NBA Feet: 2011-2012

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

It is great to see JKidd back on swoosh, but in the other hand: What happened to PEAK?? Seems like all their endorsers went back to Nike simultaneously: JKidd, JRich, Kevin Love... Any pics of Battier on Heat press day?? Do they went into bankruptcy or what??
Those Hyperfuse 2011's have grown on me a ton since I first saw them.

^That black/white pair is awesome
Is son wearing Polo socks?

And I always find it funny when I play against people wearing Polo socks for some reason.
damn... Under Armour is killing it. Sorry, but they're starting to look better than Nikes.
I guess in 3-4 years they'd be selling like pancakes in the morning.
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