NBA WILL Have Sponsors' Ads On Jerseys In 2013-14 Season


haha the NBA will be looking like the NBL over here in australia.
even i'm against that!

:x :x
Horrible idea, worst from the NBA thus far from a fan's stand-point.

I'll never purchase another NBA jersey again in my life if this happens.

I can't wait to see the Denver McNuggets play the Houston Nasa Rockets.
:lol: Can't wait !



...this lowers the barrier for the NFL to do likewise, and MLB, or whatever league you do care about.

For starters, it softens up the public and gets them used to the idea of uni advertising. It’s always hardest to be the first to take the big step; it’ll be much easier for the other leagues to do so.

Also, what do you think MLB, NFL, and NHL owners are gonna do when they read this news this morning? They’re gonna call up their respective commissioners and say, “Get off your *** and get us some of that money that the NBA owners just got!”

In other words, this doesn’t just make it easier for the other leagues to follow along — it almost makes it necessary. That’s why it’s so dangerous.

Call/email/tweet NOW. #NoUniAds

The threat is real, and the time to respond to it is now: Tweet to @nba with the hashtag #NoUniAds, send an e-mail to the league, call the league office (they’re in the book: 212-407-8000). Do all of those things, and tell them in no uncertain terms, “NO UNIFORM ADS!” And if the ads will make you less likely to buy a retail jersey, be sure to tell them that too.
will we see a Nike ad on a Adidas jersey?

Probably not. NBA has to keep its official corporate partners happy so I don't think they would allow direct competitors like that. Just like AT&T won't be able to because Sprint is the official partner.
This is pathetic, as if the NBA needs more money.

I don't think the NFL would ever consider such a thing, but you never know.
Wow, lol now I've heard it all... Don't really care but better buy your jerseys now while they don't have the junk on them. :smh:
Bud Selig said today that MLB won't be following the NBA in placing ads on uniforms, or that is his preference at the very least.
If that's the case i'll never buy an NBA jersey ever again
Soccer does it because they don't have commercials until half time. The NBA has commercials every 4 freaking minutes!

I don't really see why people have a problem with Stern being greedy. He's doing his job.
If it came with less (or none at all) TV timeouts, then I'm on board... But I'm sure it won't so I don't like it.
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