National Title Game : Kansas Vs Memphis - 9:21 EST

GOTTAGETDEMJS you better get down to mass street man, it might not be there tomorrow ya know!!!!
Originally Posted by allen3xis

I'd like to know why the inbound after the Chalmers shot was not giving to Rose who was cutting up the court...

Instead Dozier gets it..

It's really quick thinking. I think it was Anderson inbounding he might of just seen 2 white jerseys and threw it to 1 of them. In that situation therereally is no time to think about who you are going to. I can't remember if Memphis had any TO left. We never know what its like for a player in a situationlike that. It would've been highly unlikely that Rose would have made the shot anyway
This is reminds me of the 03 championship when Kansas shot themselves in the foot with bad FT shooting. Great game! Very entertaining
who is this tyreke dude yall keep talking about?
Tyreke're a Memphis fan, so I'm guessing you know. Probably will end up down there for next season.

Can tell Cal just got done crying
....really wanted to see himbreak through
One shining moment.......

@ Calapari saying he's gonna try to change the replay rule. Try emphasizing FTs you idiot. 26th on your list of 25. Get da @+%$ outta here.
Try emphasizing FTs you idiot. 26th on your list of 25. Get da @+%$ outta here.
Again with him, it's all talk...I can bet it was take attention on him and away from the kids weaknesses.

He's not dumb, he knows their importance.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

who is this tyreke dude yall keep talking about?

this guy..
i knew you weren't actually a basketball fan, since you didn't evenpop up until about the elite eight.

what's the count by the way?
Dorsey in this interview reminds me of the unforgivable dude... the faces he is making, makes me think he's gonna bust out laughing like that dude.
What a great game. I can't believe I managed to write a pretty good essay on nuclear energy while I was watching this.

Mario Chalmers is damn good. And Sherron Collins made me proud tonight. He's been my favorite player on the Jayhawks since last year.
i'm thrilled that that Memphis, with their collective equivalent of an 8th grade education, got beat. Congrats kansas fans, enjoy it!

If I were never to see Stephen Curry's 8 year old mug again, I would be a happy man

Nicely put together, as always
Originally Posted by curt2121

i'm thrilled that that Memphis, with their collective equivalent of an 8th grade education, got beat. Congrats kansas fans, enjoy it!

Originally Posted by curt2121

i'm thrilled that that Memphis, with their collective equivalent of an 8th grade education, got beat. Congrats kansas fans, enjoy it!

pure ignorance...

congrats to KU
@ D. Rose and Dorsey laughing at CDR when he was pounding the table.
Tough way to go out for Memphis, I was rooting for them as they were the least storied program(UNC, UCLA, Kansas) of the final four, not to mention I was a fanof the "refuse to lose" Umass team of the mid 90's. This is one of those losses that will be hard to live down. FT shooting was the beginning andend for Memphis. Once the game went to OT they were toast. It was a good effort by Rose who will be the 1st or 2nd pick in the draft, CDR might as well go aswell. Great job by Kansas for hanging around and showing toughness when it appeared they were done and Bill Self would be definitely headed to Okie ST. Thiswas Calapari's best chance and this will sting for a long time. I guess UNC should not feel so bad since they lost to the eventual champs.
Originally Posted by curt2121

i'm thrilled that that Memphis, with their collective equivalent of an 8th grade education, got beat. Congrats kansas fans, enjoy it!

The Irony
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