Nov 27, 2005
To make a long story short..i been with this girl for about 3 years..We have had our ups and downs and been through lots of stuff...
So about a month ago she wanted us to be back together again..but under her conditions..i wasnt having that..but i still wanted her to be mine
So she feel back...we rarely talked...if we did i initiated the convos.....
not speaking to her has been getting the best of me..and yes I love this yesterday..i got out looking for her because i wanted to finally tell herthat i wanted to be with her for the rest of my life

welll...she has been talking to another guy....and she tells me she loves me and that she doesn't trust me anymore..and she doesnt wanna be in arelationship with anyone right now... going through a thing...and i just need to write this down...and turned to NT for that
the worst part is..i have clinical depression..and i refuse to take medicine..maybe i should start taking it....
Nah man, $#*% those depression pills just blow some natural medicine
If its the chick you posted before she was

But how she in love with dude after only a month?
jefffort5 wrote:
she has been talking to another guy
hate to be the one to say it, but it's a wrap bruh.

keep it pushin' there are plenty, I mean PLENTY, of other females out there
well u cant make her be wit u...jus gve her space and if she does love you she will come back eventually...btw what did you do for her not to trust u?
Fall back and leave her alone for awhile.

Go out, meet other girls.

Youll realize your better off without her.

Trust me.
Originally Posted by jefffort5

welll...A)she has been talking to another guy....and she tells me she loves me and that she doesn't trust me anymore..and A1)she doesnt wanna be in a relationship with anyone right now... going through a thing...and i just need to write this down...and turned to NT for that
the worst part is..i have clinical depression..and i refuse to take medicine..maybe i should start taking it....
Most importantly don't off for the story...

A)I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but...if she is talking to another guy...then A1)tells you she doesn't want to be in a relationship withanyone right now...
She is kinda telling you,she doesn't want to be with you anymore....But then again i am no relationship expert you would have ask blackmagnus or one ofthem love docs.
idk whats going talking to her on aim righ tnow....imma put up the convo up when we finished talking...
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

Fall back and leave her alone for awhile.

Go out, meet other girls.

Youll realize your better off without her.

Trust me.
^ listen to this man. I gotten out of a relationship with my ex girl(years ago) and i couldnt get her out my head, i was STILL always by her sideeven when she had other bfs, i still took her places and all that, still wanted to be together, but i had to stop it and hit up other chicks and trust,you'll be thinkin bout her less when u do get to dating other chicks. (one nite stands dont count.)
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Nah man, $#*% those depression pills just blow some natural medicine
If its the chick you posted before she was

But how she in love with dude after only a month?
she aint in love with might have worded it wrong...
Have you told her how you feel? I mean, I know she told you she loves you, doesn't trust you, doesn't wanna be in a relationship. But was all thisbefore or after you told her how you feel? If it wuz before, go back in for the kill and be serious with her. That's the best advice you could get IMO.That's all you really can do. Then it's up to her to either accept or decline. Good luck either way.
My dude come on ... I remember you and all them fitteds I copped for you, how you used to be a model and stuff ... Don't let a woman get in between yourlife and your health.

I kind of know how you feel, but trust me dude sometimes what you think is love is in all actuallity is HABIT. I say move on, the relationship has suffer lotsof damage is you both are always breaking up and making up and to go back on ones persons condition. That alone states that you are at the MERCY of that oneperson. It should be something mutual, if you had problems it should of been worked out by both. Not, I'll take you back if you do X Y Z .. Hell's no,I'll take you back because ultimatly I love you and because I have to leave the way you are ...

Just move on, go out, hang with the boys find other things to keep your mind occupied .. Change your number erase hers, stuff like this get better over time ..I know it's almost impossible to forget about her at night, to have that gut feeling inside that makes you cry and hurt, I know its deeper than just tearsbut for your best intrest move on.

There are going to be times and you probably doing it now, that you already know her schedule so you think and tell youself, ok she must be getting ready, shemust be on her way to school/work she is getting off etc etc etc .. stop replaying all that in your mind and instead find something to do something you likeand keep yourself occupied.
aim convo is wrapping up..ill post soon...i mean..we been through waaay to much for me to just let this go..but its gonna come a time where im just gonna stopfighting..oh yeah...yall want pics?? lol
yea brah. I think you might wanna take those meds. I don't wanna see you on the evening news. I don't nor am I interested in knowin the specifics butit seems like shes whoreish and one dude just wasn't enough. You gotta let the brids fly man, let em' fly
I'm going through the same thing bro, me and my girl been together for 2 years. The thing is, I can't trust her anymore.

It may be hard to do, but you gotta let her go. and take your medicine btw...
Originally Posted by jefffort5

aim convo is wrapping up..ill post soon...i mean..we been through waaay to much for me to just let this go..but its gonna come a time where im just gonna stop fighting..oh yeah...yall want pics?? lol
I feel for you my dude...things will only get better...if she don't take hit after got to move on

Don't post pics.

My dude I feel you. I went through the same thing.

We hit it off well then she flipped on some "I'm too busy for this to work out type steez." She had a special friend and I found out. I aint havea problem with him since I aint know what she told him. The one thing I can say saved my sanity was perfecting my craft in my company and talking to otherfemales. You aint really gotta sleep with them, but it'll make you feel better. We go to the same school and got a class together...dumb of me.

Do I still think about her? Yes, and when she walks by and we just ignore each other, I feel some type of way about it. But my main chick is LIGHT years aheadof her in terms of looks and personality. So upgrade.
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