NBA 2k10 Xbox 360 League (1 Replacement team needed!)

Crag ug eting on?
edit: wow really? u guys started a game already? i been waiting... -_-
idk how to challenge people so i jsut accepted the first challenge i got

and wow

my team just turns the ball over like they are giving out christmas presents
anyone in the buildin?
Originally Posted by kicksrule

cmon bruh. you had more pip than i did. you stole the ball on my side of the court after an offensive reb. i had 4 more fastbreak points than you. i killed you with my 3's. please dont call me
a cheese when you tried to lob it down also and got caught when i deflected it with arenas. stop pausing the game like an as#@$@e and play like a man. dont be mad cause i drained that 3
with arenas to send it to ot cause you left him wide open. dont come in here acting like you wasnt messaging during the game and ran your timer down to like 30 secs. stop driving in with drose casue i started reading you and that was your downfall. mods please check the box score/shot chart before you reset it and if you feel like i cheesed then do it. ill beat you again. point blank.
Stop man. With almost every possession you push it down court to try to get open shots before half my D was set up. Fine, you want to play likethat fine. But what really pissed me off was the occasional lob the ball down court to the guy for a quick 2 second dunk that will NOT fly. It especially gotme heated when you did it with like 20 seconds left to tie the game that was lame. I paused the game to warn you. Gully already called you out. You cannNOT lobthe ball down the court for easy dunks especially in crucial situations. Mods please reset this game. You are a fool sir.
The guy with the lakers did nothing but score in the paint until he got a nice lead... sooooo annoying
I can't really reset your game yankee... you had 2 more PIP than him... and looking at the stat line he shot a lot of jump shots.. if more people complainabout him... then yes I can.. but its not really fair to him based off the stat line
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