NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

They been on this wave since Slavery.
Yeah, and because of this, it might not be wise to give them more unilateral power, the power that had previously been deemed unconstitutional.

I mean I agree that the conviction should be vacated given what happened. Can't let stuff like this stand

But I also agree with heelsandeers heelsandeers , the Supreme Court of PA got the remedy wrong
The millions of survivors of sexual assault around the country, which includes Black women and men will likely disagree.

With millions and millions of rape kits left untested - I think there's plenty of blame to go around way before this decision was made.

Police / Prosecutorial misconduct / malpractice and sexual assault injustice go hand in hand.

What happens when a sexual assault victim is betrayed by the legal system?

It should never have been this hard to put rapist behind bars.
I’ll be extreme in that sense. Doesn’t bother me. Why someone would to bat for a rapist is the real question here. Of ALL things…. A rapist?
I'll speak for myself. If a miscarriage of justice occurred then that person should be vindicated. I'm not co-signing nothing Bill allegedly did. I'm concerned about the legal ramifications.
The people wanting Cosby free didn’t think once about the process. It’s just their fall back. They’re just rape apologists

Blanket statement.

I wanted Cosby released and it was only because of the process.

You ever stood before a judge with your freedom on the line? How about your loved ones?

Some of us / our families have.

How does this make me a "rape apologist".
Blanket statement.

I wanted Cosby released and it was only because of the process.

You ever stood before a judge with your freedom on the line? How about your loved ones?

Some of us / our families have.

How does this make me a "rape apologist".
Oh please. He’s a rapist. A rapist is free. A free rapist is a free rapist. No, I’m not gonna side with “well how does this help me?”.

Here’s the bottom line, siding with a rapist being free isn’t the place to have your argument, yet here we are.
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The millions of survivors of sexual assault around the country, which includes Black women and men will likely disagree.
Yes. I can see how this can be discouraging. I witness George Zimmerman walk and taunt me and you for years, but a I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge the change I've witness since that verdict. Sexual misconduct is being taken more seriously & more ppl are being held accountable for their actions..
Prosecutors abuse their power all the time. This case isn't a good example of that. I don't buy that Cosby and his high priced legal team were relying on the "word" of a prosecutor

Two things can be true. Castor was incompetent AND there was not a promise to never prosecute in 2005

There was no immunity order at the time of the deposition. Criminal charges could have been brought at any time. Cosby actually declined to answer certain questions in the depositions

The decision was made way back in 2005, when Cosby's lawyers figured the argument would be a slam dunk in a trial court. It turns out that it wasn't

This is why at a minimum the Supreme Court got the remedy wrong. Two of the Justices said that the remedy should have been that he could be retried, but this time exclude the statements obtained during the civil deposition

This case is basically saying prosecutors inherit all decisions and intent of their colleagues and predecessors. Again, it simply cannot be the law that "reliance" on a prosecutor's statement of intent can be turned into an enforceable contract


So how do our 5th Amendment rights stand up to a Prosecutor who seeks to force a confession via Civil trials / depositions under immunity agreements - only for another DA to come along later and claim there was no agreement?

Do we or do we not have the right to remain silent?

The only reason Cosby talked is the DA's guarantee of immunity from prosecution.

If everything Cosby said in the disposition is thrown out (fruit of the poison tree) and a new case is initiated, we are back to square one...

If the case was weak then, then its weak now...w/o Cosby's confession.

Bottom line:

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Oh please. He’s a rapist. A rapist is free. A free rapist is a free rapist. No, I’m not gonna side with “well how does this hell me?”.

Here’s the bottom line, siding with a rapist being free isn’t the place to have your argument, yet here we are.


Appeal to Extremes


Erroneously attempting to make a reasonable argument into an absurd one, by taking the argument to the extremes.

Ex: "Agreeing with the decision = siding with a rapist"

Appeal to Extremes


Erroneously attempting to make a reasonable argument into an absurd one, by taking the argument to the extremes.

Ex: "Agreeing with the decision = siding with a rapist"
You seem to have conveniently omitted the other two words after “siding with a rapist”
Oh please. He’s a rapist. A rapist is free. A free rapist is a free rapist. No, I’m not gonna side with “well how does this help me?”.

Here’s the bottom line, siding with a rapist being free isn’t the place to have your argument, yet here we are.
Yet another emotional argument. Stick to the facts ma G, and not your feelings.
I look at it like this

There are people who are rooting for Cosby who are happy because they "knew he was innocent" and "those women were lying"

And then there are people who are rooting against a corrupt justice system who are happy to see that corruption backfire
I look at it like this

There are people who are rooting for Cosby who are happy because they "knew he was innocent" and "those women were lying"

And then there are people who are rooting against a corrupt justice system who are happy to see that corruption backfire

I wish more folks could see this fact.
why would you be happy to see "corruption backfire" when the result is a known sexual predator being back on the streets?

That doesn't even make sense

I don't know :lol:

I'm not happy about it either way, but that's the thought process I see
Regardless if he's guilty or innocent, he was definitely railroaded by the legal system.

It's disturbing, because he had money and lawyers. Says a lot about what happens to minorities, ordinary and poor people.

He wasn’t railroaded.He got the same deal as Epstein. But as far as rich/wealthy men go…he Def was “railroaded” in that circle, because he had to sit down for a second. And that’s where the unfairness comes from. Bill had to sit. Them others dudes really didn’t .

I don't know :lol:

I'm not happy about it either way, but that's the thought process I see

I don't believe that's dudes genuine thought process for a second.

IMO that's just a ******** excuse

IMO it's either you're one of many dudes on this site that has serious issues with women or one of those dopes who believes famous black people cant be awful humans.
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