My Gay Friends: Please stop comparing your plight to civil rights.

Originally Posted by whiterails

I think that the majority of the people saying that the two can not be compared aren't looking at the entire picture of the persecution of #$!$ sexuals.  Obviously gays people now don't have it as hard as blacks circa 1850 America, but gays have been persecuted  pretty harshly if you look at it from a broader perspective than simply the (relatively) recent United States.  Gays have had it pretty rough in Europe as long the the Christian church was in power, easily 1200 years +, and don't forget that the Nazis sent a huge percentage of European gays to the gas chamber.   Just saying, it was a lot rougher for the average gay person in Nazi-occupied Poland ca 1942 than the average African American in the United States at the same time.
That's why I wondered why they didn't use the Holocaust as a comparison rather than piggy back on African American struggles. The jews got their money and forms of reparation, unlike african americans who are still waiting on 40 acres and a mule. Would have a better success rate and probably would have got more than one state too. Plus it was the struggle that directly targeted them so it really wouldn't even be a comparison. The whole it being just as bad as slavery is a stretch.
Originally Posted by Hop

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

You're not black
there are about 45 threads that say otherwise�

That was the joke...
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....
You're not black
there are about 45 threads that say otherwise 

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....
You're not black
there are about 45 threads that say otherwise 

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

You're not black
there are about 45 threads that say otherwise 

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
you must have read very deep into his reply, I don't see him claiming anything
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

You're not black
there are about 45 threads that say otherwise 

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
you must have read very deep into his reply, I don't see him claiming anything
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
you must have read very deep into his reply, I don't see him claiming anything
He states that he is DEFINITELY NOT BLACK, but continues using terms like "colored," "negro," etc
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
you must have read very deep into his reply, I don't see him claiming anything
He states that he is DEFINITELY NOT BLACK, but continues using terms like "colored," "negro," etc
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

there are about 45 threads that say otherwise 

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
you must have read very deep into his reply, I don't see him claiming anything

LOL my man goes on rants about how he's not black and says it explicitly, maybe you're just NOT READING. There's no ambiguity with what he says, there are multiple threads on NT dedicated to his blackness or lackthereof.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

there are about 45 threads that say otherwise 

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
you must have read very deep into his reply, I don't see him claiming anything

LOL my man goes on rants about how he's not black and says it explicitly, maybe you're just NOT READING. There's no ambiguity with what he says, there are multiple threads on NT dedicated to his blackness or lackthereof.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
you must have read very deep into his reply, I don't see him claiming anything
LOL my man goes on rants about how he's not black and says it explicitly, maybe you're just NOT READING. There's no ambiguity with what he says, there are multiple threads on NT dedicated to his blackness or lackthereof.
I know this, just didnt realize an dee 51o  was being sarcastic.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
you must have read very deep into his reply, I don't see him claiming anything
LOL my man goes on rants about how he's not black and says it explicitly, maybe you're just NOT READING. There's no ambiguity with what he says, there are multiple threads on NT dedicated to his blackness or lackthereof.
I know this, just didnt realize an dee 51o  was being sarcastic.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

You're not black
there are about 45 threads that say otherwise 

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
u can tell anton levy is da type of cat that no one ever punched him dead in da face before...clearly cuz you're mouth is loose papi
, chill out with callin

people ignorant, or w/e u decide to label someone with a dissenting're no worse then Bill o' Reilly

da solace i have is i know that we're on #NT, had this discussion been in person, certain folks in here wouldn't be so quick to utter "bigot" or "ignorant"

cuz cats got a difference in opinions, thats how things go from words with friends, to words with hands.

 as for da N word, u forgot hispanics been had da pass for that, or did jennifer lopez casually singing it in a song fly over your head

as a matter of fact, black people dont even own da N word anymore, that word has been stepped on and stretched so bad its lost its meaning along time ago

u know its over for da N word when u hear 2 trailer park white boys call each other N_ or 2 asians waiting on line for some SB.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

You're not black
there are about 45 threads that say otherwise 

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
u can tell anton levy is da type of cat that no one ever punched him dead in da face before...clearly cuz you're mouth is loose papi
, chill out with callin

people ignorant, or w/e u decide to label someone with a dissenting're no worse then Bill o' Reilly

da solace i have is i know that we're on #NT, had this discussion been in person, certain folks in here wouldn't be so quick to utter "bigot" or "ignorant"

cuz cats got a difference in opinions, thats how things go from words with friends, to words with hands.

 as for da N word, u forgot hispanics been had da pass for that, or did jennifer lopez casually singing it in a song fly over your head

as a matter of fact, black people dont even own da N word anymore, that word has been stepped on and stretched so bad its lost its meaning along time ago

u know its over for da N word when u hear 2 trailer park white boys call each other N_ or 2 asians waiting on line for some SB.
ninjahood wrote:

cuz cats got a difference in opinions, thats how things for from words with friends, to words with hands.


