NBA WILL Have Sponsors' Ads On Jerseys In 2013-14 Season


Only a matter of time


I wish they would go back to allowing teams to choose their equipment sponsors though, so we could get Nike jerseys
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I don't really see why people have a problem with Stern being greedy. He's doing his job.

90% of fans are idiots who don't understand that Stern is a CEO whose sole job is to generate revenue for the owners.

Stern deserves a lot of the hate he gets but times like this is where you see who just doesn't get it.

This is a terrible idea? For who? :lol:
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People do get it. He puts profits over integrity and his bosses are just fine with that. Doesnt mean anyone will praise him
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You can remove "likely" from the thread title because they've decided that they will have them starting in 2013-14.
What if this is just a ruse designed to have people like you guys ITT buying more jerseys than ever this season :nerd:
Honestly, does the NBA need the extra money that bad? It cheapens the uniform. So glad MLB isn't doing it. I can only imagine a UPS logo on the Knicks jersey. :smh:
nah knicks will have cablevision, Newday, and Chase logos

can't wait for the BS in the next lockout :x
Wow. I'm convinced, stern isn't really a basketball fan, it's just a job to him. He has zero respect for the integrity and tradition of the game. Cats gonna be out there looking like Nascar :smh:
90% of fans are idiots who don't understand that Stern is a CEO whose sole job is to generate revenue for the owners.
Stern deserves a lot of the hate he gets but times like this is where you see who just doesn't get it.
This is a terrible idea? For who? :lol:
I'm pretty sure we all understand this. What we've been complaining about is that when the other leagues did this, it came with benefits for the fans as well (less timeouts, cheaper tickets, etc) from what we know this will do nothing for the fans and thats what the real issue is. The fans would accept it if it came with a benefit. Like you said his only concern is making money for the owners but there should be some give and some take, seeing as how the fans and players make the league. The fans especially deserve something.

Who is it a terrible idea for? The fans. They dont want to see it, and there is no benefit that would make the fans want to deal with it.
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