NBA Rookie Watch

Strong game from Rose last night. 24 pts on 10-17... 3 assists... 3 to's

Also a strong game for Brook. 22 points and 13 boards to go along with 5 blocks and 2 steals.

But a lot of the other rookies struggled. 4 points for Gordon on 1-6 (as the Clippers found themselves down by 40 in the 3rd quarter).

6 for Augustin on 2-4... 3 assists... 3 to's

Beasley with 11 pts on 5-12 plus 5 boards.

Chalmers is in a shooting funk shooting 3-12 two games ago and then 3-12 again last night.

Brandon Rush has started the past 3 games due to Pacer injuries/sickness. In those starts, he has averaged 11 ppg and 7 rpg. His shooting has been horriblethough. 5-22 in one of those starts and 4-17 in another.

Under that new coach in Philly, Marreese Speights seems to be delivering. His minutes have been at like 20 a game and he's getting about 12 ppg.

After six straight games in double figures for rebounding (15, 15, 14, 10, 10, 15) Kevin Love had that streak snapped as well as going scoreless for the firsttime in his career. He now has 2 straight scoreless games and hasn't gone past 5 rebounds in those two games. His shooting percentage is at 39% for theseason. And Craig Smith is starting over him (doing well too). So I really don't know how or when he's gonna turn things around. Oh, and Minnycurrently is riding a 12 game losing streak.

The Prince seems to be getting back into a groove. 12 and 9 last night after 16 and 9 the game before. (Mbah a Moute).

CDR, Joey Dorsey, and Bayless continue to be among the notable names who ride pine.
The prince hit the rookie wall EARLY dude was looking like a bum out there he seems to have turned it around

where the lopez haters at?(that would be for brook)
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Eric Gordon with 31 points, 0 turnovers tonight.

Dude is a beast...I remember watching that high school game of his when he played Jordan's sons...dude is scorer...hopefully he can keep it up

If the Clips' weren't so sorry he could be in the ROY talk...
bealsey with 14points 7 rebounds in 22min... with solid min. i can see beasley being a 20 and 10 dude
Rose - 25 and 10 with ONE turnover on 12-18 shooting. Nice game

Big Greg - 2 pts, 3 reb, 3 fouls in 18 minutes. No blocks and he only took 3 shots.
Bayless shot 1-11
in 25 mins and is now at 25% shooting for the season.
He also had no assists (3straight games now), no steals, 2 turnovers, and got 3 of his shots rejected. Putrid.

Speights with 13 points, 4 rebs, and 3 blocks.

In his last 3 games (totaling roughly 48 mins), JaVale McGee's TOTAL numbers look like this: 19 pts, 9rebs, 3 blks, 2 stls, 2 turnovers, ZERO fouls, and 1 assist on 9-12 shooting. I see him actually putting up numbers like that in his career. The first-handgames I've seen him play (all against the Knicks), he's looked very good. He's long and active and he reminds me of a young Tyson Chandler.

Brook shot bad (4-14) but still put up 13 and 8 with 5 blocks. Just the fact that he's money from thestripe is enough to know he'll always get his.

Bill Walker actually got some burn against the Nets in garbage time. 6 pts, 2 rebs, and an assist in 12 mins.
CDR also played garbage time in the same game. 6 pts, 3 rebs, an assist in 16 mins.

Kosta Koufas continues to fly under the radar. Not saying he's a stud or putting up eye-popping numbers.But he has definitely turned it up a notch since getting more playing time. 14 pts & 5 rebs (seven straight games with at least 5 rebs).

Westbrook with 22 and 7 asts on 8-14. Add in 2 rebs, 3 stls, and only 1 turnover. Green also with 23 and 8 on 8-13.

Beasley with 21 and 4 on 8-11.

The Prince with 8 and 5.

EG with 18 on 6-15 and 3 assists.

Jason Thompson with 12 and 9.

Anthony Morrow with 15, 9 and 2 stls on 7-11.
Admittedly, I haven't been keeping up with watching teams other than the Knicks lately..

but how is OJ the leading candidate for ROY over Pooh?
Originally Posted by vdub1423

love must have fell off i haven't hear much from him.... but yall dont sleep on my man Gordan out L.A he creeping on a come up lol
He plays for T-Wolves
Originally Posted by jville819

Originally Posted by vdub1423

love must have fell off i haven't hear much from him.... but yall dont sleep on my man Gordan out L.A he creeping on a come up lol
He plays for T-Wolves

But Love is actually playing better than I thought he would...he plays on BOTH ends of the floor which is more than I can say for some of our big men
..he's making big improvements and having McHale there on the floor lookslike its helping him develop

+ the reason Gordon is playing so well is because the Clippers really have no one else to step up right now
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