NBA Will Start Imposing Fines For Flopping Next Season

All the comments directed toward a player like Manu Ginobili are overblown. He's takes it to the hole and isn't afraid of contact. There are playerswho get away with lots more, but rarely ever get called on it, but yet he's the posterchild. The whole stereotype that some players have while others areguilty of much worse doesn't make sense.
^ I dont study flops like its my major or anything, but I'm sure everyone has that player that first comes to mind when they hear the word"flop". Mine is Ginobli. No hate on the guy thats just my view...
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Stern is risking his globalization plans by doing this..

Euro players aren't the only ones flopping. Everyone in the league is doing it.
flopping has become such an epidemic that players realized that if you're NOT flopping, you're at a disadvantage these days. so good call by stern onthis one.
Even though it's a minor penalty, it's a start. I fully expect them to see how this affects the flopping issue and adjust accordingly. If this minorpenalty causes flopping to decrease, then I would expect that they just stick with this penalty. If this minor penalty does nothing to decrease flopping, thenI expect worse consequences to be in order.

You don't send your kid to military camp the first time he or she steals another kid's Legos in kindergarten. You start small, and adjust from there.

So I'll take it, because it's a start.

With that being said, if the league continues to crack down on this, the following players should probably consider retirement:

- Ginobili (named first for a reason)
- D-Fish (named second to make sure y'all see it)
- Varejao
- D-Wade (sorry, WILLINC; your boy is a culprit)
- Bowen
- the Utah Jazz (I saw your comment, Verdykt.
- Nash
- Raja
- Chauncey
- Rip
- Sasha Vujacic (I don't see him as that bad of an offender, but I see him getting worst and worst each week)
Man, Nash and Tinker Bell gonna need to set up a direct deposit into the NBA's account.

I think Ginobili will be alright. He's the best flopper in the league, he'll just step his flop game up, start goin with blood capsules and stuff tomake the hits look more legit.
Originally Posted by 5288

varejao and monta ellis will be losing a lot of money


You out of your damn mind.

Nash is going to lose a lot of money though.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Man, Nash and Tinker Bell gonna need to set up a direct deposit into the NBA's account.

I think Ginobili will be alright. He's the best flopper in the league, he'll just step his flop game up, start goin with blood capsules and stuff to make the hits look more legit.



these fools gon be wearin razor blades under there wristbands like wrestlers and slicing their heads while they lay face down
I was also going to name Monta, but I thought better of it.

Not because I reconsidered him as a flopper, but because I realized how huge of a Warrior fan base NT has.


And dude is one of my favorite players in the league. But just like with D-Fish, I have to call a spade a spade, even if you are one of my favorite players.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Its about time. Lots of players are going to have to man up next season. No more weak stuff.

Read the article again, it's only for the worst offenses. So, Shaq falling down when a guard half his size runs into him won't get him a fine, but Baron Davis' acting will.

Ref's can't take care of it in game because they don't have the benefit of reviewing every play.

They just need to let more go and have a little common sense. Calling less personal and technical fouls would go further in solving this problem. Let these guys play the way they did in the '80s.
You know what, first thing after reading that reply, I thought calling less would make the situation worse... but then after thinking about it, itmakes perfect sense. Guys start to realize they can get away with cheapies, and keep going from there. Then there is obvious contact on a play, and refs let itgo = a flash back to the 90's. I kind of understand... The players would just have to adjust without being said a word to. I like the idea
Does this count on offense too, cause I know of a certain King who would have gotten his fair share of fines for his unsightly actions in the kingdom in thepast month.
^ If it counts on offense as well, then we have to wonder if it includes players driving to the lane, getting stripped (fouled or not fouled), and throwingtheir arms out to try and get a foul called.
Although lots of people favor giving techs for flops, that's a really tough one to enforce. The nature of flops are that you're acting to sell to theref that you got fouled. That is, you're trying to make it as BELIEVABLE as possible. In a game time situation, refs will have a REALLY hard timedetermining with certainty that something was really a flop. It's only with the help of instant reply and television that we as the audience get to seewhat is clearly a flop. Asking a ref to do that in real time is damn tough and there will be incorrect calls all over the place.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ If it counts on offense as well, then we have to wonder if it includes players driving to the lane, getting stripped (fouled or not fouled), and throwing their arms out to try and get a foul called.

I'm pretty sure 95% of players do that move, so I doubt that will get called, but I don't think 95% of them get barely grazed on their face orlightly touched on their shoulder and go down like they just got their throat slashed by Freddy Kruger when their supposed to be built for contact
I don't think a fine will be the final solution. The refs have to be better at spotting flopping and punishing it on the spot. I am sure that there areplayers who would flop if it helps them win an important game, but gladly pay the fine after the game.
If the Spurs lose tonight, I would love for some reporter to ask Manu how he feels about this situation, I have no doubt that his reaction would lead to one ofthe greatest .gifs of all time
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