NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

So anxious to see the NBA schedule.
I bet you can't prove to me that they weren't. He was on the damn Jailblazers to start his career off at a very young age. Why do you hear from Izzo and some former teammates that he's really a good guy? Like I said before he's a follower and being on team's where he had bad influences didn't help that.
why is it once Zach was traded to memphis you started with this he was a Follower and had bad influences around him?

and news flash coming out of Michigan state the knock on Zach was that he was fat, a hot head and needed alot of coaching. What has changed? and a collegecoach will NEVER NEVER EVER bash a old player of his, they will always talk them up like there a angle

sheed is a great teammate also and all of his peers talk him up does that still mean you want around your locker room and he is not a cancer on the floor? HELLNO

there is a theme with zach

Portland drafted oden and LaMarcus and was rebuilding and told him to kick rocks
Knicks started to rebuild and told him to kick rocks
Clippers got young post players and told him to kick rocks

and this
but I still believe he can change
after 8 years in the NBA you are what you are
Reggie Miller is on the Dan Patrick show

-a heathly lakers team will win 72 games

-Ron Artest is a better Defender then pippen

Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

Reggie Miller is on the Dan Patrick show

-a heathly lakers team will win 72 games

-Ron Artest is a better Defender then pippen


....Wow....whatever Reggies smoking, I wanna hit....
0:06: My section is arguing about which terrible play the Clips will run here to save the game. The possibilities are limitless. Maybe they won't top the play in which Baron Davis had to run a half-court lap in seven seconds just to hoist a fallaway 3 with two guys on him (scroll to No. 10 in this column for details), but there's a CHANCE they might top it, and that's why our hearts are racing. These are the moments when I wouldn't trade my Clips tickets for anything. I'm not even kidding.

Well, Dunleavy just upped the ante -- he just put in ice-cold 3-point specialist Steve Novak, who hasn't played all half. This is a Dunleavy crunch-time staple: How can I get the coldest guy on my bench involved in the biggest play of the game? So far, so good. It's like watching the Bizarro Auerbach in action.

So, Gordon is inbounding the ball from the left hashmark near midcourt. Thornton, Novak and Randolph are stacked at the top of the key. Baron is under the basket. Thornton cuts through to the left corner. One Mississippi. Obviously, he's not getting the ball. Baron starts moving up toward the top of the key, only the Cavs know he's getting the ball -- (two Mississippi) -- so they block his way. Everything is congested. The fans start panicking. Three Mississippi. Baron accelerates past the 3-point line, only LeBron sees him and jumps in the way so he can't get the ball. This is an awesome play. Four Mississippi. Gordon finally passes to Randolph, who takes two dribbles and …

(Oh no.)

Picks up his dribble and …


Launches a 28-foot 3-pointer with a hand in his face. His third air-balled 3 of the night. Actually, it was more than an air ball -- it almost killed the ball boy.

Cavs ball, 1.8 seconds left.

The fans are in disbelief. Randolph's teammates are in disbelief. Dunleavy is making a face that my friend Sal later describes as "A face I have never seen a human being make before." What ensued in the next 20 seconds could best be described like this: Imagine being trapped in one of those big hospital elevators with eight other people. One of them pulls his pants down and just starts going to the bathroom -- not No. 1 but No. 2. At that specific moment, the doors open for the next floor. How fast would everyone else in the elevator flee for the door? Lightning-fast, right? Like, Usain Bolt-level fast, right? That was the entire stadium after Z-Bo's air ball. He basically took a dump on the 3-point line.

Drew in Bryn Mawr, Pa.: "I think Randolph's 3 might have been the single dumbest thing I've ever seen a professional athlete do during a game. And really, 'dumb' is not the way to describe it. It was lazy, and basically a big Eff-You to everyone on that team and in the building. I've heard you talk about how horrible the state of the Clippers are, but I've never actually sat and watched them play. That shot explained to me everything you have been saying and also cements Zach Randolph as my least favorite NBA player. I read everything you do, but never felt motivated to e-mail you. That shot motivated me to get out of bed, walk over to my computer, and write this at 1 a.m."

Matt in Atlanta: "The look on Dunleavy's face after Randolph jacked up that awful 3 at the end of the game was priceless. It sort of looked like the same reaction that Ryan from the 'Real World' had when he found out that Katelynn is a ******. The thing is, that wasn't even the best part. Sam Mitchell's analysis after was even better, 'I guarantee that wasn't the play they drew up.' No s---. How are these guys NBA coaches?"

Nick in Columbus, Ohio: "The final inbounds play that Dunleavy drew up had three Clippers run around like chickens with their heads cut off, then Zach Randolph throwing up a 32-footer with a hand in his face. Priceless. Can I please get a 'Your 2008-2009 Los Angeles Clippers?'"

