NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Where did everyone get the idea that he slipped it in her drink? Also, how many of us in here verbally ask permission for sexual intercourse? I can't speak for a everyone, but it is usually implied by body language and actions. Of course that doesn't apply if the other party is unconscious.

i personally don't think he "slipped" it in their drink. With that being said, he admitted to giving them drugs (anything from Quaaludes to Benadryl) with the sole purpose of having sex with them. 1 of the problems with consent is it varies from state to state. Some say that if you are intoxicated or inebriated you cannot give consent. That goes for if you are buying you're own drinks or someone buying them for you, you cannot legally give consent.

"I can't speak for a everyone, but it is usually implied by body language and actions."

that's called enthusiastic consent. It is a slippery slope though. Some predators use this to their advantage. If a woman smiles at you, some take that as consent. i know that sounds crazy but it's true.

" Also, how many of us in here verbally ask permission for sexual intercourse?"

the older i got i began to do this. sounds corny but i' was more comfortable asking that than assuming.
White terrorism can be connected to video games,

sums up the interview:

Joe was absolutely right w/ his assessment on voting though.

he's running for mayor in the next couple of years. I hope people take him at his word...
I watched the interview


Judge Joe Brown is as wild in person.

He did a poor job of articulating the larger point of due process and it is clear that he had disturbing views about the accusers.

Sadly, when someone like me discusses these issues people think I share those same disturbing views.

I do not.

If Cosby gave women drugs and had sex with them, or had sexual contact with them, when they could no longer consent, then it is horrible. It wouldn’t matter if they wanted the drugs or even if they wanted to have sex with him prior to that point. Period.

If he didn’t, then the fact that he had nearly 3 years of his life stolen is horrible. Period.

The testimony from Cosby’s deposition does not address the question of whether the accusers reached the point of not being able to consent. So the narrative that he admitted to rape or sexual assault is false.

And on the larger issue of due process he is innocent of all of those allegations unless/until he is convicted. Period.

All that misogyny and antiquated thinking doesn’t negate those facts.
I watched the interview


Judge Joe Brown is as wild in person.

He did a poor job of articulating the larger point of due process and it is clear that he had disturbing views about the accusers.

Sadly, when someone like me discusses these issues people think I share those same disturbing views.

I do not.

If Cosby gave women drugs and had sex with them, or had sexual contact with them, when they could no longer consent, then it is horrible. It wouldn’t matter if they wanted the drugs or even if they wanted to have sex with him prior to that point. Period.

If he didn’t, then the fact that he had nearly 3 years of his life stolen is horrible. Period.

The testimony from Cosby’s deposition does not address the question of whether the accusers reached the point of not being able to consent. So the narrative that he admitted to rape or sexual assault is false.

And on the larger issue of due process he is innocent of all of those allegations unless/until he is convicted. Period.

All that misogyny and antiquated thinking doesn’t negate those facts.

My posting of this video - was for the legal stance that you took to why Bill Cosby got off.

The other misogynistic views/comments Joe made is nothing what you stated.

Let me be clear on that.
So it’s okay to only rape a couple of people if you’ve been sleeping around all over the world?

I’ve met a lot of kids - but it’s okay, I only murdered a few of them.

isn't he simply saying that the number could be higher? or am I misunderstanding? :nerd:
My posting of this video - was for the legal stance that you took to why Bill Cosby got off.

The other misogynistic views/comments Joe made is nothing what you stated.

Let me be clear on that.

Lol for a while there I was like he saying exactly what I’m saying. Then he went extra left.
isn't he simply saying that the number could be higher? or am I misunderstanding? :nerd:

I hope I’m wrong - but it’s a weird take either way - a single time drugging and raping someone is terrible enough.
The number is low???? Fam . 1 is too many . Most people , have 0 accusations. What the hell lol
When's the last time you were in a court room? Plenty of ordinary dudes getting thrown in jail for Domestic Violence, Restraining Orders. Different accusation, but same M.O.
When's the last time you were in a court room? Plenty of ordinary dudes getting thrown in jail for Domestic Violence, Restraining Orders. Different accusation, but same M.O.
Word. Courts are usually open to the public too. Regular Joe’s going down for all types of stuff.
Speaking of Devin Booker Sr, I wonder how long it would have been before his situation "resurfaced" and folks would be trying to get him up outta there. (If he were alive)

I hinted at in the NBA thread but I ain't wanna go there too hard cause you know how ****** are about Kobe...but I peeped a few ****** trying to bury Chauncey because he a) initially lied about where his alleged crime took place and b) the fact that the accuser had a rape kit that suggested a sexual assault did take place. I pointed out that Kobe's accuser also had a rape kit that suggested she was raped...and that he also initially lied to police when they first approached him but ****** went silent :lol::smh:

FTR...I'm not saying he did or didn't...but alot of ****** got sliding scales when it comes to how they judge in the court of public opinion.
If Bill Cosby had only just one accuser, I would have little issue with people saying it is he said she said, I can't call it. I don't think other people can either.

If people want to give Billups and Bryant the benefit of the doubt, or they argue others can't call it, then that is reasonable.

But with Bill Cosby, it is not a simple he said, she said. To repeat my post from a few years ago, it is a....

-He said

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Added to what Cosby said in the deposition, I think it is completely reasonable for someone to conclude Bill probably a sexual predator, and want him to face some consequences for his behavior.

If not criminally, then in civil court and the court of public opinion.
If Bill Cosby had only just one accuser, I would have little issue with people saying it is he said she said, I can't call it. I don't think other people can either.

If people want to give Billups and Bryant the benefit of the doubt, or they argue others can't call it, then that is reasonable.

But with Bill Cosby, it is not a simple he said, she said. To repeat my post from a few years ago, it is a....

-He said

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Added to what Cosby said in the deposition, I think it is completely reasonable for someone to conclude Bill probably a sexual predator, and want him to face some consequences for his behavior.

If not criminally, then in civil court and the court of public opinion.

This is misleading.

Each accusation is a he said/she said.

Your post reads as if multiple people witnessed an individual event and had a different recollection.

That’s not the case.

He describes a single event as one way, and the accuser describes the same single event another way.

There aren’t multiple individuals that are describing the same single event different than Mr. Cosby.
Yeah in 2nd grade I got falsely accused of flooding a bathroom at school by this dickhead, & then all of the sudden ppl "saw" me flood that bathroom, so I can see how ppl can be skeptical of numbers be piled in a trend like fashion. I've been in trouble for **** I didn't do a few times b/c of stuff like that. So yeah, it's fairly irresponsible to jump down ppl's throats for side-eyeing what is essentially a rumour.

To avoid any mixup, I'm speaking from broader view than just this instance.
This is misleading.

Each accusation is a he said/she said.

Your post reads as if multiple people witnessed an individual event and had a different recollection.

That’s not the case.

He describes a single event as one way, and the accuser describes the same single event another way.

There aren’t multiple individuals that are describing the same single event different than Mr. Cosby.
Here. I fixed it for you....

  1. He said, she said,
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Here, now no one can be confused to think I am saying there are 60 women talking about one instance. I am saying that there are 60 unique accusations of assault.

Bill Cosby has been accused of assaulting 60 separate women. Somehow I don't think this helps Bill look any better.

And my point remains. Bill has been caused so many times, it is totally reasonable for people to think he is a predator.
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