NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

What are the Hawks doing? they have a good starting 5..ok.. and only 3 bench players
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Boozer is not a bad defensive player, I'm still trying to figure where people got this idea.

He's able to hold position in the paint because of his strength, but due to his length he can't block any shots nor contest many shots. He also lacks quickness due to his size. It's not that he doesn't try hard, I believe he gives the effort (an ok to average defender). He just doesn't have the physical tools to be an above average defender. You wouldn't want him on your frontline if you don't have a good defensive philosophy as a team like Utah. The reason why I wouldn't like him on Detroit at this point is because they don't have a true frontline. They're thin upfront and I don't even believe they have a center on their roster thats worth talking about.
He plays the POWER forward position, so other than those hybrid 4s he is stout post defender and your criticizing him becuase he can't defend guys on the perimeter, his quickness is fine? He's not playing small forward.

Also your severely underrating the value of defensive rebounding, Greg Popovich preaches as the most important part of defense, taking away opportunities to score is as valuable as blocking a shot or stealing the ball and he is consistently one of the best defensive rebounders in the league.

He has short arms so he will never be a great shot blocker but neither is Chuck Hayes or Anderson Varajoe.

Boozer is one of the better defensive PF's off his defensive rebounding alone, the idea that he is a bad defender to me is silly.

But, do you see people label Chuck Hayes or Varejao bad defenders like they do Boozer? Even with Hayes being only 6'5, he gives more effort in the low post in terms of denying the offensive man position in the paint. He knows he doesn't have the size advantage, so he's a workhorse when it comes to denying pass entries. He also uses great leverage and strength such as Boozer when the guy gets the ball in the post.

The difference between him and Boozer is that he has better timing and will jump with his man to contest shots. Boozer tends to stay on the ground (which can be considered good instincts by not jumping at alot pump fakes), but it can cause other PF's to easily score over him. I agree that Boozer is definitely a great defensive rebounder, but I wouldn't say that he's one of the best defensive PF's in the league because of his rebounding alone because I can't label that as being true.

What you just said is basically saying that Zach Randolph is one of the best PF defenders in the league because he is a great defensive rebounder.
Zach Randolph does't rebound as well as Boozer either.

You guys are questioning his effort I don't many people are as strong as Boozer when it comes to back to the basket post defense, Chuck doesn't really front the passer or deny the your making it out to be he literally uses his strength to push the guy out of position, same thing that Boozer does.

Boozers got short arms and doesn't take a lot of risks, but he is patient and he does foul a lot either.

Also Zach Randolph isn't in the top 20 in terms defensive rebounding so I'm not sure what you are talking about.

Randolph rebound just as well as Boozer and he was top 10 in the league in defensive rebounding last season. He rebounds the ball at an excellent rate, but thereason why people question his defense ability is because he doesn't fight for position on the block ON TOP of him being slow and having no quickness justlike Boozer.

I'm just saying your philosophy of defensive rebounding makes a PF a good defensive player isn't the right one.
this is so pointless, and getting no where. can we please stop? seriously.
btw okb, not to add onto the fuel and fire but "Defensive rebounding is the same thing as taking away a possession from your opponent, and opportunity foryour opponent to score, it's the same thing as getting a steal.
not really no. you're taking an EXTRA possession away, but in no means are you taking way an opportunity from someone to score. if you're taking awayan opportunity to score, that shot would have never been taken in the first place. just my .01 input though. :wink
this is so pointless, and getting no where. can we please stop? seriously.

It really is. I'm pretty sure many people have seen the guy play. I can guarentee you Boozer's scouting report doesn't even say he's a gooddefender. He's an "ok" defender at best. Then, he mentioned that defensive rebounding pretty much makes you a good defender. In that case, ZachRandolph would be the next big thing.

But, I'm done with it.
[h2]Grizzlies hope to lure Iverson[/h2]
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By Marc Stein

LAS VEGAS -- Memphis Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley thinks that the Miami Heat are "the odds-on favorite" to sign free-agent guard Allen Iverson but hasn't abandoned hope of acquiring the four-time scoring champion.



