NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

You are correct. I was merely speaking of the cancel culture/public opinion - not in representation of Howard.

In this social media era, you have to be very careful, especially in a certain position, what to be said and not.
Ok fine.

But still, I must point out, that has nothing to do with first amendment rights.

Unless people were calling for her to be jailed, throwing shade at her, or requesting Howard fire her, doesn't violate her first amendment rights.

By your logic, you are violating the first amendment of the people that were shading Rashad.

People are allowed to have negative reactions to hot takes, bad takes, and general nonsense.

Yes, some people can go overboard with the slander in some situations, but Rashad's right were not violated if all she caught was some Twitter heat.
As my mother said, why is the Black community going so hard for a man who has done nothing for the Black community except criticize us.

And at the same time, why is it that we so quick to condemn other Black people for their right to their opinion and so quick to label them or better yet cancel them.

IMO. It’s just the world we live in. Everybody feels entitled to be the judge in their own moral laws.
Whole thread:

  • Fat Mancho : The street is the only thing that matters. Court is for uptown people with suits, money, lawyers with three names. If you got cash you can buy court justice. But on the street, justice has no price. She's blind where the judge sits but she's not blind out here. Out here the ***** got eyes.

Aint no halfway.

Street Justice vs Court Justice

Respect the difference.
People can say what they want. What they need to realize is that sometimes it’s better to say nothing. As soon as you open your mouth on social media you get what you get. It’s not always fair, it’s not always right, but it’s the reality and it’s not going to change.

there are instances where a situation is so glaringly wrong you just stay out of it.Cosby drugging women would be one of them.
Again, I agree with the decision that Cosby's conviction had to be vacated given one happened, but I disagree about them preventing a new trial.

It is crazy to me that only the majority opinion of Justice on the PA court has to be seen as the definitive truth on this matter, and should not be questioned. When other justices while agreeing with the conviction being overturned, took issues with blocking a new trial. So my opinion is in line with some members of the court, just not the majority.

Like if that is the case, that the majority opinion of a court must be looked at as the definitive truth when the 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court starts shredding civil rights laws in the next few decades like it did the VRA last week (and 7 years ago) on what many views as bull**** reasoning, should people just stand aside and be like welp their opinions must look as unassailable.

Like I am supposed to be cool with thousands of black people dying needlessly on aggregated because the Medicaid expansion was not allowed to be forced into place?

I'm supposed to think Dredd Scott was a good decision?

I'm supposed to think qualified immunity produces just outcomes?

Jim Crow could have been stopped in the Supreme Court long before the Civil Rights act, but it wasn't. I too am supposed to agree with all those ****ty rulings?

It is completely reasonable to disagree with a high court majority when you think they got it wrong. Other members of the same court do it all the time.


We can disagree with the decisions of the Court which is why I stated those with the power to do so should appeal.

Bringing this to the streets aint gonna get it done.

Certainly didn't with George Zimmerman.

We need to do more.

This is why "critical race theory" is such a threat.

People are waking up to the fact that "feelings" aint enough. We need to use the same laws / courtrooms / ballot boxes they do and hold elected officials accountable for their actions.

There are more black lawyers, judges, elected officials in this nation than ever before yet we still stuck doing the same old two step.

I saw the "Civil Rights Act" gutted right before my eyes - and still remains gutted to this day even though the consequences are most apparent.

In no way have I suggested I believe in the Justice System.

My point is - what are we going to do about it when the marching and protests aren't working?

Is there no legal remedy or are we going to have to go to war with our fellow citizens...again?

None of this is new.
All I know about quaaludes is from Wolf of Street:

If this is how ppl commonly react to quaaludes & u have sex them that's rape. R-A-P-E. Rape. I cannot understand how one can defend Cosby after he openly admitted to using quaaludes on women prior to having sex w/ them.
This is an awfully ironic question when we consider that you just made a post where you used an appeal to emotion in order to place a degree of accountability on date rape victims

What? When?

"Who is accountable for knowingly ingesting an unknown substance (pills in this case) from the hands of a stranger just because they are famous" = "appeal to emotions / place a degree of accountability on date rape victims"

I said she is responsible for taking the pills.

I never said she was responsible for being raped.


Does saying "people are accountable for their own decisions" make me a misogynist now? :lol:

She is accountable for ingesting the pill.

He is accountable for raping her.

He is accountable for drugging her - but to say she didnt have a choice is a lie.

She could have said - No thank You Mr Cosby.

Is this not a fact?

Does pointing out this fact mean I'm "victim blaming" or "defending Bill Cosby"?

If so then that's on you - you're welcome to your opinion of my opinion...but the fact remains - she had a choice.

If a woman decides to go out scantly clad then she cant complain about the attention - doesn't mean she deserves to be assaulted but c'mon Fam. People are gonna look.

Is she not accountable for what she is wearing?

Is the whole world supposed to appeal to her sense of victimhood because people are staring at her body?

Weren't we just telling young black boys not to wear hoodies? I know its foul but this is reality.

Who here thinks taking pills from a stranger is a great idea?

I know women who wont even accept free drinks at the bar if they didn't get it straight from the bartender. Common sense Fam.

The best way to avoid the situation is to mitigate risk off top. Its not a game out here.


You didn't answer the question.
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Imo a **** up this big you shouldn't get a retrial.

Be ut Bruce Castors def needs to be investigated,

I don't know if this legally qualifies as prosecutorial misconduct...

But whatever legal bar he's in should def look into it.

I just find it impossible to believe Bruce Castors is that stupid.

Something fishy is going on.
What? When?

Right here

"Would these same events have been possible if a different choice ("No thank You Mr. Cosby, I'll be fine") was made?

