National Title Game : Kansas Vs Memphis - 9:21 EST

Billy Packer and Jim Nantz.

I think they have a contract with CBS to do the Final Four until they die.
well im not really rooting for either team, i have become a pretty big D Rose fan as well as Brandon Rush, with that said i really am just hoping for a closegame that goes down to the wire and keeps us all entertained.
I didn't read this entire post and don't know if anybody mentioned this before but Adidas must be licking their chops right now with 3 Adidas teams inthe final four and 2 in the national championship game.
Off to my buddies place to watch the game, hopefully will be back as DRose is holding up the Tourney MOP award
why is this on CBS!?!?!!
I ate lunch on Mass St. in Lawrence earlier today and the mayhem was already getting started, can't image it tonight!
Well fellas (and felletas) here we go. I haven't been this nervous since the Orange Bowl. I just took a monstrous smash on the D. Rose level. I thinkI'm ready.
Originally Posted by S0rtega2

I ate lunch on Mass St. in Lawrence earlier today and the mayhem was already getting started, can't image it tonight!

My friend was on Mass Saturday night eating dinner when they won. He said he saw a dude standing on his car, with his pants down, fapping when theywon
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