In a halftime interview Sunday at the NBA Summer League in Las Vegas, where No. 2 overall draft pick Hasheem Thabeet made his professional debut in the Grizzlies' 86-57 victory over the Oklahoma City Thunder, Heisley confirmed to that he still wants to bring Iverson to Memphis.

"I think he's got three teams he's talking to," Heisley said, referring to the Grizzlies, Heat and the Charlotte Bobcats, who are widely presumed to be interested because Iverson's former coach, Larry Brown, has said he's open to coaching Iverson again.

"Obviously I would think that the odds-on favorite would be Miami, because Dwyane Wade would like to get with him and I think that would be where [Iverson and agent Leon Rose] would like to go. But we're still talking to them and we'll see what happens."

The level of Charlotte's interest has not been verified and it likewise remains to be seen how far Miami is willing to go financially to sign Iverson, whose free-agent options at 34 appear to be severely limited in this depressed economy. Iverson's well-chronicled reluctance to come off the bench and the drastic dip in salary he's facing after earning nearly $21 million last season during his tumultuous stint with the Detroit Pistons have likewise led to the perception that he might actually retire before taking any NBA job he can find.

Heisley indicated Sunday that Iverson is "only looking for a one-year contract," which actually would mesh with Miami's intent to add no players with contracts stretching past next season to preserve maximum flexibility to re-sign Wade and land him at least one marquee teammate in the summer of 2010. Yet it's believed that the Heat are reluctant to come close to the $5 million for next season that the Grizzlies are reportedly prepared to pay, since Miami is already in luxury-tax territory.

It could also be argued that what Heisley regards as Wade's public "plea" for Miami to sign the 2001 Most Valuable Player was merely a respectful response to a question about playing alongside someone who has achieved as much in the game as Iverson.

"With A.I., you look at a guy who is one of the best guys to ever put on an NBA jersey,'' Wade said in a recent radio interview. "A guy who can still score in the right offense, in the right flow. So you can never turn your nose up at a guy like Allen Iverson. I hear a lot of people that love and want to come to Miami, but it hasn't happened yet.''

So Heisley would thus seem to still have a shot to lure Iverson to Memphis in spite of his pessimism, given that his reported willingness to make an offer in the $5 million range is richer than anything Iverson has been offered thus far in free agency.

Although sources close to the situation say that Iverson is holding off in hopes of another opportunity materializing from a team closer to playoff contention, Heisley is clearly serious about committing to a one-year Iverson experiment in spite of the persistent rumblings that others in his organization don't want to take the gamble.

Iverson would almost certainly be the sort of drawing card at the gate that the Grizzlies have never had in an eight-season run in Memphis marked by notriously low attendance figures, but Memphis already has the developing O.J. Mayo at that position and will soon be adding Zach Randolph in a soon-to-be-completed trade with the Los Angeles Clippers.

Heisley, though, is undeterred.

"What appeals to me?" Heisley said. "He's one of the greatest players in the last 10 years in the NBA.

"Obviously I think he'd be a crowd pleaser in Memphis. But like I said ... we're in there but I don't know whether or not we're going to get him.

"I don't think that [money is the thing] that's going to decide it. I'm sure it's a matter of pride. He's probably looking for as much as he can get. But I think he's also looking for where he wants to be to showcase himself."
Marc Stein is the senior NBA writer for
I would love to see how an Iverson-Wade backcourt work

It seems like Memphis is more serious about AI than expected. They're still talking about the Randolph deal going through.
Memphis still has yet to mention anything about it, so I'm hoping they wait.
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

[h2]Grizzlies hope to lure Iverson[/h2]
Comment Email Print Share
By Marc Stein

LAS VEGAS -- Memphis Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley thinks that the Miami Heat are "the odds-on favorite" to sign free-agent guard Allen Iverson but hasn't abandoned hope of acquiring the four-time scoring champion.



