NBA 2K11 Official Thread (Patch Put for PS3 & XBOX 360)

Originally Posted by iwhohavenothing

played vagixxer last night..... wizards vs cavs... i put up 33 pts and 9 assists with mo willams
dude shot 16 for 19

Originally Posted by iwhohavenothing

dc lets get a game in one day...ill put those numbers up on you too

Mo Williams finished 4/26, 9 pts. 3 turnovers. Put Ariza on him

And he got 28 dropped on his head by CP3

You gotta take better shots man. I really didn't have to play much D on you. You were coming down, making no passes and taking shots with Mo. You have to run plays man. Make the defense work.
how come the spizikes arent in the game? or the 6 rings?

I got drafted to the Wiz, but I think I'm gonna ask for a trade...tired of the commentators slobbin Wall every 5 minutes. I'm the leading scorer and assist leader on the team, and I'm a 2 guard. why is Arenas so trash in the game? he just comes in tossing up garbage. I dont pass him the ball anymore lol

I hate being put at different positions then gettin penalized for get scored on by a big stronger player. that should be adjusted.
maaaaaan anyone else have a couple jordan's deleted? i lost the melo m7's and xxiii's. just unlocked the xii's, but i'm scared it won't even save. i have it on autosave too 
Shot just was not falling online
Think I'd be better off releasing it quick as ##** instead of trying to hold it because that slight lag is deadly.

and 2K must not give a ##** about unranked games because I am unsuccessful in getting one of those started but finding a Ranked match isn't as bad.
anyboday else hate the shooting drill
why is there another dude shooting right next me
!%$ be throwing me off
I'm pretty disappointed 2k's my player is glitched yet again..... I have already had two different discs from gamestop to see if it was my xbox and no it's been confirmed after i think around 13 games "my player" just freezes. Pretty depressing I did not get to save it and it was already the player of the game part. I also had seen my shoes disappearing to the person who said it up there and it was the same shoes too. Anyone know what we have to actually do to get the J's? When i get them I'm like cool ok, but what did I do to get them.... ahaha info?
It's pretty simple, use jordans jumper and just hold down the thumbstick or X longer then usually and you should be good. I start my med at 65 and just from doing all the drills and getting golds +2 med it now at a 92. Don't run around a lot or fade away if anything pump fake before your shot so you are set so that you get the +med instead of shoot off dribble or close.  Hope this helps. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

VaGixxer - I swore I played you in like 2K8 or 2K9 before. I can't remember. You said you weren't sim right?

, you lucky my folks were off. I would have shot you out of that zone earlier

DCAllAmerican is my GT

Naw fam, we played in 2k10 I believe.

I'm sim. Danny just was one fire the ONE time we played an it rubbed you the wrong way.

My son markmatic (Iwhohavenothin) can co-sign that. Granger just got busy on you.

You were a bit angry I think because it was a blowout. All good though.

Lets run one. You on tonight?
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

i completed the whole jordan challenge 

What difficulty level were you playing on?

Due to the challenge being restricted to 8 minutes quarters did you have to cheese to beat some of the challenges?

For instance the Arrival where you have to score 60+ points.
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