NBA Live 2013 Official Thread (I Think EA Can Do It)

my goodness, how has EA fallen off so hard when making NBA games? i got a N64 game that looks better than that
That was horrible.

Players still "skate" down the court, no sense of weight or physics, player models look terrible, and the gameplay looks choppy as all hell.

They had a whole extra year and this is all they came up with....shame :smh:
I just hope this is a game we can all laugh at again 
Looks like you got your wish. I cant even laugh tho, I just feel sorry for EA at this point...give it up.
Last NBA Live game I bought was NBA Live 07 with T-Mac on the cover,

That game was terrible, Haven't bought a basketball game since. :x :smh:
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I used to love Live but 2K is killing it but without comp, k could put out anything there's no other Basketball to play.
they need to make this game 19.99

apparently EA thinks that okc traded kd to brooklyn for joe johnson

at least the framerate looks solid cause everything else looks janky

I've been loyal EA since the Atari 2600/7800 days and this is just sad to see my favorite sports gaming company churn out crap like this.
Tell me why I shouln't pass on NBA Live 13 and get it cracking on the Nintendo with Arch Rivals

If this is what the latest update looks like this close to release, then EA's basketball division can go ahead and close up shop.
On someone's else's channel. They can't stop the video from spreading.

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That can't be real. I would be be ashamed to put a game out that looks like that.
they should just give up.. seriously.

but the images/graphics on the MENU looks good tho... i love the presentation. gameplay? **** is terrible. its exact same thing from nba elite except minor tweaks... chris bosh dribbling like kyrie irving :smh:
The graphics in the game look decent. The players faces aren't jacked up like 2K, but everything about that game play looks bad. This is coming from a fan of the Live series. It looks like they tried to make another game from scratch. :smh:

EA should use Live 08-10 as a starting point and go from there.
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