NBA Predraft Camp Orlando 2008

Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Ty Lawson, Wayne Ellington need to return their scrubs self's back to UNC.

You forgot to add Danny Green. They need to come back so we can cut down the net next year. Lawson is the only one with a shot at the first round, andhonestly, I think all of them will be better college players than pros, I hope not, but thats what I'm seeing.
Interested to see how Luenen/Malik/Bryce do.

I'd assume all 3 will be overseas soon.

I guess if Zahn can get a deal in Europe...anything is possible.

And I'll check tomorrow if Ryan is leaving or not. From what I hear...Max is extremely skilled and practices well, just gets physically moved around andneeds to find his place in the flow of the game. They should be getting a solid transfer too...w/ potentially a hardship waiver.
Anyone know what venue in Orlando this is taking place at?

Please say Disney Wide World of Sports.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by NickDiggler

^Nah I dont think so dude...

If he averages another 20 and 10...

and Cal has a good team coming back with him and Patrick Christopher and Jerome Randle he could get noticed a lot more
not to mention theo robertson is coming back from injury....if Anderson comes back Cal could have a decent team. And their 7 foot+ chinese guy is gonna play (Max Zhang), i don't know how good he is though.

and agreed, anderson is a tweener. personally i don't see him faring too well in the pros (i hope i'm wrong)

evelyn lin
, what does that say on the card she's holding up.

it says "hello sduncensored! love evelyn"

sduncensored is an "unofficial" ucsd message board. it's really a long story why she posted there (and why she had to prove that it was really her), and it's off-topic so i'll divert it somewhere else if necessary. warriors offseason thread?

but yeah Max Zhang

one of my friends i met in college said she use to go out with her, and when he found out what her job was a few years later, he was shook


gotta get back on topic
"You forgot to add Danny Green. They need to come back so we can cut down the net next year. Lawson is the only one with a shot at the first round, andhonestly, I think all of them will be better college players than pros, I hope not, but thats what I'm seeing. "

theyre not coming back
Me thinks _rew Neitzel is gonna get abused out there...As is Wayne Ellington. Ellington better SHOW OUT if he plans to do Rd.1...Don't see it happeningthough...

My dude Sonny Weems about to get it in

And I guess this means Jamont Gordon and Josh Carter are going back to school

Pargs is gonna show out....Just gotta make them see that you can actually play the point my dude...

And yeah, Demarcus is prolly playing in Turkmenistan next year...But, whatever...Long as he getting that paper
word up...Im REALLY surprised that ellington is stayin the draft...Lawson and Green too, but maybe not as much...

ALOT of people (myself included) questioned Green's decision but there was that whole dad/family thing so perhaps theres more of a "sense of urgencyto be financially stable" kinda thing goin on...idk

Lawson, we know probably will go towards the bottom of round 1, but he'll likely get the guarenteed spot...although another year wouldve helped his draftstock...

But Ellington?...Hes a 6'4 pretty good SG who's def. undersized and doesnt bring enough to the table to warrant a 1st round pick (imo)...Go back toschool, pad your stats a little bit, and secure a higher draft slot...
Im probably the onyl one but of the players on last year's Tar Heel squad I personally think Green will be the best at the pro level. He has a nice littleall around game. He can shoot, drive, play a lil D. He will be a solid contributor in the league. For the other 3 though, I don't think I can say that.When did UNC become Duke?
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Im probably the onyl one but of the players on last year's Tar Heel squad I personally think Green will be the best at the pro level. He has a nice little all around game. He can shoot, drive, play a lil D. He will be a solid contributor in the league. For the other 3 though, I don't think I can say that. When did UNC become Duke?

My dude Jason Thompson is not on the list but don't for get about him. I think he is going to be a good pro and besides Beasley I think he has the mostpotential as a big man in this draft.
Originally Posted by blackredxiiigoat

word up...Im REALLY surprised that ellington is stayin the draft...Lawson and Green too, but maybe not as much...

Going to draft camp doesnt mean that you decided to stay in the can still withdraw.
russell westbrook = biggest name on that list.

You do know he's on the physical only list? Which includes Beasley, Rose, Mayo, etc. He's not actually participating in the camp.
One of the sleepers in the draft:

Ramel Bradley -- His aggressive play and scoring ability turned enough heads at Portsmouth to earn him an invite here. Attacking people off the dribble andbeing able to turn the corner are his strengths, and even though he is a long shot to get drafted, continuing to do what he does best will definitely opendoors for the future.

