NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

And if KMart doesn't opt out of his contract? I don't think that's a good deal for the Suns at all. Worst case scenario, you let Amare walk and getthe cap space.

I can see why the Pistons didn't wanna give up Prince. He's their best defender, even if he was ghost during the playoffs.
Ok let's see. If Pistons traded Prince for Boozer, then let's take a look at their defense.

Gordon -

Boozer -

Charlie V -

The only player they would have left that's capable of defending anybody. If Utah would've made that deal, Prince would've took AK-47 minutes at SFand they would probably have Kirilenko backing up Millsap.
why would we trade Prince for Boozer? I mean i like Boozer's offensive game but he cant defend for crap. I like Prince and want him in Detroit til heretires but i dont know if thats gonna happen. Im not up for getting Boozer when his contract ends next summer.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Boozer is not a bad defensive player, I'm still trying to figure where people got this idea.

He's able to hold position in the paint because of his strength, but due to his length he can't block any shots nor contest many shots. He tends tostay on his feet when guys elevate over him. He also lacks quickness due to his size. It's not that he doesn't try hard, I believe he gives the effort(an ok to average defender). He just doesn't have the physical tools to be an above average defender. You wouldn't want him on your frontline if youdon't have a good defensive philosophy as a team like Utah. The reason why I wouldn't like him on Detroit at this point is because they don't havea true frontline. They're thin upfront and I don't even believe they have a center on their roster thats worth talking about.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Boozer is not a bad defensive player, I'm still trying to figure where people got this idea.
I think people get that notion because the only time he and the Jazz are on tv, he has to guard the likes of Pau Gasol, Lamar Odom and Tim Duncan.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Boozer is not a bad defensive player, I'm still trying to figure where people got this idea.
Because he is. The only thing he can do is try to bully people out of the paint, but if someone catches it that deep on him he's +$%$*%.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Boozer is not a bad defensive player, I'm still trying to figure where people got this idea.

He's able to hold position in the paint because of his strength, but due to his length he can't block any shots nor contest many shots. He also lacks quickness due to his size. It's not that he doesn't try hard, I believe he gives the effort (an ok to average defender). He just doesn't have the physical tools to be an above average defender. You wouldn't want him on your frontline if you don't have a good defensive philosophy as a team like Utah. The reason why I wouldn't like him on Detroit at this point is because they don't have a true frontline. They're thin upfront and I don't even believe they have a center on their roster thats worth talking about.
He plays the POWER forward position, so other than those hybrid 4s he is stout post defender and your criticizing him becuase he can't defendguys on the perimeter, his quickness is fine? He's not playing small forward.

Also your severely underrating the value of defensive rebounding, Greg Popovich preaches as the most important part of defense, taking away opportunities toscore is as valuable as blocking a shot or stealing the ball and he is consistently one of the best defensive rebounders in the league.

He has short arms so he will never be a great shot blocker but neither is Chuck Hayes or Anderson Varajoe.

Boozer is one of the better defensive PF's off his defensive rebounding alone, the idea that he is a bad defender to me is silly.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Im pretty sure Jason Kidd has more blocked shots than Boozer which is quite sad.

Boozer is a stocky guy, his arms don't seem that long, he VERY RARELY contests shots. Dirk is a better defender than this dude. Laugh if you want, but Dirkhas more blocks in two years than Boozer has had in his career. Dirk has had more blocks every year of his career (minus rookie year) than Boozer has.. Boozdoes what Dirk does, except Booz doesn't contest too many shots. It frustrates me to watch Boozer try and guard someone. Mehmet is a much bettershotblocker IMO.

I'd hate to have Boozer on any of the teams I follow, and now that I think about it, his fit on the Pistons isn't that good, now that they have BenGordon and Charlie V, they don't need another scorer who doesn't play great defense.

Dude is a great rebounder, no doubting that, but I'm not quite sure that rebounding = good defense.

David Lee and Troy Murphy are also good rebounder, but good defenders? Ehh.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Boozer is not a bad defensive player, I'm still trying to figure where people got this idea.
Because he is. The only thing he can do is try to bully people out of the paint, but if someone catches it that deep on him he's +$%$*%.
Any decent offensive player catches the ball deep you are screwed.

I will take a power forward who can rebound defensively and play strong post d over a dude who gambles for blocks.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Boozer is not a bad defensive player, I'm still trying to figure where people got this idea.

