NBA Off-Season News Thread: Roy extends 80/5, AI to Grizz, Chandler/Okafor swap, Marquis to C's.

We basically did the West last week, who ya'll see in the East playoffs comin up?????

Heat (they move up a notch or two with Boozer, I may drop them to 7 if they don't get Booz)
6ers and Nets battle for 8 spot, with Knicks as deep sleepers. Brand needs to be healthy to get this spot, losing Miller may slow them, but not that muchreally. Nets could make a super leap if everything falls right. Harris stays healthy, Lopez improves, Yi improves, Lee and Skip bring some depth, they couldbe good......Knicks, I wanna see what happens with Nate, Lee, and Sessions. If they could somehow bring them all in, they will be tougher then people willgive them credit for.

The team I see as in danger to stager and drop hard is Atlanta. Josh is always twitchy to me, Joe in a contract year, maybe they move him at the deadline,Bibby is on last legs, Marvin needs to make a big leap, but with his deal done, he could regress actually. Talent wise they have the goods to be in that mixmid pack, but collection wise I see them teetering between dangerous, and dangerous to themselves. If they are 8-9 seed near the break and don't thinkthey can sign Joe, I could see them blowing it up a lil bit.

Who ya'll lookin at in the East?
Originally Posted by CP1708

We basically did the West last week, who ya'll see in the East playoffs comin up?????

Heat (they move up a notch or two with Boozer, I may drop them to 7 if they don't get Booz)
6ers and Nets battle for 8 spot, with Knicks as deep sleepers. Brand needs to be healthy to get this spot, losing Miller may slow them, but not that much really. Nets could make a super leap if everything falls right. Harris stays healthy, Lopez improves, Yi improves, Lee and Skip bring some depth, they could be good......Knicks, I wanna see what happens with Nate, Lee, and Sessions. If they could somehow bring them all in, they will be tougher then people will give them credit for.

The team I see as in danger to stager and drop hard is Atlanta. Josh is always twitchy to me, Joe in a contract year, maybe they move him at the deadline, Bibby is on last legs, Marvin needs to make a big leap, but with his deal done, he could regress actually. Talent wise they have the goods to be in that mix mid pack, but collection wise I see them teetering between dangerous, and dangerous to themselves. If they are 8-9 seed near the break and don't think they can sign Joe, I could see them blowing it up a lil bit.

Who ya'll lookin at in the East?
Well, from what I've heard they're already talking about extended Joe Johnson. Keeping their starters in tack will definitely keep them inthe top 5-6 in the East easily. Adding Jamal Crawford to the bench is an ugly move, but I guess his scoring will take care of the loss of Murray.

The Nets are being overlooked a lot IMO, along with the Bobcats. People have to remember that you can basically get to the playoffs in the East winning lessthan 40 games. Both teams are capable of that. I do see Harris putting up the same numbers from last season, Lopez and Yi should improve as well. You basicallyknow what Lee will give you and also factor in CDR and T-Will possibly having good years.

The Bobcats won 35 games last season and they have a good coach with solid vets. They're still missing a true wing player, bu they will probably competefor the 8th seed once again this year if Augustine can make up for the loss of Felton (if they don't re-sign him).

Why is nobody mentioning the defensive problems Toronto will have this upcoming season? The only player that may have a chance at being an above averagedefender this year is Derozan and that's saying alot for him to be a rook. Barg, Bosh and Turk won't be able to stop many frontlines. They will have todo ALOT of scoring to beat most of their opponents.

I also don't see the Bulls being any better than last season. They might be SLIGHTLY worse. It just depends on how well Rose can carry the team thisseason. It'll be interesting to find out who will be their leading scorer and the player they will go to in the clutch with BG gone. More than likelySalmons or Rose will become that player. Sixers should be in good shape for a playoff bid. Brand must stay healthy like CP said.

At this point, I don't see the Knicks making it unless they can get Lee and Robinson back on QO's or something. If they bring in Sessions and lose bothof them, I don't know exactly where they will be.

Indiana will also be a team to watch out for in the East. Basically the whole East is open.
Just about anybody can snag that 8th seed. Indiana was in the running for it aswell close to the end of the season, but fell out. They currently have the best player on their team out of the bottom feeders.

Detroit is also up in the air. They still have a weak frontline. Depends on how well CV and BG connect with the team.

Don't let everyone catch on about the Nets.

They are eliminating the dribble drive from the offense and are going back to run and gun, Princeton offense the whole nine just like Byron Scott did.

They feel with Twill being one of the best Defensive wings in this past draft and Devin showing he is going to play some defense this year, that they can playoff their defense.

Ever since the VC trade, we were playing a half court game due to how well VC does in the half court. Yes their were moments where we ran but VC truly did notplay that way.

