NBA Will Start Imposing Fines For Flopping Next Season

@ Rob
you get away with one which helps your team out in a game, but then after the game is over - the league reviews it and fines you. what good is that? how boutrevoking your work visa, and deporting you back to your native country if you flop??? for US citizens, well I'm not sure what you can do as punishment, butI'm sure you can come up with one.

The NBA doesn't need anymore money though
, are they broke now or somethin? they could make a fortune off those flops if no one changed their ways

Technicals would work better, imo
tinkerbeLL,steve trash, manu and fish are gonna be broke as a joke...dang watching that baron vid makes me happy that they've been gone i hate bob fitzvoice
about #%%%%%% time!!!

R.I.P. Anderson Varejao's NBA career
Who thinks this is a horrible idea? If the refs can't see it then who can? Are they going to review each game? If they do, how about all the 55 othermiss-calls made by the officials? They should fine the officials for making bad calls. But then, they *will* be broke.

Most of these players do not fall down. Every fall is a flop. If they tried, they could prevent themselves from falling even if they did get shoved orstiff-armed. So if you do get fouled and you fall, is that still a flop?

Acting is part of basketball. If you're in the NBA you're already good at it to some degree.
Its about time. Lots of players are going to have to man up next season. No more weak stuff.

Read the article again, it's only for the worst offenses. So, Shaq falling down when a guard half his size runs into him won't get him a fine, butBaron Davis' acting will.

Ref's can't take care of it in game because they don't have the benefit of reviewing every play.

They just need to let more go and have a little common sense. Calling less personal and technical fouls would go further in solving this problem. Let theseguys play the way they did in the '80s.
Allow more physical play, enough with this image conscious NBA...

but I do agree with the fines being implemented for dubious flops
Ahhh , I dont think the fines are enough tho, who's to say a dude starts gettin hit with flop fines but is still getting the calls on the court but theteam or whoever decides to start pooling money to take care of their floppers fines...

Im not convinced this is gonna deter the flopping

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If thats what they need to do to try to stop flopping then i'm all for it. lets see how much they enforce, now
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