Even if it was your daughter and you taught her from childhood "Don't take candy from strangers" - would you, as a Father, not have any feelings in your heart about her taking pills from famous men, women (or anyone else)? "

You were talking about Andrea Constand, correct? So when you say "these same events" I think it's fairly obvious that you are talking about her alleged sexual assault

The "what if it were your daughter" line is a classic appeal to emotion

I didn't answer your question because it does not appear to be coming from a place of good faith
Cosby's conviction has been overturned in a Court of Law based on the decisions of those with the power to decide (from the DA to the judges)
This is literally an appeal to authority. I hope the irony’s not lost on you.

The DA at the time literally said it in his own words. They had no case w/o a confession.
This is the same man who reportedly told the press, of his refusal to charge Cosby, that he was interested in prosecuting “criminal conduct”, not “people with making a mistake or doing something foolish.”

Why are you taking him at his word? What more must he do to disqualify himself? Join Trump’s legal team again?

How do your feelings impact the facts of the case?
Even if it was your daughter and you taught her from childhood "Don't take candy from strangers" - would you, as a Father, not have any feelings in your heart about her taking pills from famous men, women (or anyone else)?

I said she is responsible for taking the pills.

I never said she was responsible for being raped.
Why even bring it up then? It doesn’t matter if she took the pills. Someone who’s incapacitated cannot provide consent.

Me = irrelevant.

You = irrelevant.

Ture = irrelevant.

What the rest of us think = irrelevant
We can disagree with the decisions of the Court which is why I stated those with the power to do so should appeal.
In no way have I suggested I believe in the Justice System.

My point is - what are we going to do about it when the marching and protests aren't working?

Is there no legal remedy or are we going to have to go to war with our fellow citizens...again?
Innocent people are locked up, guilty people go free - every day of the week Fam.
The "Burden of Proof" is on who again?

You’re all over the place.

Only judges’ opinions matter, but those first judges were wrong, and you’re right because the state Supreme Court agrees with you, but it’s okay to disagree with judges, and never forget that you’re innocent until proven guilty, but guilty people go free every day, and maybe we should go to war.

Yeah, I don’t think those last eight edits were quite enough. Maybe I’ll check in later tonight and see where you wind up.
Some people seem to think it’s possible to offer consent while incapacitated, while some do not.

I didnt get that but I suppose its possible as well.

On another note, while you have valid points you seem to be unnecessarily and uncharacteristically messy in this particular thread over the past few days. Hope everything is alright, enjoy your holiday.
He has the right to say what she wants without the government, or an agent of the government, trying to suppress here speech

The first amendment right doesn't protect her from her employer, a private institution, mandating certain training as a requirement for her undoing employment because of her public comments. Also, I wouldn't be surprised by all the employment contracts she signed when she got hired, she acknowledged Howard has the power to fire her or make her go through training and seminars if he causes a bad PR situation.
Its crazy to me how so many ppl do this.

They think freedom of speech is a license to say w/e you want with no consequences. Its like they haven't lived in the real world and experienced saying certain things can get you in trouble or ostracized from other ppl.

It's why I don't get why ppl think cancel culture is a thing/why they think its new. Only difference now is we're connected via social media so you'll get a bigger reaction when what you say goes public.
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Judges are fallible and, when they err, it is far more often than not on the side of the privileged.

It makes perfect sense now looking back 🤔
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As long as you have enough money and enough people who blindly like you, you can get away with anything.
The moral inconsistency that transpires from all of this will ultimately be used against Black people's demands for a fairer justice system.

I completely agree with this for a completely different reason than you do.

This thread is a remarkable illustration of how little due process matters in the court of public opinion. A “court” with very very relaxed standards for determining truth.

People have taken a “yes” answer to a long deposition question to mean that Bill Cosby raped and/or sexually assaulted nearly 60 women.

And the individuals who subscribe to this, believe themselves on some superior moral high ground.

Bottom line: none of us know, for sure, what transpired between Cosby and his accusers (unless one of the accusers or Cosby is posting anonymously on NT).

What we do know, for sure, is that the system used to incarcerate Cosby for the allegations was wrong and improper.

Calling a man wrongfully convicted of rape and/or sexual assault a rapist is wild to me. But it occurs in here easily. It’s especially discomforting when it is being lodged against a black man considering the history of those types of determinations, in similar courts of public opinion, between black men and white women.

Sad to see, but it is what it is.
I completely agree with this for a completely different reason than you do.

This thread is a remarkable illustration of how little due process matters in the court of public opinion. A “court” with very very relaxed standards for determining truth.

People have taken a “yes” answer to a long deposition question to mean that Bill Cosby raped and/or sexually assaulted nearly 60 women.

And the individuals who subscribe to this, believe themselves on some superior moral high ground.

Bottom line: none of us know, for sure, what transpired between Cosby and his accusers (unless one of the accusers or Cosby is posting anonymously on NT).

What we do know, for sure, is that the system used to incarcerate Cosby for the allegations was wrong and improper.

Calling a man wrongfully convicted of rape and/or sexual assault a rapist is wild to me. But it occurs in here easily. It’s especially discomforting when it is being lodged against a black man considering the history of those types of determinations, in similar courts of public opinion, between black men and white women.

Sad to see, but it is what it is.

What’s ironic is my mother; former state prosecutor, former chief of staff to Lt. governor, first AA to executive counsel to GA’s Governor, state trail court judge, theologian, and phd scholar in Criminology - totally agree with you and majority of Judge Joe Brown statement. Not the actual label of “bimbos”, but the generalization ideal.

I was actually shocked because she’s very much a women liberation and social justice advocate. And yet, she doesn’t have those moral superiority, even with all the education and accolades, to go around calling people/labeling people as much on NT.

It’s so hilarious how hard some NT extremes goes with labeling folks with no sort of merits.
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