NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

This is the truth


Cavs vs Lakers is one of the Christmas day games (Mentioned in the schedule thread)

I know the Nets open In Minny
Originally Posted by EzFlash26

0:06: My section is arguing about which terrible play the Clips will run here to save the game. The possibilities are limitless. Maybe they won't top the play in which Baron Davis had to run a half-court lap in seven seconds just to hoist a fallaway 3 with two guys on him (scroll to No. 10 in this column for details), but there's a CHANCE they might top it, and that's why our hearts are racing. These are the moments when I wouldn't trade my Clips tickets for anything. I'm not even kidding.

Well, Dunleavy just upped the ante -- he just put in ice-cold 3-point specialist Steve Novak, who hasn't played all half. This is a Dunleavy crunch-time staple: How can I get the coldest guy on my bench involved in the biggest play of the game? So far, so good. It's like watching the Bizarro Auerbach in action.

So, Gordon is inbounding the ball from the left hashmark near midcourt. Thornton, Novak and Randolph are stacked at the top of the key. Baron is under the basket. Thornton cuts through to the left corner. One Mississippi. Obviously, he's not getting the ball. Baron starts moving up toward the top of the key, only the Cavs know he's getting the ball -- (two Mississippi) -- so they block his way. Everything is congested. The fans start panicking. Three Mississippi. Baron accelerates past the 3-point line, only LeBron sees him and jumps in the way so he can't get the ball. This is an awesome play. Four Mississippi. Gordon finally passes to Randolph, who takes two dribbles and …

(Oh no.)

Picks up his dribble and …


Launches a 28-foot 3-pointer with a hand in his face. His third air-balled 3 of the night. Actually, it was more than an air ball -- it almost killed the ball boy.

Cavs ball, 1.8 seconds left.

The fans are in disbelief. Randolph's teammates are in disbelief. Dunleavy is making a face that my friend Sal later describes as "A face I have never seen a human being make before." What ensued in the next 20 seconds could best be described like this: Imagine being trapped in one of those big hospital elevators with eight other people. One of them pulls his pants down and just starts going to the bathroom -- not No. 1 but No. 2. At that specific moment, the doors open for the next floor. How fast would everyone else in the elevator flee for the door? Lightning-fast, right? Like, Usain Bolt-level fast, right? That was the entire stadium after Z-Bo's air ball. He basically took a dump on the 3-point line.

Drew in Bryn Mawr, Pa.: "I think Randolph's 3 might have been the single dumbest thing I've ever seen a professional athlete do during a game. And really, 'dumb' is not the way to describe it. It was lazy, and basically a big Eff-You to everyone on that team and in the building. I've heard you talk about how horrible the state of the Clippers are, but I've never actually sat and watched them play. That shot explained to me everything you have been saying and also cements Zach Randolph as my least favorite NBA player. I read everything you do, but never felt motivated to e-mail you. That shot motivated me to get out of bed, walk over to my computer, and write this at 1 a.m."

Matt in Atlanta: "The look on Dunleavy's face after Randolph jacked up that awful 3 at the end of the game was priceless. It sort of looked like the same reaction that Ryan from the 'Real World' had when he found out that Katelynn is a ******. The thing is, that wasn't even the best part. Sam Mitchell's analysis after was even better, 'I guarantee that wasn't the play they drew up.' No s---. How are these guys NBA coaches?"

Nick in Columbus, Ohio: "The final inbounds play that Dunleavy drew up had three Clippers run around like chickens with their heads cut off, then Zach Randolph throwing up a 32-footer with a hand in his face. Priceless. Can I please get a 'Your 2008-2009 Los Angeles Clippers?'"

Dilusional I tell you....

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Cavs vs Lakers is one of the Christmas day games (Mentioned in the schedule thread)

I know the Nets open In Minny
so stern and nike went the xmas route cuz they couldnt get it in the finals huh?
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Cavs vs Lakers is one of the Christmas day games (Mentioned in the schedule thread)

I know the Nets open In Minny
so stern and nike went the xmas route cuz they couldnt get it in the finals huh?

Christmas day games looking good.

