NBA 2K10 News Thread (The Game Is OUt)

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by grittyman20

I like the game fine how it is, and with the patch it's probably going to be perfect....some of yall are just nitpicking.

Have you seen the list?

Nitpicking it is not
Some of you guys just have blind love for the game
there a looooooootttt of issues that need to be fixed
Where is this list?
No where near "Nitpicks"

Please know that these are only suggested changes. These do not guarantee use in the game.

Autosave Settings and Association- Coach, Camera, Online, etc.
Fix Shot Stick - Shot Releases -> If you hold it, increases shot %
Scrolling DPad directions with On the Fly Coaching is way too fast
Add Custom Soundtracks PS3
CPU Sliders get translated to Home Away USER USER Match-up
Heat stats (D-Pad UP) shots made/shots attempted instead of %
Saving replay crashes PS3
Not enough time to follow in-game play director

Pick and Roll physics
Defensive Assist needs toning down
Tone down lead pass in lane / Defensive Awareness in Lane needs increase
Players Stopping on Fast Break Passes
Too many Alley-oops in Traffic
Referee inbound issues - passes between refs or doesn't pass at all
Stepping backwards from three point line when setting up on a pass
Fix charges - backwards and backcourt charges need to be eliminated
Shooting percentages too high
Way too easy to create defensive openings with ball movement
Stuck animations on play calls, animations will show up in next possession
Too much cherry picking
Timeouts subtract weirdly and then come back...
Sometimes a made dunk will seem like it never happened
Zone Defense Spacing
Tone down offensive rebounding on free throws
Camera on first free throw shot is often weird
Walk The Dog is Glitchy
Lack of force field on out of bounds
Back Court is too easy to have happen
More contact in paint
Assist window lasts too long
Cut down on Auto-post up
Ease of PF and C Dribbling
Intentional Fouls not registering / passing through them
Substitutions made at end of quarter don't translate to next quarter, same team comes out from end of last quarter
Offensive 3 seconds needs to be looked at, often not called
Energy is not being re-gathered by Time-outs with My Player
Inbounding to Center causes a turnover
Isomotion needs to be more responsive and variety
Too many missed close shots
Not enough Perimeter fouls called
Passing too easy through middle of court (sideline to sideline)
Allow for walking the ball up
Missing easy catches
Slow real-life Bigs play defense too well on perimeter
Overhead passes need to be turned down
Is the 360 dunk working?
Triple Threat ISO issues - Jab step versus starting dribbling animation

Only PG will bring up ball
AI in terms of 24 second clock and end of game… no urgency, or sometimes shoot early in 24-clock
Too many AI Jump Passes
More players need to drive lane / Shot type tendencies wonky

Team-Up 5 player slot bug
Association online freezing
Increase Online Difficulty Level or Create Ranked Lobby Tiers
Show Opponents Stats in Ranked Games
Difficult to sub people in online, rapid d-pad scrolling
Option to turn off fatigue online
Freezing with 2K Share, Who's Online, Team Up
Can we implement Gold Leaderboard?
Changing Coach Settings Causes Freezing in Online Ranked Games

My Player
My Player Duplication
My Player/Association Developmental Drills Glitch
My Player Minutes
My Player Pick-UP Games Drop Connection - NEEDS TO WORK
5th game freeze during summer circuit in My Player
Retired Player Jerseys in My Player
Editing tendencies does not add up to 100
Hold Ball Too Long is too short of a period, especially for a PG
My Player Shooting on same basket after halftime
Exporting created players makes them become generic
Subs in My Player in rapid succession and at extremely wrong position
Foul outs in My Player mode wonky

