My girl won't get on the pill...because of side effects... SMH

^ yea but uhh bana what does wtg stand for
im on birthcontrol and i haven't had any side affects but then again every woman is different . My cousin was on it and she got BIG.
But, if you think about it, the same thing can be said about vaccines and there have been cases where people have had bad side effects or even died due to vaccinations. Vaccinations have also been said to be linked to causing diseases such as Asperger's and autism. But, millions of people get vaccinated with no problems despite the risks and effects they may cause to our bodies.

I'm really bothered when I hear this. There's been no remotely definitive causal link to Vaccine and Autism (and Aspergers...which is pretty much aform of autism).

I had no clue BC had such ridiculous side effets till my friend put me on.
@ those girls who are clearly being messed up due to side effects and staying onBC.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I have never been on BC since I was always worried about the side effects. So, I always used condoms. As one poster previously posted, every girl's body reacts different to different brands of BC. Sometimes girls keep switching brands until they find one they are most comfortable with. Doctors usually make them start on ones that are not as strong in hormones. However, millions of women have been taking them for decades now without many problems. But, I do agree that in a way since it is messing with the body's natural state, it is not really as safe or healthy as they make it out to be with all the ingredients it has in it.

But, if you think about it, the same thing can be said about vaccines and there have been cases where people have had bad side effects or even died due to vaccinations. Vaccinations have also been said to be linked to causing diseases such as Asperger's and autism. But, millions of people get vaccinated with no problems despite the risks and effects they may cause to our bodies.

If your girl wants, she can go on it and try it out and see how she feels taking it. If she really hates it, then she can stop taking it. Let her talk to a doctor about it if she wants to go on it. She can also mention her concerns and she can see what the doctor says. I know some girls who mainly take BC just to clear their acne or to make their boobs bigger. BC pills do not make you fat. It is just that it increases your appetite and some girls just start eating more. So, all they have to do is watch their eating habits.

You cannot deny the power of BC though. It completely changed women's control of their reproductive system and revolutionized sex in a lot of aspects CREAMPIES.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I have never been on BC since I was always worried about the side effects. So, I always used condoms. As one poster previously posted, every girl's body reacts different to different brands of BC. Sometimes girls keep switching brands until they find one they are most comfortable with. Doctors usually make them start on ones that are not as strong in hormones. However, millions of women have been taking them for decades now without many problems. But, I do agree that in a way since it is messing with the body's natural state, it is not really as safe or healthy as they make it out to be with all the ingredients it has in it.

But, if you think about it, the same thing can be said about vaccines and there have been cases where people have had bad side effects or even died due to vaccinations. Vaccinations have also been said to be linked to causing diseases such as Asperger's and autism. But, millions of people get vaccinated with no problems despite the risks and effects they may cause to our bodies.

If your girl wants, she can go on it and try it out and see how she feels taking it. If she really hates it, then she can stop taking it. Let her talk to a doctor about it if she wants to go on it. She can also mention her concerns and she can see what the doctor says. I know some girls who mainly take BC just to clear their acne or to make their boobs bigger. BC pills do not make you fat. It is just that it increases your appetite and some girls just start eating more. So, all they have to do is watch their eating habits.

You cannot deny the power of BC though. It completely changed women's control of their reproductive system and revolutionized sex in a lot of aspects CREAMPIES.

The closest Ive ever gotten to visualizing Dima having sex.
I like. I like.
My girl is not dealing with those side effects, plus all the chicks I knew got big after they took em. Im straight on that . . .
Might as well hit her with no more eating red meat, it'll give her colon cancer in the long run. SMH..
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Might as well hit her with no more eating red meat, it'll give her colon cancer in the long run. SMH..

not even the same there are other options so i don't see how this is a problem for any man? all to go raw?
cmon guys..lets try to be serious here.
we can't force our girls to take something that they don't want.
what if we are the ones who will take the pills?
side effects are depends on the case. mostly women may feel the side effects for some time and it will wear off.
but in the long run..hormonal imbalance will soon resurface and it will cause more trouble.
just go with the natural way coz artificial carries with it major risks that can threaten the lives of your partner.
I had a whole post written out about how much I hate condoms and my bf and I just don't use any sort of contraception but stupid yuku deleted it.
Anyway, I hate birth control. It made me super moody and mean the first two months. I also didn't like having to take a pill everyday. The side effects aretoo much which is why I haven't really tried anything else. I'm always talking to my bf about getting on bc, but never do because I really don'twant to.

We try to be as careful as possible though when smashing raw though I have had to take Plan B a few times. It's not bad, but it will throw your cycle intoa loop and can make you really moody. My boyfriend has witness the latter first hand. Bless him. haaa

Originally Posted by nkwu11

But, if you think about it, the same thing can be said about vaccines and there have been cases where people have had bad side effects or even died due to vaccinations. Vaccinations have also been said to be linked to causing diseases such as Asperger's and autism. But, millions of people get vaccinated with no problems despite the risks and effects they may cause to our bodies.

I'm really bothered when I hear this. There's been no remotely definitive causal link to Vaccine and Autism (and Aspergers...which is pretty much a form of autism).

I had no clue BC had such ridiculous side effets till my friend put me on.
@ those girls who are clearly being messed up due to side effects and staying on BC.

Not definitive, but that is why I said it has been said that there is some sort of link.

To get back to the original topic....I know some girls get really moody on the pill, but then again every girl is different. The doctor told me the BC pillsmight even control my moodswings from PMSing. When it is that time of the month for me, my effects are so bad. I get crazy mood swings, depressed, snappy,really bloated due to the water retention (gain up to 5 lbs), crazy breast sonereness and tenderness, muscle joints hurting, fatigue,etc and tons of othersymptoms. I become a crazy hormonal raging %!+#+. This is all a week before I get it. When it comes, I have to deal with the pain and I do not like to leavethe house for the first 4 days. That is why my iron is so low because of my menstruation. So, the doctor has been telling me to get on BC, and give me thesetwo packs. I still have not tried it because I really do not want to take it. But, it looks like I am going to have to eventually.
i haven't felt any different on BC...only reason i take it is cuz i'm taking accutane...

my breast have gotten bigger but nothing negative...
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