As for the Nets opener, lets hope its not the same result as the last time they were in Minny.
Memphis lets go all of its college scouting staff

damn thabeet ant played 1 pro game yet and getting people fired
With the 2009 NBA free-agent frenzy subsiding, here's a sneak peek at who could be available in 2010:

Group I: The "Big 10" ETO or player option candidates

These are the players with an "early termination option" (ETO) or "player option" (PO) in their contracts, meaning they can opt to forgo the final year(s) of their deals and instead become unrestricted free agents in the summer of 2010. Here's the star-studded lineup:

Key: player option (PO) | early termination option (ETO)


1. LeBron James, Cavaliers (PO)
The buzz surrounding LeBron's foray into free agency next summer has been the loudest in NBA history, and we've been hearing it for years. Several teams have focused their strategy on being a candidate to sign LeBron or another player on this list.

But first, the big question is whether he would actually leave the Cavs. The conventional wisdom on this has been all over the place. The Knicks and Nets were thought to be his biggest suitors, and they'll both have the money to pay him. The problem is that both teams could be so depleted from a talent standpoint that he may not want to come. A couple of other teams, including the Heat and Bulls, will also be far enough under the cap to pay him if he wants to go to a team that already has a more established roster.

If I were a betting man, I'd wager that LeBron will ultimately stay in Cleveland. But it should be fun watching him shop around next summer.

2. Dwyane Wade, Heat (PO)
There hasn't been nearly the hype around Wade's potential departure as there has been for LeBron's. Why? One, most people in the league believe Wade wants to re-sign in Miami. Second, Wade turns 28 in January. He's not the young franchise cornerstone that LeBron is.

Still, there will be plenty of teams interested in Wade next summer. The Knicks, Nets, Heat, Bulls and Rockets will all come courting with realistic pitches about why he should bolt South Beach. But it's just as likely the Heat will use Wade as a recruiter to get one of these top free agents to come to Miami instead.


3. Kobe Bryant, Lakers (PO)
It's unclear whether Kobe will stay on this list. He's eligible to be a free agent this year, 2010, or 2011, but there's virtually no chance Kobe will opt out of his contract with the Lakers. He's been working on a three-year extension this summer and should have something in place by the fall.

But if things were to fall apart, there would be a tremendous amount of interest from all of the aforementioned teams, especially the Knicks. Kobe and Mike D'Antoni have a great relationship.

4. Chris Bosh, Raptors (PO)
Bosh has been pegged since last year as the young star free agent most likely to bolt his team. The Raptors have been struggling, and Bosh has been privately pining to return to the States. I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that he will leave, but the Raptors are really sweating it. They need to show huge improvement this season.

You can expect every one of the teams with cap space to make a big push for him. The Rockets would be appealing because they play in Bosh's native Texas. But the Heat might be the most interesting option. A Bosh-Wade combination sounds formidable. And don't count out the Bulls. They want him, and with young players like Derrick Rose on the squad, he'd have a bright future in Chicago.


5. Stoudemire, Suns (ETO)
When he's healthy, Stoudemire is as good as any big man in the league. Just 26 years old, he's hyperathletic and a monster on the offensive end. But questions about his knees, an eye injury and his attitude have hurt his stock a bit, and he won't be pursued as vigorously as the first four. The Suns sound like they'd like to retain him, but there's a good chance he'll walk if the Suns don't turn things around this season (or trade him first). A reunion with his old head coach, D'Antoni, in New York or his old boss, Bryan Colangelo, in Toronto would appear to be the two most likely scenarios should Stoudemire leave Phoenix.

6. Dirk Nowitzki, Mavericks (ETO)
Nowitzki turned 31 in June but still plays like an All-Star. The question is, for how much longer? Dallas is hoping to get a few more seasons out of him, and most likely, he'll agree to an extension with the Mavs. Given their commitments to Shawn Marion and Jason Kidd over the next few years, I'd expect them to lock up Dirk, too.


7. Yao Ming, Rockets (ETO)
Yao would obviously be much higher on this list if his entire career weren't in jeopardy at the moment. Yao has had major surgery on his foot this summer and will spend the entire season rehabbing it. The Rockets are hoping he has a Zydrunas Ilgauskas-like recovery and goes on to several more productive seasons in Houston.

