natural inclination to "simp"

is this you pepper?

Here's how I look at simpin' from an evolutionary genetics perspective. Simpin' evolved in nature as a beta male tactic. It is a strategy for less desirable males to somewhat even the playing field with alphas. An alpha male will get females regardless of their strategy, that's there are some men no matter how awful they are to women will always have that woman come back. Betas can't afford to risk losing a woman cause they don't know when the next time they will get to have one. They hold on to the ones they have for dear life in hopes they don't lose her to the alpha.

not bad..not bad at all
Unsubscribing this ironic simpfest

Funny how supermodels that get posted in here don't get love but that chick does :lol:
Many of these young dudes or younger dudes depending on their background don't really have game or weren't really taught the rules and terminology of the game from the past out here.  That's why they just toss around words but don't really understand the actual meaning behind them and more importantly haven't actually witnessed the game for themselves on a first hand basis.  They also haven't had the older dudes with game teaching them what they need to know.

They haven't really been in these type of scenarios or haven't really dealt with enough woman to make the proper assessments on woman out here.  Dealing with the same type of raggedy women on your 2 block radius is not going to give you the proper guide on how to deal with woman out here and how to improve/perfect your game.
All of that. The word snitch is another one.
Simping, to me, is being subservient to your woman, pining hard for her attention while she pushes you to the back burner and generally being a weak ***, spineless sucka overall.

A man's job is to provde and protect his WOMAN, so if you're doing that for your GIRL then you're not Simping. Just a man handling his business.

Now on the other hand if you're catering to some chick who's out here in these streets, and you're leaving sappy voice mails with Brian McKnight playing in the background asking her when she's finally going to bless you with the opportunity to be able to wine and dine her then......
this man knows what he's talking about
I haz confuse in the dating world. I'll never have that Rockstar-esque disregard for females, that they ironically flock to. To show attention or ignore? To spend bread or not spend bread? It's called "the game" for a reason.. Smh.
I haz confuse in the dating world. I'll never have that Rockstar-esque disregard for females, that they ironically flock to. To show attention or ignore? To spend bread or not spend bread? It's called "the game" for a reason.. Smh.
Best advice I can ever give is get a goal and work towards it.

Whether it be school, a promotion, a business, health..

Work towards it... Put that first... Women gravitate TK men that are focused on achieving something...

I compare it to driving a car...

Your lady wants to look at you drive the car...

You have to keep your eyes on the road...

If you watch her, you crash and burn.

Drive slow homey. :pimp:

assuming "her" story was legit, her man worked that hard ....... to earn this? :stoneface:
View media item 884418
stop famb.

You know damb well it ain't all about the looks...

Shorty might have a bomb personality and yambs that'll bring you to your knees. :lol:
Yambgawd simping???
View media item 882762
say it aint so

*edit* reads thread: yeah there's a distinction, most men simp for box they'll never get. if the girl is your wifey, loyal, and goes out of her way to do things for you also then I wouldn't really call that simping, just reciprocity
Naw kinfoe. :rofl:

Just ran a slimmy that would make Lord Of Castomere and Stilin729 proud. :pimp:

We're natural providers, so you wanna provide for the right one, don't just be giving it up all around town. That's like our version of the p. I want her to look to me for comfort and support knowng I got her back in every arena. Even better if she's self sufficient when you meet and never asks for **** and picks up the bill every now and then, makes you wanna fill any holes for her even more. That **** melts my heart but I gotta be careful around those, especially in a city filled with them, they're not all worthy.
thanks for understanding my question famb.


I know EXACTKY what simping is... Just wanted to frame it correctly.

But sometimes... I have to hold back from wanting to give to these awesome chicks. Lol
You have it all wrong.

Simping is very distinct from being a provider.

Simping is the act of sacrificing your integrity and dignity for a woman's affection. 

You can certainly provide for a women as long as you maintain your dignity and integrity as a man. 

Said another way, as long as you are investing in YOURSELF more than her, you are OK. You begin to simp when you begin investing in HER more than yourself.

Another way to look at it. 2 dudes both have a girlfriend. They both buy their girlfriends a $20k car. The difference is this:

Guy A: Makes $25k a year and had to finance the car over 5 years to pay it off.

Guy B: Makes $2.5 million a year and paid off the car in cash. 

Clearly, guy A is simping, and Guy B is not. The presumption is that Guy B is so focused on his career and inherently, himself, that $20k is nothing to himm doesn't even put a dent in his wallet. While guy B is not focusing on his career and himself, but rather, spending all of his assets and time on a girl, and is literally going broke trying to keep this girls affection. 
I was a simp in one of my first relationships and I got tired of it and ended it

I’ve been in my current relationship for almost 3 years now

I refuse to go out of my way to do anything or do anything I don’t want to do

That simp life isn’t for me
How I try to teach my brother not to be a simp (and I'm the little brother... Smfh)

1) When you take a stance on a position remain firm. Unless your stance is clearly ridiculous, which using common sense you know, don't change it.
If you constantly cave in whenever she challenges your position she'll learn she can just walk all over you whenever she bats an eyelash.

2) Make common sense restrictions. Something like no talking with exes, no seeing those n_'s, better act like she has a restraining order.
Same thing applies to you, it creates a respectable boundary and helps to establish trust.

3) Don't allow your position to be undermined. Similar to one, if for example, you say had a child and your baby guh wanted to take him/her out while you're punishing him, FDB. The kid stays in the house.
As the male, you need to be the alpha. I see relationships with females akin to dog ownership.

4) Learn your ticks, unconsciously make a habit of studying your partners behavior.
Almost like classical conditioning, it helps you avoid unwanted ish and learning what sets you off with that potential partner will have you playing chess crowning kings and s_ while they're still using the L maneuver every tic-tac-toe game.

5) Understand that you must always put yourself first. Or if you have child, put yourself second, then your partner third.
Basic survival skill. Relationships these days rarely last, and like Ricky said, chase a goal, improve yourself, and your partner will either do the same or realize they're not up to par saving you time in the long run.

Move gracefully, strike like a velvet glove cast in iron b and you will always emerge victorious. Prosper NT :pimp:

Edit: Just wanted to expand on 3. Sometimes you feel you should compromise out of love, or whatever you feel... No. Just like a dog (be easy women of NT) while you may feel you're doing the right thing you're challenging your own authority, undermining your own sovereignty. Same reason why you see people's dogs at public parks act like they have 0 training, same reason why females kiss you in the mouth with the jizz of their coworkers.. They don't respect you man. No matter how much they make it seem like it.
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not bad but shawty look like she has a life filled of menthol and malt liquor....

Damn, you can tell all that from a Myspace-pro angled shot?

assuming "her" story was legit, her man worked that hard ....... to earn this? :stoneface:
View media item 884418

Yes, ALL OF THAT..for me :smile:
I'm not going to be attractive to any and everyone. It is what it is
In my not so humble opinion, I'm cute as ****. AND I'm thick. :smokin
:rofl: :rofl: he/she all in after 4 months. The way he/she initally described the situation I thought they AT LEAST had 4 years in :lol:

What's so wrong with committing to someone worthy of your love? You act like it's a terrible thing putting it all in one basket when you know you've found something unique/special.

Don't even come for me lmao
:rofl: :rofl: he/she all in after 4 months. The way he/she initally described the situation I thought they AT LEAST had 4 years in :lol:

What's so wrong with committing to someone worthy of your love? You act like it's a terrible thing putting it all in one basket when you know you've found something unique/special.

Don't even come for me lmao

But that's how people feel when they get into a relationship period just to learn how wrong they were :lol:
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