.
And people doubt that God is there

Just say no and keep it moving. If that were me I would have got out the car and just got a ride from someone else. Dudes around here would probably call mesoft but I don't care.

Glad you two are ok.
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