NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

The cop out is ignoring the failures of the Judicial System and diluting the argument down to nothingness.

The Judicial System serves as a check / balance to those who seek to violate the rights of others.

If we are supposed to check and balance ourselves (as a society) then what does that look like, who grants that authority, do we need a Judicial System, and why does it have so much power over our lives?

"Society drives the changes that we see with “the system”"

Please give me an example because as a Black Man in the United States of America...as it relates to the Judicial System' s alleged "changes":

Dog, you’re a little bit all over the place and I honestly have re-read your post and still have no idea what your point is.
yes.. To basically clear him from future prosecution is the reason it is a sweet heart deal.

You realize that but for the deal you are characterizing as a sweetheart deal, there would not have been a trial or subsequent conviction of Cosby because he wouldn’t have been charged based on the evidence that was available?
I think we should be more upset over the fact the judicial system failed his victims from the get-go.

Bill Cosby was never the victim throughout any of this. Not gonna sit here and celebrate a serial rapist being set free in the spirit of being an advocate for constitutional rights. Just seems like a bad angle to approach this.
He got the deal because he was able to buy his way out of it. He admitted in the deposition what he did. Castor said he couldn’t bring charges. So they struck a deal. The prosecutor promised not to charge him. By doing that - Castor set the stage to ultimately protect Cosby from seeing any real jail time. And this would be reversed on appeal if so. Bill and them knew. That if anybody decided to bring charges, he’d be a free man in due time, implicitly because of this. It was essentially BAKED in. And Castor did some slick ****. Like this:

A baked in, “get out of jail free card” with some trickery. And $$$$$$ is the reason why.

Do you know what you're talking about or are you trolling?

Did you just say real time?

So let me see you go do 3 years in jail instead of 20. When you shouldn't have spent one day in jail. Then come back and tell the board how you got a sweetheart deal and got hooked up.

It's like this topic is messing with some of your brains to stop you from thinking logically.
Do you know what you're talking about or are you trolling?

Did you just say real time?

So let me see you go do 3 years in jail instead of 20. When you shouldn't have spent one day in jail. Then come back and tell the board how you got a sweetheart deal and got hooked up.

It's like this topic is messing with some of your brains to stop you from thinking logically.
You are misrepresenting what he said though
here's the bottom line.


also, on some real talk, its infuriating when ur fav artists get exposed as some wild deviant or some bs like this. or even artists where you really enjoy their work.

love cosby's standup....but...

love r.kelly's music.....but...

i can't be the only one in this camp. it is what it is. these folks did some wrong ****. so I lowkey feel guilty for still really enjoying their work.
No I'm not. I made a statement and he responded to me on some sort of tangent.

When he obviously had no clue what I was saying.
You are IMO

wavycrocket wavycrocket seems to be calling the original deal he cut with the first DA for him to get immunity from criminal charges the sweetheart deal

You seem to present it as if he is saying him having to do time in prison is part of the sweetheart deal. Like the overall situation that played out ended up being a sweetheart deal.

So you are saying he shouldn't have been sent to prison in the first place, with the prior agreement, that is true

But one could argue that the first DA should have never agreed to give Cosby immunity in the first place. Which seems to be Wavy's central point
He wouldn’t have been charged in the first place if it wasn’t for that “deal.”

Wild how that keeps getting glossed over.
Prosecutors abuse their power all the time. This case isn't a good example of that. I don't buy that Cosby and his high priced legal team were relying on the "word" of a prosecutor

Two things can be true. Castor was incompetent AND there was not a promise to never prosecute in 2005

There was no immunity order at the time of the deposition. Criminal charges could have been brought at any time. Cosby actually declined to answer certain questions in the depositions

The decision was made way back in 2005, when Cosby's lawyers figured the argument would be a slam dunk in a trial court. It turns out that it wasn't

This is why at a minimum the Supreme Court got the remedy wrong. Two of the Justices said that the remedy should have been that he could be retried, but this time exclude the statements obtained during the civil deposition

This case is basically saying prosecutors inherit all decisions and intent of their colleagues and predecessors. Again, it simply cannot be the law that "reliance" on a prosecutor's statement of intent can be turned into an enforceable contract
Yes, they could either not try him and compel him to testify in the civil proceeding or try him and exclude the testimony and evidence garnered as a direct result of the civil proceeding.

They almost certainly would not have gotten a conviction against Cosby with little forensic evidence and without the depositions and his self incriminating testimony. There’s a reason the DA fought to unseal the civil documents.

Again, Cosby is a bad person and should be condemned as such, but imo the court was correct to overturn his conviction. He doesn’t answer ANY questions in the depositions if there’s the threat of criminal prosecution and I find it hard to imagine a Philadelphia jury convicting him without all of the self incrimination.