Dilusional I tell you....
why is it once Zach was traded to memphis you started with this he was a Follower and had bad influences around him?

and news flash coming out of Michigan state the knock on Zach was that he was fat, a hot head and needed alot of coaching. What has changed? and a college coach will NEVER NEVER EVER bash a old player of his, they will always talk them up like there a angle

I never really talked about Zach before he was traded to Memphis because there was no need for me to do so. His name wasn't brought up as much and thatstill didn't stop people from believing the Clippers would be a good team at the beginning of last season if everyone stayed healthy.

sheed is a great teammate also and all of his peers talk him up does that still mean you want around your locker room and he is not a cancer on the floor? HELL NO

You could write a book on the number of suspensions, off the court problems, etc. that the Blazers accumulated during the time Wallace was on theteam. Add Patterson, Stoudamire, Wells and Qyntel Woods.

The ONLY season you can fault SOLELY Randolph of being a bad teammate was Roy's rookie season. Not trying to low blow the Knicks, but the franchise was amess from the people upstairs, to the coach, to the players. It was just plain messy. I shouldn't even have to name the people that were associated withthat Knicks team.

I have yet to see a statement from his teammates and coaches in LA saying he was a horrible teammate which is the most recent stuff. He did get in trouble fromthat altercation with Amundson and the DUI though. That does show that he has changed somewhat in terms of being a better teammate and he wasn't surroundedby the same kinda players he was with during his other two tenures.

The only thing Memphis needs Randolph to do is score in the post and rebound. He will do that. We have NO true low post presence and with him being the onlyguy down there, he will benefit from it. Gasol is a passing big man and a pretty good defender. Add in the other defenders the team got, and Z-Bo's lack ofdefense won't be any worse than Warrick when he was starting some games for the Grizz.

My main concern with Z-Bo is his health and him taking outside shots like some of the videos posted. As long as he stays on the block to score and rebound,I'm fine.

Saying all that, I don't think he will pan out in Memphis and will have his problems.
He was definitely not my first choice, but getting him so cheap didn't makeit so bad. I don't see him being a bad teammate, but he will still have those same on-court issues. After doing it so long, its hard to stop like youmentioned.

I would've did a complete U-turn on how the off-season was done this season by the Grizz altogether, but I'm willing to see the product they put onthe court.
Moving away from the ridiculous Z-Bo argument. (Almost as funny as when a Knicks fan on here tried telling me he was going to be an all-star in the East, afterI called the '07 POR-NYK deal "trash-for-trash")

[h1]Timberwolves sign center Hollins to offer sheet[/h1]Posted Aug 3 2009 3:04PM

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- The Minnesota Timberwolves have signed restricted free-agent center Ryan Hollins to an offer sheet and seem likely to get him.

The Dallas Mavericks have seven days to match the offer, but they don't have much need for a third- or fourth-string center. The Mavs signed Drew Gooden last week and are counting on him to back up starter Erick Dampier. Power forward Dirk Nowitzki also can log minutes at center.

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban even posted this to his Twitter account Monday: "congrats to ryan hollins. wish him the best w twolves."

Terms of Minnesota's offer were not immediately available.

The 7-foot Hollins was selected from UCLA in the 2006 draft by Charlotte. He played two-plus seasons with the Bobcats before being traded to Dallas in January. Hollins has career averages of 2.7 points and 1.8 rebounds per game.

Timberwolves president of basketball operations David Kahn calls Hollins an athletic center who should fit in well on the frontcourt with Kevin Love and Al Jefferson.
Moving away from the ridiculous Z-Bo argument. (Almost as funny as when a Knicks fan on here tried telling me he was going to be an all-star in the East, after I called the '07 POR-NYK deal "trash-for-trash")
@ all-star.
Unlikely that Dallas matches, Cuban tweet.

congrats to ryan hollins. wish him the best w twolves #fb
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

Reggie Miller is on the Dan Patrick show

-a heathly lakers team will win 72 games

-Ron Artest is a better Defender then pippen





Reggie lost his damn mind........
Besides, we all know that Mo Williams is the new Pippen.


If you don't know, don't ask, you don't wanna know.
Is the jury still out on Hollins or is he a bust? I haven't seen much of him.

Quality 7-footers are hard to come by, and if he can develop any sort of game then he'll be really valuable. Like I said though, I don't really knowmuch about him.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Is the jury still out on Hollins or is he a bust? I haven't seen much of him.

Quality 7-footers are hard to come by, and if he can develop any sort of game then he'll be really valuable. Like I said though, I don't really know much about him.
Can't really be a bust as a second round pick.

Don't expect too much. He's a serviceable center that can throw down a highlight dunk or two.
Screen cap all you want, won't ever get to use it for nothin. I can say a bunch of stuff for ya that you'll never get to use as long as we alive

Blazers are the world champs

Oregon football matters

Chester > CP

None of this stuff will ever be true, so screencap away to let rot on your computer for the next 100 years.
Mo will never be as good as Pippen lol. Hollins has a lot of room to develop offensively. But he is a force on D, for real. He was the main source for a lot ofDallas' energy and a lot of the good runs they had in any of the games. He got it hype and was able to guard who ever he was on.
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