In a halftime interview Sunday at the NBA Summer League in Las Vegas, where No. 2 overall draft pick Hasheem Thabeet made his professional debut in the Grizzlies' 86-57 victory over the Oklahoma City Thunder, Heisley confirmed to that he still wants to bring Iverson to Memphis.

"I think he's got three teams he's talking to," Heisley said, referring to the Grizzlies, Heat and the Charlotte Bobcats, who are widely presumed to be interested because Iverson's former coach, Larry Brown, has said he's open to coaching Iverson again.

"Obviously I would think that the odds-on favorite would be Miami, because Dwyane Wade would like to get with him and I think that would be where [Iverson and agent Leon Rose] would like to go. But we're still talking to them and we'll see what happens."

The level of Charlotte's interest has not been verified and it likewise remains to be seen how far Miami is willing to go financially to sign Iverson, whose free-agent options at 34 appear to be severely limited in this depressed economy. Iverson's well-chronicled reluctance to come off the bench and the drastic dip in salary he's facing after earning nearly $21 million last season during his tumultuous stint with the Detroit Pistons have likewise led to the perception that he might actually retire before taking any NBA job he can find.

Heisley indicated Sunday that Iverson is "only looking for a one-year contract," which actually would mesh with Miami's intent to add no players with contracts stretching past next season to preserve maximum flexibility to re-sign Wade and land him at least one marquee teammate in the summer of 2010. Yet it's believed that the Heat are reluctant to come close to the $5 million for next season that the Grizzlies are reportedly prepared to pay, since Miami is already in luxury-tax territory.

It could also be argued that what Heisley regards as Wade's public "plea" for Miami to sign the 2001 Most Valuable Player was merely a respectful response to a question about playing alongside someone who has achieved as much in the game as Iverson.

"With A.I., you look at a guy who is one of the best guys to ever put on an NBA jersey,'' Wade said in a recent radio interview. "A guy who can still score in the right offense, in the right flow. So you can never turn your nose up at a guy like Allen Iverson. I hear a lot of people that love and want to come to Miami, but it hasn't happened yet.''

So Heisley would thus seem to still have a shot to lure Iverson to Memphis in spite of his pessimism, given that his reported willingness to make an offer in the $5 million range is richer than anything Iverson has been offered thus far in free agency.

Although sources close to the situation say that Iverson is holding off in hopes of another opportunity materializing from a team closer to playoff contention, Heisley is clearly serious about committing to a one-year Iverson experiment in spite of the persistent rumblings that others in his organization don't want to take the gamble.

Iverson would almost certainly be the sort of drawing card at the gate that the Grizzlies have never had in an eight-season run in Memphis marked by notriously low attendance figures, but Memphis already has the developing O.J. Mayo at that position and will soon be adding Zach Randolph in a soon-to-be-completed trade with the Los Angeles Clippers.

Heisley, though, is undeterred.

"What appeals to me?" Heisley said. "He's one of the greatest players in the last 10 years in the NBA.

"Obviously I think he'd be a crowd pleaser in Memphis. But like I said ... we're in there but I don't know whether or not we're going to get him.

"I don't think that [money is the thing] that's going to decide it. I'm sure it's a matter of pride. He's probably looking for as much as he can get. But I think he's also looking for where he wants to be to showcase himself."
Marc Stein is the senior NBA writer for

Yes!!! They need to hurry and get that deal done already.
Defensive rating shows the amount of points given up by a player per 100 possessions in only two years of his career Carlos Boozer has played on above averagedefensive teams, the 2007-08 Utah Jazz (the 12th best defense in the league) and the 2009-09 Jazz (the 10th best defense in the league).

On the 07-08 Jazz Boozer gave up 103 points per 100 possessions, FEWEST on the Jazz. (Deron Williams gave up the most) in 2008-09 coming of injury Hew gave upthe 3rd fewest behind (AK-47 and Paul Millsap). Zach Randolph has never led his team in defensive rebounding and thetimes he was in the TOP 3 the blazers were 22nd worst defensive team in the league.

