NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

I agree, so what would be your solution sexual assault cases? Unless witnesses are involved the biggest issue we constantly come across in the instances is that the only evidence we have are claims from alleged victims & the accused.
Then there’s the stigma of sex & ppl refusing to even discuss it.
Solution with respect to? We have rape kits and forensic science as well, we aren’t limited to witnesses.

I have a complicated view around policing and incarceration generally, and I’m anti-carceral state. I’ve had too many friends and families lives ruined by the system, generally. I also don’t really agree more broadly (not in this specific instance per se) that the carceral system is a way to ruin the lives of Black and Brown people generally for lapses or judgment or mistakes made that don’t necessarily reflect who they are as people. Conversely white kids (especially those of a certain economic class) commit similar offenses and often go uncharged. It’s all ****ed up. I just don’t think that our system as currently constructed provides for victims or perpetrators to actually heal from whatever the crime committed is, specifically the perpetrator in “victimless” crimes.

So yea, don’t have a great answer for you there. But I just feel like centering Bill Cosby in this and ourselves around discussions of progress made around sexual misconduct is wrong. Immediate things we can do is have conversations with friends and family about consent, what it is, what it is not, etc.
Trevor Noah had a convetsation on Breakfast Club about how lax we are with "consent under the influence." I would recommend folks listening to that when you can.

This was a good conversation. I think they highlighted key issues from the perspective of the victims. A good next step would be to also examine the concept of consent from the perspective of the accused.

There’s work to be done.
At whatever 4th of July cookout Bill will be attending this weekend, I hope someone throws a hotdog at him

Make him have flashbacks of life in The Pen
Also, Cosby didn’t admit to rape in his deposition. He maintained his innocence the entire time. He gave one-word answers to carefully crafted questions by a lawyer that left a lot up for interpretation.

An interpretation of his deposition testimony is how the conviction was obtained. Absent the deal, he would have likely been coached to tell his truth in a way that left less room for interpretation.

If he did what he’s accused of, it’s awful and unfortunate that the prosecution couldn’t obtain a conviction the right way.

If he didn’t do what he’s accused of, it’s awful and he had nearly 3 years of his life stolen from him due to prosecutorial misconduct.
Did you personally speak to Cosby or anyone else involved to figure out what he likely would have said if the circumstances were different?
Did you personally speak to Cosby or anyone else involved to figure out what he likely would have said if the circumstances were different?

No. I have never met Bill Cosby or anyone involved that I can recall. Have you?
This was a good conversation. I think they highlighted key issues from the perspective of the victims. A good next step would be to also examine the concept of consent from the perspective of the accused.

There’s work to be done.

He mentioning "Writing a Book of Rules" which I think would be impossible to do considering there are so many possible scenarios in which folks could simply display miscommunication.

It's just so many things in that grey area that people wouldn't even think twice about being considered sexual misconduct.
That was some sucka **** to accuse me of joking about rape, in a thread about rape.

When his main evidence for it beyond mind reading it I didn't include the word "bun". And the only reason I didn't say bun is because the things happened 3 years ago and misremembered he got hit by the bun and not the hot dog itself. Yeah, but I must have done that to joke about a black man getting raped. :rolleyes

Sometimes I can take the trolling but just like nawgthy, sometimes that **** is extra annoying. We were cool, but I think I am done with dude on some...
That was some sucka **** to accuse me of joking about rape, in a thread about rape.

When his main evidence for it beyond mind reading it I didn't include the word "bun". And the only reason I didn't say bun is because the things happened 3 years ago and misremembered he got hit by the bun and not the hot dog itself. Yeah, but I must have done that to joke about a black man getting raped. :rolleyes

Sometimes I can take the trolling but just like nawgthy, sometimes that **** is extra annoying. We were cool, but I think I am done with dude on some...

You mean opposed to your serious bull****?

You can explain your tasteless joke to the mods. Reported
Famb many years ago you were giving me lectures about how I viewed the world wrong and the real world was gonna teach me a lesson.

And asking me over and over to answer stuff as a "socialist" (which I am not)

Like I told you all those years ago, I don't care about your opinion of me, or responding to call-outs, life hasn't taught me the lessons you claimed it would, so nothing has changed between us.

You keep trying and bait me. It is not gonna work. You can still have some hang-up about what I post that is your right, but I am not going down any rabbit hole with you.

I already spelled out what I was referring to. If you want to report it and argue me leaving out the world bun means I was joking about rape, so be it. I don't care

I trust the mods to handle it however they see fit. But I just wanted to make it clear I was not joking about rape.

Report away
Famb many years ago you were giving me lectures about how I viewed the world wrong and the real world was gonna teach me a lesson.

And asking me over and over to answer stuff as a "socialist" (which I am not)

Like I told you all those years ago, I don't care about your opinion of me, or responding to call-outs, life hasn't taught me the lessons you claimed they would, so nothing has changed between us.

You keep trying and bait me. It is not gonna work.

I already spelled out what I was referring to. If you want to report it and argue me leaving out the world bun means I was joking about rape, so be it. I don't care

I trust the mods to handle it however theyy see fit. But I just wanted to make it clear I was not joking about rape.

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