However, that's a big "if" right now. Given that Yao will be out the entire season, it seems unlikely he'll terminate his contract in 2010. But if he does and can show that he's healthy, he'll obviously have interest from every team with cap space.

8. Paul Pierce, Celtics (ETO)
Pierce has been pretty adamant that he wants to be a Celtic for life, and it looks as though it will play out that way. He turns 32 in November. While he is still going strong, he probably has only two or three more highly productive seasons left in him. Most likely, the Celtics will give him an extension.


9. Chandler, Bobcats (ETO)
There won't be a lot of great centers on the free-agent market next year, and if Chandler can have a productive, healthy season for Charlotte next year, he might want to opt out of his contract. He is just 26 years old, and if the top free agents all stay home, a team with a lot of cap room may be willing to open up its wallet in a long-term deal for him.

10. Richard Jefferson, Spurs (ETO)
The Spurs just traded for Jefferson and should be fielding a team that will be a championship contender for the next few years. While Jefferson might try to opt out, it's highly unlikely he could earn anything close to the $15 million he'd be due during the 2010-11 season.

Other notables: Kenyon Martin, Nuggets (ETO); Michael Redd, Bucks (ETO); John Salmons, Bulls (ETO); Joel Przybilla, Blazers (ETO); T.J. Ford, Pacers (PO); Peja Stojakovic, Hornets (ETO); Vladimir Radmanovic, Bobcats (ETO); Grant Hill, Suns (PO); Channing Frye, Suns (PO); Willie Green, Sixers (ETO); Jason Kapono, Sixers (PO); DeShawn Stevenson, Wizards (PO); Sebastian Telfair, Clippers (PO); Eddy Curry, Knicks (PO)

Group II: The restricted free agents

Just one player from the first-round draft class of 2006 -- Bargnani -- has signed an extension this summer. Teams and eligible 2006 draftees have until Oct. 31 to work out extensions, so I'd expect several more to be added to this list over the course of the next few months. The remaining players who don't get extensions will be restricted free agents in the summer. As we've seen in the past few years, it's very difficult for most restricted free agents to move to a different NBA team. This past summer, not one major restricted free agent has moved to another NBA team (Charlie Villanueva became an unrestricted free agent when the Bucks decided not to retain him).

While there will be more teams with serious cap space next summer, don't expect things to change for restricted free agents.


1. Brandon Roy, Blazers
The Blazers and Roy have been in pretty tough negotiations this summer. Roy expected to get a max offer from the Blazers. When he didn't, he started sulking a bit. But I don't blame the Blazers for wanting a discount on an extension. They can match any offer for Roy next summer if he becomes a restricted free agent, so they aren't at any major risk of losing him.

Given his injury history, it's probably in his best interest to compromise on something now. Either way, expect Roy to be wearing a Blazers uniform for at least the next two seasons, probably longer.

2. LaMarcus Aldridge, Blazers
With so much commotion going on over the Blazers and Roy's negotiations, Aldridge has been a bit of an afterthought. He's coming off two consecutive stellar seasons and everyone expects him, at some point, to re-up with Portland. Given Greg Oden's early struggles, Aldridge has taken on more importance as the top big man in the Blazers' rotation.


3. Rudy Gay, Grizzlies
Gay's case is a little more interesting. The Grizzlies have been running a bare-bones operation for the past few years, and it's unclear whether owner Michael Heisley is ready to break the bank to keep Gay. If the Grizzlies decide not to, Gay would be one of the top free-agent targets next summer.

4. Rajon Rondo, Celtics
Conventional practice would've had Rondo already locked into an extension by now. He was the best player on the floor for the Celtics in the playoffs, and he's just 23 years old.

However, the truth is much weirder. The Celtics actually shopped Rondo this summer, and when the shopping went public, both Danny Ainge and Doc Rivers bad-mouthed Rondo a little. It was nothing major, but talk about him being selfish and not following team rules couldn't have gone over well in his camp. I think the Celtics are afraid to give him a long-term extension right now and fully expect that, unless Rondo is traded, he'll be a restricted free agent next summer.