Carlos Boozer has been in the top 5 in defensive rebounding at just about every year of his career and 36th all time in the history of the NBA.

I trust that information more than I trust a scouting report.
Zach Randolph and Allen Iverson

All the Grizzlies need to do now is trade for James Posey and they would have the three players I hate the most in the league
Originally Posted by WILLINC

AI on the Heat = Disaster

make wade happy now = better for us in the future...
A.I. will bring us another scorer for wade... wade needs help scoring he cant drop 35+ points a night and not have fatigue set in later in the year when weneed him most.. but after detriot and not every team wanting to pick him up A.I. might have changed him a little bit...
sign A.I. to a 1 year contract to make wade happy so wade can resign.. if it is a disaster.. we still locked up wade then we build around him in 2010.. withanother star....
A.I/ chalmers
can we get boozer?....haslem
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Zach Randolph and Allen Iverson

All the Grizzlies need to do now is trade for James Posey and they would have the three players I hate the most in the league
How can you hate A.I.
The Heat have offered Dwyane Wade an extension, but the star doesn't appear to be in a rush to make a decision.
Wade received a text message from Miami president Pat Riley shortly after midnight on Sunday morning. The team had to wait until 12:01 a.m. on Sunday before they could formally offer their star an extension.

"It's no rush," Wade said. "We all know that."

Henry Thomas, Wade's agent, and Riley both confirmed that the Heat formally extended an offer, but both declined to comment further.

Wade can accept the offer and remain with Miami through 2014, or opt out of his current contract next summer and sign a deal through 2016 that would be worth up to $45 million more.

"Like I said, I'm good here. I'm happy here," Wade said. "This is where I want to be and we'll go from there."
I don't buy it, but both Dallas' and Orlando's boards on RealGM are saying that SOME GUY is breaking the news that the Magic will match the offerfor Marcin Gortat.


Personally I don't buy it, the guy said it was breaking news at 1 AM on a local news station.

Ain't a damn local station in the world that would break their programming for a sports related signing..
Third number change this off-season already...

[h1]Rockets guard McGrady changing uniform number[/h1] [h3]By JONATHAN FEIGEN Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle[/h3] [h4]July 13, 2009, 12:14AM[/h4]

Rockets guard Tracy McGrady will change his uniform number to No. 3 to promote his "3 points Darfur" initiative, with an announcement expected this week.

McGrady put in the paperwork for the uniform change midway through last season and had received league approval. He was making the switch to his high school number to bring attention to his Darfur Dream Team campaign and 3 Points documentary,

Newly acquired Trevor Ariza will wear No. 1 but could not show the uniform at the news conference last week while details of McGrady's uniform change were completed.

The Darfur Dream Team enlists athletes to help raise funds for schools in Chad for Darfur refugees in a sister school program with schools in the United States. The documentary 3 Points follows McGrady on his trip to Sudan and Chad in the summer of 2007.

[email protected]

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I don't buy it, but both Dallas' and Orlando's boards on RealGM are saying that SOME GUY is breaking the news that the Magic will match the offer for Marcin Gortat.


Personally I don't buy it, the guy said it was breaking news at 1 AM on a local news station.

Ain't a damn local station in the world that would break their programming for a sports related signing..

J, this waiting got you going [Hailie]Craaaaazy[/Hailie]
. I'mhoping they don't match as well because they're in our divish. Good luck homie
Yes, because I'd be happy to see Dampier play what he should be, a damn back-up.

Our big has always been our weakness, with a decent one in Gortat?

I'm just still hesitant on Gortat. I understand he had flashes of brilliance, and if he shows up at all he'd be considered better than Dampier, butit's just the 12 mpg to a full-time starting position that I'd be worried about. However, if he stays healthy he should bring D and rebounding...and athalf the cost of what Ben Wallace got for the same services.
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