My boy is trying to break into the stand up game. NT show him some love.

The very first thing he says on stage is "Black people do this, white people do this."

20 seconds into the video, literally .001 seconds into the highlight of his routine.

I tried, brah, but nah.

Son has it sweet with that audience. My suggestion would be to talk about more than black people and how they're different than white people. I just watched the video and that was the whole set. Him going "ya'll know what EBT is? It's for poor black people don't tip....etc."

I'd rather hear about who you are as a person. What about you or your life or people in your life is weird or outrageous? What makes you strange or funny or whatever? I'd rather hear that. I'm not a comedian, but I know what I'm tired of hearing comedins say over and over again.

I live with my grandparents, and one time I got really drunk and when I got home I jerked off with a condom on in my room. I fell asleep before thinking to take the condom off, and the next morning I woke up late for work, so when I got up I just screamed and yanked the condom off my **** all hungover and got dressed and rolled out. Once I made it to work, I realized that I forgot about throwing away the condom and my grandmother was probably going to walk in my room and see it laying on my dresser or my bed or wherever, and I spent 8 solid hours freaking out going through all sorts of scenarios in my mind. I'm not a comedian, and I'm barely even funny, but I'd rather someone tell me something personal and maybe even embarrassing like that than hear about how Black people don't tip.

Maybe I'm sensitive to it because I'm black but I get so annoyed with comic view style comedians. If son were a good comedian he could take that above story and turn it into gold. So many directions you could take that. But c'mon "White people do people do this" is very played out.
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Eh, he seems like he'll be funny in a social setting with friends, but he needs some work with stand up.

His forehead bears strong resemblance to Wayne Brady btw.
Observational racial comedy that isn't funny?
Can't do it son.
I wish him the best though...

"he's trying to break into stand up? At least he's not trying to break into a liquor store!" sounds like the type of horrible joke he'd use.
"Tryin' to break into comedy? I guess they're calling white people's houses comedy now, huh?" sounds like the type of horrible joke he'd use.
Observational racial comedy that isn't funny?
Can't do it son.
I wish him the best though...


While I agree with this. It's kind of unfunny just because its not original. And most of the black comedians have already done this and MUCH better.

The best observational racial comedian to me is C.K. Louis he's blatant and vulgar but its not even race related.

This is not good. :smh: :lol:

Like someone said dude literally started off his routine with "The difference between black people and white people is.." really dude? That is probably the most overused and played out phrase in comedy over the last 30 years.

I actually saw a bit with a comedian where he was making fun of comedians who say that and saying they were all wack... if I can remember where I saw it I'll post it.
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That was what the spaniards call "el terrible."

Corny racism aside, his delivery is awful. The "umms, the likes, the really's," all detract from his presentation. He needs to study the deliveries of successful comedians and taylor his accordingly. Or do himself a favor, and pursue a different career.
yooooooooooooooooooooo i literally laughed out loud a few times. He has the charisma of a comedian , and is pretty freaking funny

I understand some people's feelings got hurt, but dont say he isn't funny when that **** was funny as **** lolol
He's got decent stage presence and confidence, he's just gotta lose the "Insert Race Here" jokes.

Then again, most stand-ups don't "kill" right out of the gate.  Took Louis CK over a decade to become what he is today.  Dude shouldn't pack it in, but he should definitely forget about all of his current material and start over from scratch. 

*EDIT: After some reconsideration, I'm gonna go ahead and rescind my compliment about his confidence.  Confidence is good when you have the material to back it up.  This dude doesn't have it just yet.
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yooooooooooooooooooooo i literally laughed out loud a few times. He has the charisma of a comedian , and is pretty freaking funny:lol: .

I understand some people's feelings got hurt, but dont say he isn't funny when that **** was funny as **** lolol

You have a wretched sense of humor.
yooooooooooooooooooooo i literally laughed out loud a few times. He has the charisma of a comedian , and is pretty freaking funny:lol: .

I understand some people's feelings got hurt, but dont say he isn't funny when that **** was funny as **** lolol

Did we watch the same video?
You probably laugh at the Scary Movie franchise too huh?

let me me guess one of his unfunny friends with awful taste in humor told him he should get into standup..
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