A number of teams, including the Heat, Knicks and Rockets, need a point guard. If the Celtics won't pay him, someone else will.


5. Luis Scola, Rockets
Scola has been a pleasant surprise for the Rockets. In two seasons, he's proved to be a legit threat in the paint. He's already 29 years old, so he doesn't have more than one more big contract in him, but unless the Rockets have a real shot at one of the elite free agents in the group, I expect that they'll re-sign him.

6. Tyrus Thomas, Bulls
Thomas may be the most difficult guy to peg in the group. He's as talented as anyone in his draft class. But he's been terribly inconsistent and he has had numerous attitude issues with the Bulls. The word this summer was that Chicago was trying to trade him. That's a pretty good sign that if they can't trade him this summer, they probably won't be willing to break the bank for him next summer.


7. Brewer, Jazz
Brewer's numbers aren't sexy, but he's a versatile guard who can defend and get to the basket. If he would ever figure out how to shoot a jumper, he could be really good. His numbers have improved every year he's been in the league. With the Jazz in somewhat of a financial crunch, he could be one of those restricted free agents who can work themselves free if the right offer came along.

8. Randy Foye, Wizards
Foye hasn't lived up to his lofty draft status yet. He may forever be known as the guy for whom the Wolves swapped Brandon Roy. However, when he's been healthy, Foye has been an effective scorer in a combo-guard role. He'll have less pressure on him to carry the team in D.C., and I actually think it will make him a more attractive free-agent target next summer.


9. Childress, Hawks
Childress went back to Greece for a second straight season after failing to be wowed by an offer from an NBA team. The Hawks still hold his restricted rights, but by now, no one thinks they'd actually match an offer for Childress. If he has a good year in Europe, he might be able to garner more than the midlevel exception from someone next year. But as of now, it looks as though Childress' European experiment may have paid him big bucks in the short run, but in the long run, it has damaged his value in the league.

10. Kyle Lowry, Rockets
Lowry is still more about potential than production right now. He's got dynamite energy and can be a tenacious defender, but his offensive game is still lacking. Maybe a full year in Houston will give him the minutes he needs to establish himself as a legit starting point guard in the league. If he can't, he's still got a lot of potential as a feisty backup off the bench.

Other notables: Jordan Farmar, Lakers; Thabo Sefalosha, Thunder; J.J. Redick, Magic; Adam Morrison, Lakers; Hilton Armstrong, Hornets; Josh Boone, Nets; Oleksiy Pecherov, Timberwolves

Group III: The real, honest-to-goodness unrestricted free agents

Finally, here are the guys who will be on the market with no strings attached. Although there is a lot of star power here, most of the big names are on the back end of their careers.


1. Boozer, Jazz
Everyone expected Boozer to opt out of his contract in 2009, but a series of injuries combined with an awful free-agent market persuaded him to stay with Utah another year. The Jazz have him on the trading block, and wherever he lands will likely be his final destination in free agency as well. If Boozer is going to earn anything near the money he's asking for, he's going to need to stay healthy all year. No one wants to commit to a long-term deal with a broken-down power forward.

2. Joe Johnson, Hawks
Johnson is coming off yet another terrific year for the Hawks. He can score in a lot of ways and can play both backcourt positions. He just turned 28, so he still has four or five years left in him. If the Hawks don't take another big step toward being a contender this year, he could decide to leave for a team with a better chance of helping him win a title.


3. Ginobili, Spurs
Ginobili continues to be one of the most dynamic guards in the league, but age and injuries are starting to catch up with him. Ginobili turned 32 in July and his fearless style of play is leading to more and more injuries. Ginobili played just 44 games last season for the Spurs, and a number of GMs I spoke with question how much longer he can keep it up. Most likely, the Spurs will re-sign him to an extension. But if he hits the free-agent market, he may not be able to garner as much as you'd think.