FRAMERATE - End of Quarter/Timeouts, Certain Stadiums
PS3 Freeze in T-Mobile and Keys of Game Loading Screens
Broadcast Camera in My Player
Headbands going with home/team colors instead of custom
Clipping on the Dunk Contest
NBA Today Overlays stick on screen too long sometimes
Color red is off in game
Increase Playoff Atmosphere
Signature celebrations for players that don't start game is some generic player
Overlays getting cut off by other overlays
LeBron Chalk Toss is wonky
Delay in block animation
Graphical deterioation as game goes along (?)
Rows of fans in open spaces (Check NJ's court)
In-Game Sound not working with optical cable unless switching to HDMI sound
Only have button to cut off post-basket celebration animations and not inbound of ball
Camera hangs after conclusion of a game
Speed up two hands animation
Amp up crowd noise/atmosphere

Morale Attribute in Association is too strong
Contracts in Association to Large - Sit in Free Agency
10 Day Contracts not registering

son... i went down this entire list and about 80% of the problems, i have seen them... the other 20% b/c it doesnt apply to me... (i got an xbox and hadnttried association...)...

this game sucks... but i'm gonna hope the patch does somethin.... this wait would be WHOOOOLE lot easier if Modern Warfare 2 was already out... lol...

as far as the timeouts... i can tell yall that you have to ACTUALLY WAIT THE ENTIRE TIMEOUT to get energy... they do it like its a real game... so if you takea full timeout, you gotta wait the full minute to get your players rested up...
Originally Posted by JordanDon23

How the !!$! do you get a online game, i feel stupid not knowing how to do it....

you gotta already be logged onto xbox live... then when you go into quick game, scroll up to "ranked game"....

its really a good way to do things... integrates online play right into the main menus... only problem is that you cant consistently get a game....

it has gotten better since the first week it dropped... cuz that first week was absolutely horrible...
Jumpman2314: Thx for the vid

Edit: Tried for the last 30 minutes and only was able to do one (I missed the shot tho). I was doing every move except it. If someone figures it out,please post it because it's killing me. I'd also like to know how to do one of the "fancier" pumpfakes.
got an online ps3 league going. pm me for details if you want to join...I started another thread, we only need a few more people to join...
Thanks for the video jumpman.. instruction really works

I can finally do it lol ...i even uploaded a video of it..
Kevin Martin just dropped 38 on me went 15/16 dude was hitting every shot possible
I hate the AI defense they helping out even when you dont need it and just leave their man open
Originally Posted by McRaptor

I hate the AI defense they helping out even when you dont need it and just leave their man open
This man speaks the truth
Originally Posted by McRaptor

Kevin Martin just dropped 38 on me went 15/16 dude was hitting every shot possible
I hate the AI defense they helping out even when you dont need it and just leave their man open

Is there a way to fix that because I got close to losing to my brother because of that.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

ao17 wrote:
McRaptor wrote:
I hate the AI defense they helping out even when you dont need it and just leave their man open
This man speaks the truth

Especially off the pick and roll...mad annoying..
I dareee you to try and pick and roll cheese on me. Its definitely defend-able, you just gotta know how.

WHEN is this patch supposed to be out?.. I dont wana start my Association with some faulty !+@ game... Fifa and COD are coming out soon
Just played some bamma in a ranked game. He had to have thrown at least 8 alley oops to Demar Derozan including the gw in ot

How do I defend this nonsense?
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by McRaptor

Kevin Martin just dropped 38 on me went 15/16 dude was hitting every shot possible
I hate the AI defense they helping out even when you dont need it and just leave their man open

Is there a way to fix that because I got close to losing to my brother because of that.
Kevin Martin drops 40 om me every time I play the Kings...

I've gotten a little better with the defense in the past hours...

Set your defensive assist to 0 in your controller settings and set your double team to 0 in your coach's profile...

Also, set your double team settings to "never" for each player before the game...This helps out ALOT...
Originally Posted by lysolflow

Originally Posted by 85wasagreatyear

Originally Posted by Goldmember

Can you change quarter mins in My player mode?

