NASA announces we’re going BACK to the Moon!

Do you believe humans have visited the moon?

  • Yes

    Votes: 56 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 21 25.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 7 8.3%

  • Total voters

I just read it is going to cost anywhere from $20 - 30 mil to go to the moon, part of me is like **** that. Spend that money on building a country wide 4G wireless Internet, but then I see videos in the wildin thread and I am like people will just post more stupid **** for views.

F it spend that money on turning more businesses solar or cleaning up some of the pollution we already creating down here. Damn they going to the moon just to pollute there as well.
We will see. The funding needs to increase for the entire agency for them to pull this off. If it doesn't then they will decrease the Earth Science money to try to pull this off...which means if Trump isn't re-elected this whole plan is liable to change. The money will stay at its normal levels for nasa and they will fund earth science more to look at global warming / climate change.

So like i guess going back to the moon by 2024 is cool...but id say it stands less then a 50% chance of actually occurring.

Not to mention industry thinks it is more beneficial to focus on space exploration with robots and satellites then to get humans up least for now
Been skipping past it. Any good so far?

I would prefer we spend money on other **** rather than go back to the moon. Unless there’s truly more scientific research to do there, let’s move along.
Been skipping past it. Any good so far?

I would prefer we spend money on other **** rather than go back to the moon. Unless there’s truly more scientific research to do there, let’s move along.
The investigations seem legit, as far as the people they track down who were apart of the missions, and the access they get to certain historical artifacts/equipment of the time.

On the other hand, they kinda come off as actors playing a role. You ever watch Finding Bigfoot? It's not as extreme as that, but you can tell they're trying to make the show more dramatic than it should be.

And I'm pretty sure they're going back to the moon as practice for mars.
Lol at y'all even talking bout going back to the moon. Have you looked at the junkyard dustbins they sent up there ?? Lol , NASA had 40 years and over 200 billion dollars in aid minimal just this decade... And y'all naively believe we are going back to a place we haven't proved we've been to in the first place....

They been gassing y'all with going back to the moon for 35 years .. lol
Apparently the guy who started the current flat earth society was just a troll that was good at arguing rather than backing up his claims with scientific data.
-We've known the earth is round for 2000 years.
-Bees know the earth is round and they also understand angles.

Vid should start @8:07

Apparently the guy who started the current flat earth society was just a troll that was good at arguing rather than backing up his claims with scientific data.
-We've known the earth is round for 2000 years.
-Bees know the earth is round and they also understand angles.

Vid should start @8:07

Yall sound mad dumb... flat earth has been around way longer than any copernicus theory... the earth became round approximately 500 years ago. I cannot believe the ignorance you people blatantly display. It's rather comforting knowing that the majority of the masses think the exact same way.

2000 years.????? Lol there are flat earth maps more than 2000 years old.... lol yall are all lost
Yall sound mad dumb... flat earth has been around way longer than any copernicus theory... the earth became round approximately 500 years ago. I cannot believe the ignorance you people blatantly display. It's rather comforting knowing that the majority of the masses think the exact same way.

And here's the primary reason you choose to indulge in all this stupid stuff

It makes you feel special :lol:

What exactly is he arguing? That flat earthers have been around longer?

No one would argue against that seeing as every scientists in antiquity that theorized that the earth was "spherical" was met with backlash.

The earth being flat was the norm back then.

Yall sound mad dumb... flat earth has been around way longer than any copernicus theory... the earth became round approximately 500 years ago.

Here's where I think you meant to say that scientists began postulating that the earth was round only 500 years ago, in which you would be wrong.

Yes, flat earthers have been around longer, no one is arguing that incredibly unimportant fact.


:lol: mans had enuff.
I just don't understand how this is still around. Almost all the objects are spherical or elliptical, yet we are the only celestial object that's flat? Maybe dudes should take a field-trip to their nearest space museum and hopefully one of those scientists can convince you.

It's okay to question things you don't understand, but if you're not a researcher or some sort of expert on the subject, than you're hypothesis is null and void. At least research the science behind before you start talking out of your ***.
I think most ppl who believe in flat Earth were already exposed to mainstream sciences. Erbody go to the air and space museum from 2nd grade on up, in school. Not everyone accepts the programming tho.
I think most ppl who believe in flat Earth were already exposed to mainstream sciences. Erbody go to the air and space museum from 2nd grade on up, in school. Not everyone accepts the programming tho.
Well in my upbringing, I had all types of proof. I used to look out to the ocean with a telescope and watch ships and boats go below the horizon line. Also had an admiral explain how they had to account for the curvature of the earth when they fire ballistics. And a teenager, I used to talk to family members that were in the Philippines and it would be night time in San Francisco and daytime over there, so I guess that would mean the Philippines is on the bottom of flat-earth?
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