4. Shaquille O'Neal, Cavs
Shaq's game had been in slow decline for years before a sudden surge last season for the Suns. Now he's coming to Cleveland to play second fiddle to LeBron and prove he can still win a title. If he pulls it off, there's probably a GM or two willing to offer him lots of money on a two- or three-year contract. But if you look at other facts, you have to wonder whether this is Shaq's last hurrah. He is 37 years old, has played more games than any other active player in the league, and has so many outside interests that it wouldn't shock me if he just called it quits.


5. Ray Allen, Celtics
Allen is another player whose game has been in decline over the past few years. He just turned 34 and can't have much left in the tank. Can he? The truth is that Allen will still get lots of interest because he has a skill that doesn't really deteriorate much with age -- he still can shoot the lights out. While he has become a liability on the defensive end, Allen can still stretch defenses as a shooter, and some GM will be willing to pay him a solid salary to do it until he's 38 or 39 -- the same age at which Reggie Miller retired.

6. Tracy McGrady, Rockets
When he's healthy, McGrady is still a heck of a player. But more and more you have to question whether he will ever be totally healthy. T-Mac played just 35 games last season and only 62 games the season before. He had back issues and is now in the process of rehabbing a shoulder and recovering from microfracture surgery in his knee. McGrady likely won't be back until early next season, and even that's not a given when you factor in the seriousness of his knee injury. If McGrady does come back and plays well toward the end of the season, teams will be interested. But most likely he'll struggle to get a long-term commitment from anyone.


7. Camby, Clippers
Camby continues to be a shot-blocking and rebounding force, despite the fact that he turned 35 in March. While no one is going to be willing to commit to him in a long-term deal, he could be the missing piece for another year or two for a team trying to add some size and shot-blocking in the paint.

8. Travis Outlaw, Blazers
Outlaw has been somewhat a forgotten man in Portland. He's been a solid scorer and shooter for the Blazers the past few seasons. He's still young and athletic, and given all the money the Blazers are going to have to commit to young players like Roy and Aldridge, he probably won't be re-signed by the team.


9. Harrington, Knicks
If Harrington gets a big contract next summer, he should give D'Antoni a 20 percent cut. Harrington reignited his career after being traded to the Knicks early last season. He averaged a career high in points and 3-pointers and showed he could really put it in the basket in D'Antoni's up-tempo system. While it's unlikely anyone will give him a huge contract, Harrington has put himself back on the radar screen in New York.

10. Mike Miller, Wizards
Miller is coming off the worst season of his career in Minnesota. Things should get better in Washington with a much better supporting cast. Miller has one skill (shooting) that guarantees he's going to get a lot of interest from teams next summer.

Other notables: Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Cavs; Jermaine O'Neal, Heat; Brad Miller, Bulls; Udonis Haslem, Heat; Brendan Haywood, Wizards; Darko Milicic, Knicks; Luke Ridnour, Bucks; Steve Blake, Blazers; Derek Fisher, Lakers; Larry Hughes, Knicks; Kyle Korver, Jazz; Chris Duhon, Knicks; Craig Smith, Clippers; Roger Mason, Spurs; Earl Watson, Pacers; Antoine Wright, Raptors; Amir Johnson, Bucks; Raja Bell, Bobcats; Bobby Simmons, Nets; Rasual Butler, Hornets; Mike James, Wizards; Dorell Wright, Heat; Kwame Brown, Pistons

Chad Ford covers the NBA for ESPN Insider

After 2010's star-studded market, what's in store for 2011? It's not as easy as you think. It's tough to predict that far out because we don't know a couple of things.

First, we don't know which players will opt out of their contracts in 2010 and who will play them out. Second, we don't know which players from the 2007 Draft Class will get extensions over the course of the next year.

However, here's a quick look at 20 players that might be available in 2011.

