My Gay Friends: Please stop comparing your plight to civil rights.

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....

Cats in here are in denial and honestly should be in no position to cry racism/discrimination when they harbor the same hatred toward other groups. hypcocrites
Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....

Cats in here are in denial and honestly should be in no position to cry racism/discrimination when they harbor the same hatred toward other groups. hypcocrites
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....

Cats in here are in denial and honestly should be in no position to cry racism/discrimination when they harbor the same hatred toward other groups. hypcocrites
cry me a river
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....

Cats in here are in denial and honestly should be in no position to cry racism/discrimination when they harbor the same hatred toward other groups. hypcocrites
cry me a river
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....

Cats in here are in denial and honestly should be in no position to cry racism/discrimination when they harbor the same hatred toward other groups. hypcocrites
cry me a river

Right back at you homie
I slept better last night knowing people like you will never win

Never been more proud of my city
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....

Cats in here are in denial and honestly should be in no position to cry racism/discrimination when they harbor the same hatred toward other groups. hypcocrites
cry me a river

Right back at you homie
I slept better last night knowing people like you will never win

Never been more proud of my city
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Cats in here are in denial and honestly should be in no position to cry racism/discrimination when they harbor the same hatred toward other groups. hypcocrites
cry me a river
I'll cry you a river if you post anything of relevance to this thread.

Da gays shouldn't get mareeed. It's disgusting. I look at things through DA LENSE of the world, and da battie boys don't get discriminated against.

I don't even know why dude cares about this thread, he aint black.
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Cats in here are in denial and honestly should be in no position to cry racism/discrimination when they harbor the same hatred toward other groups. hypcocrites
cry me a river
I'll cry you a river if you post anything of relevance to this thread.

Da gays shouldn't get mareeed. It's disgusting. I look at things through DA LENSE of the world, and da battie boys don't get discriminated against.

I don't even know why dude cares about this thread, he aint black.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cry me a river
I'll cry you a river if you post anything of relevance to this thread.

Da gays shouldn't get mareeed. It's disgusting. I look at things through DA LENSE of the world, and da battie boys don't get discriminated against.

I don't even know why dude cares about this thread, he aint black.

I wunder how ninjahood is gunna tel his sun dukes dat itz ok 4 2 dudez 2 get mareeed.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cry me a river
I'll cry you a river if you post anything of relevance to this thread.

Da gays shouldn't get mareeed. It's disgusting. I look at things through DA LENSE of the world, and da battie boys don't get discriminated against.

I don't even know why dude cares about this thread, he aint black.

I wunder how ninjahood is gunna tel his sun dukes dat itz ok 4 2 dudez 2 get mareeed.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....

Cats in here are in denial and honestly should be in no position to cry racism/discrimination when they harbor the same hatred toward other groups. hypcocrites

And these two comments sum up the majority of the comments in here --- you both said pretty much the exact thing, and actually agreed with each other w/o even knowing it.


Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....

Cats in here are in denial and honestly should be in no position to cry racism/discrimination when they harbor the same hatred toward other groups. hypcocrites

And these two comments sum up the majority of the comments in here --- you both said pretty much the exact thing, and actually agreed with each other w/o even knowing it.


Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by Hop

1) Yes you are trying to "win" (maybe the wrong word) an argument or you�wouldn't�post your opinions.

2) OP of this thread is talking about the�comparison�of the Civil Rights of African Americans to struggle in America in comparison to homosexuals struggle for civil rights as of now. �Were not comparing the treatment of homosexuals now to African Americans now. �Yes,�homosexuals�are discriminated against in other countries but the thread is about them comparing their treatment in America.

3)"Prove that gay's struggles and black's struggles shouldn't be compared?What does that accomplish?" Then why are you posting in this thread? They�shouldn't�be compared�because they are different; its not a #%$�measuring�contest like some NT'ers try to make it. I agree that it's just stupid to compare who had worst, but I don't believe that was the point the op was making. ( if any...)�

Its all love though for you iYen
. I respect all of your views just don't agree with some of them.

1. No, I'm not, this is a discussion and I hope you see it that way.
3. They are different but I think they should be compared because as I've stated before both groups are striving to achieve the same thing, equality.

[font='Arial Unicode MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate.

noun, verb, -bat·ed, -bat·ing.

a discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing viewpoints: a debate in the Senate on farm price supports.

 2) They are similar in what they are trying to achieve but that is not what we are "discussing", we are "discussing" whether or not the struggle for this equality is the same . Which it is not.
Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by Hop

1) Yes you are trying to "win" (maybe the wrong word) an argument or you�wouldn't�post your opinions.

2) OP of this thread is talking about the�comparison�of the Civil Rights of African Americans to struggle in America in comparison to homosexuals struggle for civil rights as of now. �Were not comparing the treatment of homosexuals now to African Americans now. �Yes,�homosexuals�are discriminated against in other countries but the thread is about them comparing their treatment in America.

3)"Prove that gay's struggles and black's struggles shouldn't be compared?What does that accomplish?" Then why are you posting in this thread? They�shouldn't�be compared�because they are different; its not a #%$�measuring�contest like some NT'ers try to make it. I agree that it's just stupid to compare who had worst, but I don't believe that was the point the op was making. ( if any...)�

Its all love though for you iYen
. I respect all of your views just don't agree with some of them.

1. No, I'm not, this is a discussion and I hope you see it that way.
3. They are different but I think they should be compared because as I've stated before both groups are striving to achieve the same thing, equality.

[font='Arial Unicode MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate.

noun, verb, -bat·ed, -bat·ing.

a discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing viewpoints: a debate in the Senate on farm price supports.

 2) They are similar in what they are trying to achieve but that is not what we are "discussing", we are "discussing" whether or not the struggle for this equality is the same . Which it is not.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....
You're not black, you can't say "colored."

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats in here REACHIN for similar plights of gays to that of colored folks....
You're not black, you can't say "colored."

Originally Posted by whiterails

I think that the majority of the people saying that the two can not be compared aren't looking at the entire picture of the persecution of #$!$ sexuals.  Obviously gays people now don't have it as hard as blacks circa 1850 America, but gays have been persecuted  pretty harshly if you look at it from a broader perspective than simply the (relatively) recent United States.  Gays have had it pretty rough in Europe as long the the Christian church was in power, easily 1200 years +, and don't forget that the Nazis sent a huge percentage of European gays to the gas chamber.   Just saying, it was a lot rougher for the average gay person in Nazi-occupied Poland ca 1942 than the average African American in the United States at the same time.
That's why I wondered why they didn't use the Holocaust as a comparison rather than piggy back on African American struggles. The jews got their money and forms of reparation, unlike african americans who are still waiting on 40 acres and a mule. Would have a better success rate and probably would have got more than one state too. Plus it was the struggle that directly targeted them so it really wouldn't even be a comparison. The whole it being just as bad as slavery is a stretch.
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