Kidd left and the Dribble Drive was put in due to Devin's and VC's penetration ability. Now with VC gone and an offense that looks pretty balanced,this team is looking to go back to that style of play.

I due agree about the win totals the beat writers have been saying but like CP and bhz have stated, if everything can fall into place, we can be a teamfighting for that last spot.

No matter what, we will fight and contend with teams this year. I do not think we will be a instant win for a team that faces us.
Somebody get me that Denzel joint where he caps dude in the forehead with his pistol. Lemme borrow that real fast. I got some cleaning to do in here.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Somebody get me that Denzel joint where he caps dude in the forehead with his pistol. Lemme borrow that real fast. I got some cleaning to do in here.
I got you fam........that's IF you stop hating on Ron Ron

Acid, come here, I got somethin for ya..........

Acid: "wassup CP, ya got somethin for me, is it some Warrior gear, wassup...."

CP : "Show that pic of Oden and the redheaded idiot one more 'gin"

Acid : "oh, yeah, I got you CP, here it is right her.....


RIP Acid.

The End.

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

I have no faith in the Warriors until they show that they can play together, win some games, and get their management can get their head out of the *#%**.
why would someone even put faith on a team like the warriors
laugh.gif playoff appearance in 13 years
c'mon give up on these clowns

ive always wondered with u being a dallas fan and u support the warriors too?
I'm from Nor Cal, my entire fam/friends been W's fans my whole life, I haven't had League Pass for 20 years, so all I got to watch was the W's.

i live in the bay too but that doesnt mean i'll support those douchebags wearing thunderbolts
...2007 mustve been tough for u huh?..a mavs fan surrounded by those warrior fans

damn, you're an instigating !#$ $+*@@+$%%%@!.
The rest of the teams are up in the air for me. If the Heat get Boozer I really like them, Wade did it all last year so if they add Boozer I'd take them asthe 4th best team in the East.

This will be so much easier to do a quarter through the season just so we can see how Orlando does with all the new guys, and how Sheed fits in with us.Cleveland should be around the same as last year, I think they'll do fine and could finish 1st in the East. But they're not doing anything more thenthey did last year in the playoffs.

Its Orlando or Boston
Meh, I don't see ATL as a serious threat until they get rid of Woodson. He's done well developing this team, and they can compete, but it's almostlike they're satisfied with making it out of the first round. There's a lot of young talent on that team that COULD do damage under the properguidance, but I don't see it happening.
August 7th, 2009 Written by: Natalie Sitto

Via Chris McCosky of The Detroit News

"On a day when the Pistons signed all three 2009 draft picks, they also reached an agreement with one of their former all-stars.

Ben Wallace, the four-time defensive player of the year, agreed to terms with the Pistons on a one-year deal worth $1.3 million. Wallace is expected to sign the deal next week.

Wallace's role in Detroit, however, is expected to be a far reduced one than when he left for Chicago in 2006. He will be the fifth big man and serve as a much-needed leader on a team whose average age is 25."
Magic - They have the best collection of talent in the East
Celtics - Reload for another run at the championship
Cavaliers - New additions should help them in the long run
Hawks - Return the same core from last season's near 50 win team
Pistons - Talent is too good to miss the playoffs in the East
Heat - Expect another great season from Wade and Beasley to break out
Wizards - Should be back in the playoffs, provided they're healthy
Raptors - Nudge out the other 3-5 teams for the last spot

Just missed out:
Bulls - Loss of Gordon will be too much to overcome
Sixers - Losing Miller creates a big gap at PG

after going for 60 last year he went for 56 the other night

THANK GOD beasley cut his hair also
If someone can get the chad ford insider article on the cap for next year, it would be appreciated since they stripped my use of it.

Nets though are slated to have the most cap room followed by Miami and New York. Made mention from the small part that I read off of that theKnicks and Heat still have work though to get there.

The Nets though will have the most unless some team does something drastic to clear cap.
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE


after going for 60 last year he went for 56 the other night

THANK GOD beasley cut his hair also
Too bad he looked like Yao Ming out there.

I forgot all about the Wizards. They will also compete for�a spot
.They will definitely be in if they stay healthy though. That's their main issue.

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Magic - They have the best collection of talent in the East
Celtics - Reload for another run at the championship
Cavaliers - New additions should help them in the long run
Hawks - Return the same core from last season's near 50 win team
Pistons - Talent is too good to miss the playoffs in the East
Heat - Expect another great season from Wade and Beasley to break out
Wizards - Should be back in the playoffs, provided they're healthy
Raptors - Nudge out the other 3-5 teams for the last spot

Just missed out:
Bulls - Loss of Gordon will be too much to overcome
Sixers - Losing Miller creates a big gap at PG
On paper...the Raptors are better than the Pistons.
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