This mode is soo addictive
rating is still 44 but i can hang now with the elite PGs for some reason..

you gotta start all over if you wanna change ya minutes ;/
right before you import the player, even before you go to myplayer mode you gotta change it from the options screen like you're about to set up a quick game. you can also change the sliders and difficulty if you want; i didnt get to tho, it slipped my mind lol i still play 8 min qs tho

im like a 67 rating with my combo guard heading into the january. just got the athletic dunk pack
gonna work on my passing and ball handling over the next 6-9 games and try to unlock the superstar handles pack. avg like 12 ppg 8 assists starting pg for the lakers

how many minutes do you suggest to get normal scores... cuz my dumb friggin roommate deleted my game and i gotta start over... so i figured why not do it the right way...

i was gettin 50-60 points on average w/ 5 min... so yall think i should do 10 min?... or 12?... just wanna know cuz i'm finna get on it hardbody from here on out... patch or no patch... lol...
i say about 8 minutes. thats what i use. my lakers are in 2nd place in scorin at about 108 ppg and i get enough time to get a lil tired everyquarter. which should e a good sign right?
Set your defensive assist to 0 in your controller settings and set your double team to 0 in your coach's profile...

Also, set your double team settings to "never" for each player before the game...This helps out ALOT...
Good looks, I'm going to give this a try.

How do you do the walk the dog on the PS3 version?
Originally Posted by JordanDon23

Originally Posted by akf0dy7

how do you play defense in this game? whats the best play?

Nah bruh Gunna made me this AVY back when NCAA 09 dropped.

i've had this AVY before you were even a member
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

Nah bruh Gunna made me this AVY back when NCAA 09 dropped.

i've had this AVY before you were even a member

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Thats damn weird...We got the same time-frame from a certain vid, and i never sawyour avy when mine was made...[/color].
Originally Posted by Jumpman2314

Originally Posted by E3LAL

CAFinest23 wrote:
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

E3LAL wrote:
Lakersfan1 wrote:
Why is Kobe on the cover? can anyone tell me? The cover boy who can't make wide open 3's wide open jumpshots or anything! this is a joke its pretty much like Lebron should of been on the cover because this guy is UNSTOPPABLE I HAVE YET! to hold lebron less than 30 points I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. its a joke seriously if lebron can play like that every game 82-0 100%
Thought I was doing something wrong because I couldn't hit any open 3s with kobe either online.

thank you!...ive been saying that hes garbage during the first 3 qtrs but come the 4th thats when hes unstoppable and by that time its sometimes too little too late

I couldn't hit anything with Kobe either until I work with his jumpshot in Freestyle mode. Now i'm pretty good with him. The ISO moves has taken a MAJOR step back IMO besides the spin move I can't do anything!

word, I stay doing those half spins

Has anyone mastered the "directional pump-fakes?" I can do the normal pumpfake, but the directional one looks more althentic. Also, I'm trying to do the kobe stepthrough. I was able to do it once but can't do the pump-fake and step through together. Any tips?

Trying to do the move kobe did in the teaser.


Btw...what difficulty are you guys playing on?...

I'm on superstar in my association getting beat about 70% of the time by about 10 using Grizzlies...

that's soo cool i'm going to try that next time i play
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

I hate my D-League team so much, Im a 6'3'' athletic point guard and keeped getting subbed in as SF/SG most of the game. Im still putting up decent numbers but the 2k Insider says after every game I've been let go but the same team picks me up
. Hopefully the patch will fix this and I get on a new team soon because Im not having fun with this mode anymore lol.

The same thing is happening to me as doesnt matter, what my stats were in the last game, I always get cut and pick up by the same team. My last game,I put up a triple double and got cut..
Originally Posted by ao17

Originally Posted by McRaptor

I hate the AI defense they helping out even when you dont need it and just leave their man open
This man speaks the truth

There is a slider for help defense, I believe turning that down will help with this issue.
How long did it take u guys to get on an NBA team? I just started my own My Player mode yesterday and went through the summer league, started the last 4 gamesbut didn't make it to training camp. I'm on a D-League team now, 3 games in n dropping 22ppg but still not starting.
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