NBA WILL Have Sponsors' Ads On Jerseys In 2013-14 Season

If it works for soccer then it can work for the NBA.

Although, NBA jerseys use a lot less fabric and stuff, so there might not be as much space to place ads on an NBA as you would see on a Soccer jersey.
If it works for soccer then it can work for the NBA.
Although, NBA jerseys use a lot less fabric and stuff, so there might not be as much space to place ads on an NBA as you would see on a Soccer jersey.

It works for soccer b/c there are no tv commercials during the 45min halves except at halftime. Watch an NBA game and count how many times you are bombarded with local, national, and league sponsor ads during that 2 1/2 hour game.


dude been commish for way too long acting like a dictatorship right now :x:x:smh::smh::x
Can't wait to have a 2x2 Kumon patch on the Kings jersey :lol:
I honestly believe they'll take whatevers is in front of them :smh:
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saw this coming couple months ago but didn't realize they actually made it happen

oh well gonna cop those jerseys soon before it get branded by fugly sponsorship things:x
Ads will be on all NBA licensed jerseys? Nah just the players' jerseys.

Can't knock the hustle. >D
Ads will be on all NBA licensed jerseys? Nah just the players' jerseys.
Can't knock the hustle. >D


"The view is that the teams would need a significant time; one, to sell the patch; and number two, for adidas to manufacture the uniforms, because the patch that would be on the players' uniforms would also appear on the jerseys at retail," said deputy commissioner Adam Silver, who is handling the uniform change."

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I've talked to European fans that are dumbfounded by NFL/NBA games that are interrupted only to show ads. They're used to seeing ads on jerseys, ads boards surrounding the pitch, etc...but the only commercials are at half.

I'd accept jersey sponsors in the NFL if they would cut that XP-Commercial-Kickoff-Commercial nonsense.

They (nor the NBA) would never do that, tho...
I've talked to European fans that are dumbfounded by NFL/NBA games that are interrupted only to show ads. They're used to seeing ads on jerseys, ads boards surrounding the pitch, etc...but the only commercials are at half.
I'd accept jersey sponsors in the NFL if they would cut that XP-Commercial-Kickoff-Commercial nonsense.
They (nor the NBA) would never do that, tho...

Nope never....Billions of $$$ in advertisements.
It was only a matter of time....another reminder that Sports is big business. First the stadium names patches on jerseys, what's next??? Changing team names to corporations?
I don't purchase soccer kits for this exact reason. The corporate ads are tacky and as inundated as the NBA is with sponsorship, we don't need them on our apparel.

It's all about the first move. Owners have held off from ads like this because they know the fan and media backlash will be killer.

Now that they (apparently) are going to go through with it then this is the first move of many. It then will lead to eventually having the ad be bigger, then a second ad, then lastly the ad becoming the name of the jersey like soccer. There is no doubt in my mind this is what we can expect.

Ads are so absurd now at sporting events and we are hammered so many times with them that it's a double edged sword for companies. They have plastered so many ads everywhere that people now don't even notice them or "take them in" (and companies know this) so the companies get stuck. And their only option (because they won't scale back) is to just make more ads and spend more money and it floods it even worse. They haven't figured out what to do yet. But they have figured out one thing: Their logo on jerseys is what they want and need. Ads on jerseys are going to be a literal gold mind for owners.
Don't some teams do this for their practice jerseys already? I thought the Mavericks did for sure. Either way I am pretty much against this.
Soccer does it. Whats the problem? Alot of money involved.

The problem is the WAY its done in soccer. Lets cover a jersey with a huge corporate ad, and then put a small little patch in the corner to signify the team. THAT is a joke, and will piss off a ton of people if done in the NBA.

Like I said earlier, if its subtle and not like how its done in soccer, I dont see it being a huge problem.
Soccer does it. Whats the problem? Alot of money involved.

The reason soccer does it is because there are NO commercials. The advertisements on the jerseys are the sole advertisements to be seen until half time.

The NBA vs soccer comparison is not a good one. NBA has a million time outs and a million commercials breaks. There is no need for the advertisements on the jerseys, it's tacky, and I can't wait to see the Jersey sales flop if they try to sell them to public.
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