But seriously though. Way too much reaching going on in this thread on both sides. Probably some reacharounds too
ninjahood wrote:

cuz cats got a difference in opinions, thats how things for from words with friends, to words with hands.


But seriously though. Way too much reaching going on in this thread on both sides. Probably some reacharounds too
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cuz cats got a difference in opinions, thats how things go from words with friends, to words with hands.


Ninja is right though. People talk so disrespectfully over the net. If this was real life, no way we could have a civilized conversation without some hands being thrown eventually.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cuz cats got a difference in opinions, thats how things go from words with friends, to words with hands.


Ninja is right though. People talk so disrespectfully over the net. If this was real life, no way we could have a civilized conversation without some hands being thrown eventually.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

there are about 45 threads that say otherwise 

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
u can tell anton levy is da type of cat that no one ever punched him dead in da face before...clearly cuz you're mouth is loose papi
, chill out with callin

people ignorant, or w/e u decide to label someone with a dissenting're no worse then Bill o' Reilly

da solace i have is i know that we're on #NT, had this discussion been in person, certain folks in here wouldn't be so quick to utter "bigot" or "ignorant"

cuz cats got a difference in opinions, thats how things go from words with friends, to words with hands.

 as for da N word, u forgot hispanics been had da pass for that, or did jennifer lopez casually singing it in a song fly over your head

as a matter of fact, black people dont even own da N word anymore, that word has been stepped on and stretched so bad its lost its meaning along time ago

u know its over for da N word when u hear 2 trailer park white boys call each other N_ or 2 asians waiting on line for some SB.

 I contend that YOU are no worse than Bill O' Reilly.
In fact I don't think I've ever agreed with anything O Reilly has ever said.
Look if someone says Dominicans are lazy, useless, criminals who should all be locked away forever...I'm gonna call them "Bigots" and "Ignorant" as well and you would be fine with it. You wouldn't be arguing about the fact that they're expressing "dissenting" views. Is it their opinion? Sure. Does that make them any less ignorant? No. Come on mang.

Well you do have a point about DA N WERD, just as long as you think EVERYONE should use it. I'm not even gonna touch that one.
I hope you would be fine with any ethnic group calling people from spanish speaking nations DA S WORD.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

there are about 45 threads that say otherwise 

Dude claims he aint black but uses the N word casually. He's clearly only black when it benefits him.....or when he's hatin' gay people.
u can tell anton levy is da type of cat that no one ever punched him dead in da face before...clearly cuz you're mouth is loose papi
, chill out with callin

people ignorant, or w/e u decide to label someone with a dissenting're no worse then Bill o' Reilly

da solace i have is i know that we're on #NT, had this discussion been in person, certain folks in here wouldn't be so quick to utter "bigot" or "ignorant"

cuz cats got a difference in opinions, thats how things go from words with friends, to words with hands.

 as for da N word, u forgot hispanics been had da pass for that, or did jennifer lopez casually singing it in a song fly over your head

as a matter of fact, black people dont even own da N word anymore, that word has been stepped on and stretched so bad its lost its meaning along time ago

u know its over for da N word when u hear 2 trailer park white boys call each other N_ or 2 asians waiting on line for some SB.

 I contend that YOU are no worse than Bill O' Reilly.
In fact I don't think I've ever agreed with anything O Reilly has ever said.
Look if someone says Dominicans are lazy, useless, criminals who should all be locked away forever...I'm gonna call them "Bigots" and "Ignorant" as well and you would be fine with it. You wouldn't be arguing about the fact that they're expressing "dissenting" views. Is it their opinion? Sure. Does that make them any less ignorant? No. Come on mang.

Well you do have a point about DA N WERD, just as long as you think EVERYONE should use it. I'm not even gonna touch that one.
I hope you would be fine with any ethnic group calling people from spanish speaking nations DA S WORD.
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