It’s also nuts to seriously think his lawyers would advise him to tell on himself in the hopes of locking in an immunity argument.
It’s great that you brought up Zimmerman as a parallel because it points out something that I’m seeing a lot and I take issue. You’re centering yourself in terms of what you deem as sexual misconduct being taken more seriously and people behind held accountable for their actions. Shouldn’t we be focused on how victims of sexual assault feel (Presuming of course that you’re not a victim yourself)? Similarly, you don’t give a **** about how white people feel about the changes post Trayvon Martin’s murder. I definitely don’t. They’re not the affected group here.
I agree, so what would be your solution sexual assault cases? Unless witnesses are involved the biggest issue we constantly come across in the instances is that the only evidence we have are claims from alleged victims & the accused.
Then there’s the stigma of sex & ppl refusing to even discuss it.
Also, Cosby didn’t admit to rape in his deposition. He maintained his innocence the entire time. He gave one-word answers to carefully crafted questions by a lawyer that left a lot up for interpretation.

An interpretation of his deposition testimony is how the conviction was obtained. Absent the deal, he would have likely been coached to tell his truth in a way that left less room for interpretation.

If he did what he’s accused of, it’s awful and unfortunate that the prosecution couldn’t obtain a conviction the right way.

If he didn’t do what he’s accused of, it’s awful and he had nearly 3 years of his life stolen from him due to prosecutorial misconduct.
No doubt there are a whole lot of folks out there like this...dudes who never had any commentary on the justice system until yesterday

But I've seen P Present talk about these kinds of things long before that so I am willing to take him at his word

Not that I totally agree, but I believe he's being honest

maybe he is maybe he isn't but either way I ask again why would you be happy to see "corruption backfire" when the result is a known sexual predator being back on the streets?
This thread needs a feeninlikejodeci feeninlikejodeci hot take.
I got a goofy lookin Uncle in his mid 50s who out of nowhere started pulling chicks way out of his league. He's never had a steady job, he usually only lasts 3-4 years before he gets laid off and has to start all over again.

So anyways we go on a Family Vacation and he leaves his phone on the Plane and it's stuck at Hartsfield Jackson for like 2 days before they can arrange to have it delivered to Houston. In the meantime he would use my phone, and he ended up leaving all his accounts logged in:lol:

His strategy was to hit up 10-20 chicks a day on dating websites like PlentyOfFish with "420 n chill" :pimp: 90% would ignore him but inevitably he'd get one chick to take the bait.

Weed is definitely the "Quaaludes" of our generation, the difference being quaaludes was looked at more as a hard drug, something to keep on the low...while Weed is glamorized in the media and you have all type of celebrities advocating the use of.

Where it gets tricky is the fact you literally have hundreds of strains and potency levels, and your average female smoker isn't going to be able to distinguish between some high grade California stuff versus the regular "hammer" weed that you typically find in 3rd and 4th tier cities (Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Louisville, Cleveland). Women that smoke Weed will inevitably get offered some Nuclear Strength Weed that is slot morr than they bargained for.

Besides Weed, I'm also suspicious of all these breweries, and "craft beer" places popping up in recent years. Generally the same amount of beer that will give us a buzz, might leave a chick "white girl wasted"...(size differencrs, body composition, hormonal levels). Living in the suburbs i saw firsthand it is normal for women to drink a glass of wine per day, and hit up a bunch of tastings and festivals on the weekends.

Lastly, the highest paying job I had as a chemist, everyone in the Plant had to wear PPE including a helmet. New hires making $20/hr wore yellow hats, if you made it past 90 days and got your benefit package and retention bonus you got a White hat. Machine technicians Operators wore blue hats and Supervisors wore black hats.

Once I got my white hat, certain chicks started patting me on the arm when I walked into the floor, and go out of their way to start conversations if we had a down period where we were just standing around. I noticed the same thing with Blue hats, except chicks were full on hugging them and looking them in the eyes like a little kid does when they see Santa Claus.

The interesting thing was there was 7 different departments, and I'd see a black hat dude from zone 6 stroll up to a chick in Zone 2 despite never having had any previous interactions. It always rubbed me as being kind of awkward but apparently the chicks enjoyed it cause being seen talking to a black hat dude would raise their value and make everybody else (blue hats, white hats) have to step up their game and try even harder. Keep in mind it's not even like they were making a more disproportionate amount of money...blue hats made an extra 2-3 bucks an hour and got an extra 10-25 hours of overtime per week.

Witnessing experiences like this, it is difficult for me to imagine behaviorial changes when meeting a person who easily makes the same amount of money in one day that it takes a normal person and entire year to make...just as you get certain privileges upon turning 18 and 21, there are 'unspoken' privileges you attain with each zero digit that's added to your salary. Even if you are able to acknowledge this on a logical level, Non wealthy dudes tend to read these kind of stories and invariably have an emotional "knee jerk" response where they lash out at these rich men (Cosby etc) as villains and start getting irrationally upset at those who attempt to show any form of compassion them.
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instead of the b-word, i was called the f-word. the genius of this movie is how hilariously relatable it is:
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