Lets go Mel do it for New York
Im probably the onyl one but of the players on last year's Tar Heel squad I personally think Green will be the best at the pro level. He has a nice little all around game. He can shoot, drive, play a lil D. He will be a solid contributor in the league.
I can see the Danny Green - Luke Walton comparison... kinda
cant get off the Bench at UNC and think he's a first round pick. sigh. have fun in Kazakhstan with Demarcus
Can anybody post the ESPN Insiders about what went down on day 1 of the camp when ESPN puts them up? 'Preciate it! Thanks
"But Ellington?...Hes a 6'4 pretty good SG who's def. undersized and doesnt bring enough to the table to warrant a 1st round pick (imo)...Go backto school, pad your stats a little bit, and secure a higher draft slot..."

He's going to be too small next year too. He has nothing to lose in his mind.

"cant get off the Bench at UNC and think he's a first round pick. sigh. "

He doesnt think he is a 1st rd pick, he wants a guaranteed 2nd rd contract.
Originally Posted by manamazing55

"But Ellington?...Hes a 6'4 pretty good SG who's def. undersized and doesnt bring enough to the table to warrant a 1st round pick (imo)...Go back to school, pad your stats a little bit, and secure a higher draft slot..."

He's going to be too small next year too. He has nothing to lose in his mind.

"cant get off the Bench at UNC and think he's a first round pick. sigh. "

He doesnt think he is a 1st rd pick, he wants a guaranteed 2nd rd contract.


What is a guaranteed 2nd round contract? He want's someone to guarantee that he will be a 2nd round pick? What type of ******ed +@#+ is that?
Originally Posted by dreClark

And I guess this means Jamont Gordon and Josh Carter are going back to school


maybe Joe can play his way into the draft...Ramel won't get drafted.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Though there aren't a lot of concrete observations that can be taken away from day one, there were ahandful of players that left and impression. Physically, there were a number of standouts who appear to have shed quite a bit of weight. At the top of thatlist is Shaun Pruitt who appears to have dropped a significant amount of weight to the point that he almost resembles DevonHardin physically. Malik Hairston was probably the bigger surprise amongst guards, looking especially lean considering how muchweight he carried during his time at Oregon. James Gist seems to have lost some weight, and looks like he is trying to slim down in an effortto transition to the perimeter. In contrast, Richard Hendrix looks incredibly strong, perhaps trying to compensating for his lack of size witha very muscular physique.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]While many players use the time before the Pre-Draft Camp to prepare their bodies, others can't helpbut have their physical shortcoming exposed in this setting. John Reik didn't participate in most of the session's activities, andmoves very awkwardly. Vladamir Golubovic looked big and heavy, seeming out of place amongst the quick, agile bigmen in attendance. BothJoe Crawford and DeMarcus Nelson showed during the scrimmages that their height may be an issue, having a hard timeconverting once in the paint. However, they were likely getting fouled, and will have a chance to show that they can effectively score despite theirsize.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In terms of lackluster performances today, there are quite a few to choose from. WayneEllington was struggling mightily from the perimeter, something that will hurt his stock in a big way if he doesn't turn things around.Shan Foster suffered from the same issues, and just seemed to be nervous. He had a very tough time handling pressure as a ball-handler,dribbling into trouble on a couple of occasions. It seemed like every shooter was having issues. Maarty Leunen didn't seem to be inrhythm, while Jamar Butler and Drew Nietzel didn't even seem to be looking for their offense. PatCalathes seemed unusually quiet as well.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]On the positive side, Joey Dorsey and Deron Washington used theirathleticism to make an impact on both ends. Washington had an especially good day, finishing two monster dunks and making an impact running the floor on ahandful of occasions. Dorsey on the other hand was simply too strong and fast to overlook. He and Hardin should provide an interesting storyline as each viesfor a spot late in the first-round. Patrick Ewing Jr. showed very nice athleticism, but needs to hit his jump shots to propel his stock.Brian Roberts showed some nice things on both ends, staying aggressive defensively and being one of the few sharp players on the offensiveend. J.R. Giddens came out firing, knocking down a three and getting to the rim, but then started to force things when his he began seeing theball much less frequently. Lester Hudson was quiet for most of the session, but turned things around late, knocking down a buzzer-beater and afloater to close play on day one.[/font]
I'm watching this game right now and I honestly don't know how scouts, coaches, execs, etc can sit through and watch them all.
Honestly, it's like watching the WNBA: Mad Boring! I don't see how anybody can show out in these games either as there's no cohesion and teamplay.
Deron Washington did catch a nasty put back yoke though
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