He's able to hold position in the paint because of his strength, but due to his length he can't block any shots nor contest many shots. He also lacks quickness due to his size. It's not that he doesn't try hard, I believe he gives the effort (an ok to average defender). He just doesn't have the physical tools to be an above average defender. You wouldn't want him on your frontline if you don't have a good defensive philosophy as a team like Utah. The reason why I wouldn't like him on Detroit at this point is because they don't have a true frontline. They're thin upfront and I don't even believe they have a center on their roster thats worth talking about.
He plays the POWER forward position, so other than those hybrid 4s he is stout post defender and your criticizing him becuase he can't defend guys on the perimeter, his quickness is fine? He's not playing small forward.

Also your severely underrating the value of defensive rebounding, Greg Popovich preaches as the most important part of defense, taking away opportunities to score is as valuable as blocking a shot or stealing the ball and he is consistently one of the best defensive rebounders in the league.

He has short arms so he will never be a great shot blocker but neither is Chuck Hayes or Anderson Varajoe.

Boozer is one of the better defensive PF's off his defensive rebounding alone, the idea that he is a bad defender to me is silly.

But, do you see people label Chuck Hayes or Varejao bad defenders like they do Boozer? Even with Hayes being only 6'5, he gives more effort in the low postin terms of denying the offensive man position in the paint. He knows he doesn't have the size advantage, so he's a workhorse when it comes to denyingpass entries. He also uses great leverage and strength such as Boozer when the guy gets the ball in the post.

The difference between him and Boozer is that he has better timing and will jump with his man to contest shots. Boozer tends to stay on the ground (which canbe considered good instincts by not jumping at alot pump fakes), but it can cause other PF's to easily score over him. I agree that Boozer is definitely agreat defensive rebounder, but I wouldn't say that he's one of the best defensive PF's in the league because of his rebounding alone because Ican't label that as being true.

What you just said is basically saying that Zach Randolph is one of the best PF defenders in the league because he is a great defensive rebounder.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Im pretty sure Jason Kidd has more blocked shots than Boozer which is quite sad.

Boozer is a stocky guy, his arms don't seem that long, he VERY RARELY contests shots. Dirk is a better defender than this dude. Laugh if you want, but Dirk has more blocks in two years than Boozer has had in his career. Dirk has had more blocks every year of his career (minus rookie year) than Boozer has.. Booz does what Dirk does, except Booz doesn't contest too many shots. It frustrates me to watch Boozer try and guard someone. Mehmet is a much better shotblocker IMO.

I'd hate to have Boozer on any of the teams I follow, and now that I think about it, his fit on the Pistons isn't that good, now that they have Ben Gordon and Charlie V, they don't need another scorer who doesn't play great defense.

Shot blocking = defense?

Defensive rebounding is as important as blocking shots Boozer is an elite defensive rebounder. I agree with you about Dirk he has become a very good defensiveplayer but he is NOT better than Boozer, Dirk is medicre shot blocker and rebounds at quite literally almost HALF the rate Boozer does. Boozers rebound rate is20%, Dirks is 12%
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Im pretty sure Jason Kidd has more blocked shots than Boozer which is quite sad.

Boozer is a stocky guy, his arms don't seem that long, he VERY RARELY contests shots. Dirk is a better defender than this dude. Laugh if you want, but Dirk has more blocks in two years than Boozer has had in his career. Dirk has had more blocks every year of his career (minus rookie year) than Boozer has.. Booz does what Dirk does, except Booz doesn't contest too many shots. It frustrates me to watch Boozer try and guard someone. Mehmet is a much better shotblocker IMO.

I'd hate to have Boozer on any of the teams I follow, and now that I think about it, his fit on the Pistons isn't that good, now that they have Ben Gordon and Charlie V, they don't need another scorer who doesn't play great defense.

Shot blocking = defense?

Defensive rebounding is as important as blocking shots Boozer is an elite defensive rebounder. I agree with you about Dirk he has become a very good defensive player but he is NOT better than Boozer, Dirk is medicre shot blocker and rebounds at quite literally almost HALF the rate Boozer does. Boozers rebound rate is 20%, Dirks is 12%
Dirk quite frankly doesn't need to gobble in as many rebounds as Boozer does. We've never been a downright terrible rebounding team, andnext season Dirk's rebounding numbers will go down even more since Marion and most likely Gortat will be on the team, but Dirk puts forth a hell of aneffort.

He certainly doesn't have the strength that Boozer does, but Dirk's more of a crafty defender, while Boozer is a force you have to move, who will holdhis ground, but other than that, I haven't seen much of him. I don't know as much about his game as some might, but he never came off as anything morethan a decent defender.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Boozer is not a bad defensive player, I'm still trying to figure where people got this idea.