[h5]Potential 2011 Free Agents[/h5]
Yao Ming, C, Rockets
Tony Parker, PG, Spurs
Pau Gasol, F/C, Lakers
Tim Duncan, C, Spurs
Caron Butler, G/F, Wizards
Josh Howard, F, Mavs
Richard Jefferson, F, Spurs
David West, F, Hornets
Tayshaun Prince, F, Pistons
Jason Richardson, SG, Suns
Andrei Kirilenko, F, Jazz
Kenyon Martin, PF, Nuggets
John Salmons, SG, Bulls
T.J. Ford, PG, Pacers
Troy Murphy, PF, Pacers
Mike Dunleavy, F, Pacers
Nick Collison, F, Thunder
Samuel Dalembert, C, Sixers
Michael Redd, SG, Bucks
As much fun as I've had this offseason, next offseason is going to make me cry.

@#$% is gonna get wild, people gon be gettin banned, feelins hurt, pages gonna jump by the 50's when big names drop the hammers down, this thread willEASILY top 1000 pages. EASY.

And you know I ain't jokin. If everyone stays put, it'll be calmer, be like 100 pages of talk, and 900 pages of Cavs fans celebrating. But ifthere's movement, and players move around and leave teams in the lurch and join new teams.......We might shut down the internet.
Originally Posted by CP1708

As much fun as I've had this offseason, next offseason is going to make me cry.

@#$% is gonna get wild, people gon be gettin banned, feelins hurt, pages gonna jump by the 50's when big names drop the hammers down, this thread will EASILY top 1000 pages. EASY.

And you know I ain't jokin. If everyone stays put, it'll be calmer, be like 100 pages of talk, and 900 pages of Cavs fans celebrating. But if there's movement, and players move around and leave teams in the lurch and join new teams.......We might shut down the internet.

It would be nuts if all those with ETOs and POs actually opted out, it would be by far the best free agent class of all time. Bron, Wade, Kobe, Bosh, Amare,Yao, Dirk, etc. that's an All-NBA team right there
Ryan Hollins is a decent big man, he's probably never going to be a quality, starting C, but for the price, he's not terrible. He'll block someshots, grab boards, and try to assert himself. He tries a little too hard, doesn't have a ton of control of his play nor his emotions, but you'll neversay he doesn't put forth the effort to try and do well.

Off-the-court, I'm not sure.

I wanted him back, and would still like the Mavericks to match, but seems unlikely now.
I went to high school with Ryan Hollins. Hes a good dude, quiet cat. No off the court issues. Got a long term girlfriend and a seed. He hasnt amounted thatmuch offensively, but I think he can be a backup C in this league for a good while. IM real happy for him. Proud day for Pasadena.
Big Ryan Hollins fan. Wish the Mavs would have been able to keep him, but not worth paying that much for a player still developing.
how come the mavs didnt resign him? he would play very well for a running team


The Cavaliers once thought that they would be able to sign another major free agent in addition to LeBron James next summer, but that is no longer the case.

The NBA's salary cap will be $58 million for the 2009-10 season, and the league office has warned teams that the cap could drop to as much as $8 million next year.

Cleveland signed Anderson Varejao, Jamario Moon and Anthony Parker this summer, effectively using up their cap space.
NBA fines three for schedule leaks

Updated: August 3, 2009, 9:39 PM ET

NEW YORK -- The NBA has fined three teams an undisclosed amount for leaking details of their schedules before the league released them.

The Cleveland Cavaliers, Houston Rockets and Minnesota Timberwolves were penalized, an official with knowledge of the decisions told The Associated Press on Monday. The official requested anonymity because the fines weren't publicly announced.

The NBA will release its 2009-10 schedule on Tuesday afternoon. The league forbids teams to release any details before then.

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

NBA fines three for schedule leaks

Updated: August 3, 2009, 9:39 PM ET

NEW YORK -- The NBA has fined three teams an undisclosed amount for leaking details of their schedules before the league released them.

The Cleveland Cavaliers, Houston Rockets and Minnesota Timberwolves were penalized, an official with knowledge of the decisions told The Associated Press on Monday. The official requested anonymity because the fines weren't publicly announced.

The NBA will release its 2009-10 schedule on Tuesday afternoon. The league forbids teams to release any details before then.

It's not that serious, did it really warrant a fine?
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Not big news but Royal Ivey is going to re-sign with the Sixers.


Good news. He made some big 3's for us last year. He is a good off the bench energy player & good defender. We need to re-sign Donyell Marshall ASAP.
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