NBA 2K9 or NBA LIVE 09

2k is for real basketball players

Live is more arcade

That means absolutely nothing...

I started my Fall off by playing 2K9, but after a while, it got boring quick!!!

Live '06 - '08 was trash, but they went back to their old style with Live '09... a huge improvement...

I bought Live for like $25 about a month ago, and haven't stopped playing it since...

2K9 runs a lot more smooth that Live, but Live is way more fun, and you can actually run plays now...

Live = 2K this year IMO...
I finally made the switch this year after being Live since 95...... Live just isn't what it used to be. I guess Live 07 (the one with Cool Whip Tracy onthe cover) just completely soured me to anything basketball related from EA. The Association >>> Dynasty, 2k Share, the music, gameplay is morerealistic without question. Be a Pro was a huge letdown, plus for some reason the gameplay just seemed extra choppy and very underwhelming. I am by no means a2k fanboy but hands down 2k is putting out a better product.
You really shouldn't have made this thread on here. Because no matter how trash 2k is fanboys on here will ride with it.
I just bought nba live 09 ( going against the grain of everyone choosing 2k9 ) . I played 2k9 over my friends house and i will admit it is a pretty nice game...although live 09 isnt that bad ethier can actually run plays and the new dribbling system is seriously insane , you can speed up in and out orcrossovers by how fast you want with the analog , its jus not one highlight type move actually can can control it the way you want too . I actuallyhavent really done a fast break yet on live 09 so maybe people are right about the whole fastbreak is slow ...but im pretty sure you can do fastbreaks jusmay not be that easy as you can see from above someone posted up a video of the slow fastbreak , and atleast its harder to score with people playing defense onthe way back . overall i would probaly give the slight edge to 2k9 because i had play both , but live 09 isnt that bad ...its up to your personal perference asthe nba live 09 moves are much sicker.
played both and i think 2k9 has a little bit of an edge on this one. the graphics really make it isnt all that for 2k but its okay. live justbugs me sometimes. anyways, 2k7 and live 04> any other 2k and live
2k9 is better but not by that is most unfair basketball simulation ever. every 4th quarter I swear the cpu cheats their %%@ off to let the otheropponent come back and beat you...
Originally Posted by Marvelous M4RK

2k9 is better but not by that is most unfair basketball simulation ever. every 4th quarter I swear the cpu cheats their %%@ off to let the other opponent come back and beat you...
yo, tell me why you feel that way?

i always hear dudes say that, but no explanation

give me 5 reasons why
Originally Posted by Marvelous M4RK

2k9 is better but not by that is most unfair basketball simulation ever. every 4th quarter I swear the cpu cheats their %%@ off to let the other opponent come back and beat you...

That's not unfair, they wanna win just as bad as you do. It's a competitive sport. I'm currently playing on All Star and love the fact that gamesare usually pretty close and I'm runnin with the Bulls so go figure. Play good D and take smart shots
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