He's able to hold position in the paint because of his strength, but due to his length he can't block any shots nor contest many shots. He also lacks quickness due to his size. It's not that he doesn't try hard, I believe he gives the effort (an ok to average defender). He just doesn't have the physical tools to be an above average defender. You wouldn't want him on your frontline if you don't have a good defensive philosophy as a team like Utah. The reason why I wouldn't like him on Detroit at this point is because they don't have a true frontline. They're thin upfront and I don't even believe they have a center on their roster thats worth talking about.
He plays the POWER forward position, so other than those hybrid 4s he is stout post defender and your criticizing him becuase he can't defend guys on the perimeter, his quickness is fine? He's not playing small forward.

Also your severely underrating the value of defensive rebounding, Greg Popovich preaches as the most important part of defense, taking away opportunities to score is as valuable as blocking a shot or stealing the ball and he is consistently one of the best defensive rebounders in the league.

He has short arms so he will never be a great shot blocker but neither is Chuck Hayes or Anderson Varajoe.

Boozer is one of the better defensive PF's off his defensive rebounding alone, the idea that he is a bad defender to me is silly.

But, do you see people label Chuck Hayes or Varejao bad defenders like they do Boozer? Even with Hayes being only 6'5, he gives more effort in the low post in terms of denying the offensive man position in the paint. He knows he doesn't have the size advantage, so he's a workhorse when it comes to denying pass entries. He also uses great leverage and strength such as Boozer when the guy gets the ball in the post.

The difference between him and Boozer is that he has better timing and will jump with his man to contest shots. Boozer tends to stay on the ground (which can be considered good instincts by not jumping at alot pump fakes), but it can cause other PF's to easily score over him. I agree that Boozer is definitely a great defensive rebounder, but I wouldn't say that he's one of the best defensive PF's in the league because of his rebounding alone because I can't label that as being true.

What you just said is basically saying that Zach Randolph is one of the best PF defenders in the league because he is a great defensive rebounder.
Zach Randolph does't rebound as well as Boozer either.

You guys are questioning his effort I don't many people are as strong as Boozer when it comes to back to the basket post defense, Chuck doesn't reallyfront the passer or deny the your making it out to be he literally uses his strength to push the guy out of position, same thing that Boozer does.

Boozers got short arms and doesn't take a lot of risks, but he is patient and he does foul a lot either.

Also Zach Randolph isn't in the top 20 in terms defensive rebounding so I'm not sure what you are talking about.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Someone sure sounds like he wants Boozer on his team...
Nah...I'm just tying to make people realize how important defensive rebounding and there is a reason the Spurs lead this category every singleyear. Defensive rebounding is the same thing as taking away a possession from your opponent, and opportunity for your opponent to score, it's the samething as getting a steal. If you block the shot your opponent could just as easily get the ball back and score.

In the same way baseball is about managing outs basketball is about manging possessions, and controlling what the other opponent does with there possessions.

Imagine in baseball there was a way that the other team could get extra outs, your first and foremost priority would be making sure your opponent got as littleouts as possible right?

Also saying Dirk doesn't need to rebound?

Well Boozer doesn't need to block shots with AK-47 me thats not really a valid argument.
Well my point was, yes Dirk needs to rebound, but there are other guys on the floor who are really good rebounders. You can't block the shot for the guyyou're guarding unless you're Marcus Camby and you're a good help defender. What I'm saying is, VOLUME rebounding. Kidd grabs boards so he canmake quick outlet passes to our wing players, or set up the offense immediately. If the rebound is clear, Dirk will let Kidd rebound it so he can start theoffense.

And just to note, the Jazz are pretty low on the totem pole as far as shot-blocking and rebounding go, while Mavericks are 9th and 5th respectively.

And the Spurs haven't lead the league in rebounding as far as I can find.

Are they up there? Yeah, but so are a lot of teams, like the Suns...

Excluding the past year, they've been in the top 5 defensive rebounding every year for a while, since Nash got there. I know there's a lot morepossessions because their style of play, but does that make them good defensive team?

I'm just nitpicking..
When OKB starts talkin bout stats...yall need to get on the same page as far as the stats he's lookin at
Defensive rebounding percentage the amount of rebounds or defensive rebound you get is dependent upon tempo, morepossession = more rebounds so using a percentage stat eliminates that problem.

I look through basketball reference in the past couple years the spurs have been, 1st, 1st, 3rd, 8th, and 3rd and if you look closer they are close to thebottom in terms of turnover percentage and shot blocking they are near the bottom, but they always lead in defensive rebounding and FG% allowed.

and if you aren't already everyone should pray at the alter of Poppovich.
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