NBC employee claims Bill Cosby paid off women, invited young models to dressing room.

Those women would have let him smash sober but Cosby has some sick twisted fetish for sexing helpless bodies. Wouldn’t be shocked if he had cadavers in the freezer. Legit weirdo man…and let’s not even get on MJ :smh:
Similar to what Darren sharper was convicted for. It has something to do with having complete power over the person. Dude I used to work with was cool with some dudes in the NFL and he said it's more common that you think.
This is literally an appeal to authority. I hope the irony’s not lost on you.

This is the same man who reportedly told the press, of his refusal to charge Cosby, that he was interested in prosecuting “criminal conduct”, not “people with making a mistake or doing something foolish.”

Why are you taking him at his word? What more must he do to disqualify himself? Join Trump’s legal team again?

Why even bring it up then? It doesn’t matter if she took the pills. Someone who’s incapacitated cannot provide consent.

You’re all over the place.

Only judges’ opinions matter, but those first judges were wrong, and you’re right because the state Supreme Court agrees with you, but it’s okay to disagree with judges, and never forget that you’re innocent until proven guilty, but guilty people go free every day, and maybe we should go to war.

Yeah, I don’t think those last eight edits were quite enough. Maybe I’ll check in later tonight and see where you wind up.

Interesting that people want to talk about everything else but question at hand.

Should Bill Cosby be in prison?

If the answer is yes, and you have evidence to prove it, then you should submit your evidence to the proper authorities.

I know emotions are running high but lets stick to the facts please.

You guys are tying yourselves in knots over this.

I get it but c'mon - facts are facts.

"Cosby's conviction has been overturned in a Court of Law based on the decisions of those with the power to decide (from the DA to the judges) = statement of fact.

An "appeal to authority" logical fallacy in an effort to convince someone of something via "appealing to authority".


"What if it were your daughter / would you be cool with your daughter taking unknown pills from strangers?" is a valid, open ended question. You're free to answer as you please.

First I was "victim blaming" now I'm "appealing to emotions" :lol:

Notice - not one of you answered the question.

An "appeal to emotion" logical fallacy is an effort to convince someone of something via "appealing to emotions".



The rest of the comments are mere opinions and so forth.


" Only judges’ opinions matter, but those first judges were wrong, and you’re right because the state Supreme Court agrees with you, but it’s okay to disagree with judges, and never forget that you’re innocent until proven guilty, but guilty people go free every day, and maybe we should go to war."

"Only judges’ opinions matter" = (Yes, in a court of Law only the Judges (or Jury's) opinion matters.)

"but those first judges were wrong" = (Yes, a judges decisions can be overturned - by other judges).

"and you’re right because the state Supreme Court agrees with you" = (Who made this claim?)

"but it’s okay to disagree with judges" (Yes - its Ok to disagree)

"and never forget that you’re innocent until proven guilty, but guilty people go free every day" (Yes)

"maybe we should go to war" = (See US History from April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865)

Might be hard to follow emotionally but if we step back a bit and rely on the facts - its clear to see that the 5th Amendment is here for a reason and prosecutorial misconduct is real.

I know emotions are running high and my POV might be unpopular here and that's Ok (at least for me).

Bill Cosby should not be in Prison.
Interesting that people want to talk about everything else but question at hand.

Should Bill Cosby be in prison?

If the answer is yes, and you have evidence to prove it, then you should submit your evidence to the proper authorities.

I know emotions are running high but lets stick to the facts please.

You guys are tying yourselves in knots over this.

I get it but c'mon - facts are facts.

"Cosby's conviction has been overturned in a Court of Law based on the decisions of those with the power to decide (from the DA to the judges) = statement of fact.

An "appeal to authority" logical fallacy in an effort to convince someone of something via "appealing to authority".


"What if it were your daughter / would you be cool with your daughter taking unknown pills from strangers?" is a valid, open ended question. You're free to answer as you please.

First I was "victim blaming" now I'm "appealing to emotions" :lol:

Notice - not one of you answered the question.

An "appeal to emotion" logical fallacy is an effort to convince someone of something via "appealing to emotions".



The rest of the comments are mere opinions and so forth.


" Only judges’ opinions matter, but those first judges were wrong, and you’re right because the state Supreme Court agrees with you, but it’s okay to disagree with judges, and never forget that you’re innocent until proven guilty, but guilty people go free every day, and maybe we should go to war."

"Only judges’ opinions matter" = (Yes, in a court of Law only the Judges (or Jury's) opinion matters.)

"but those first judges were wrong" = (Yes, a judges decisions can be overturned - by other judges).

"and you’re right because the state Supreme Court agrees with you" = (Who made this claim?)

"but it’s okay to disagree with judges" (Yes - its Ok to disagree)

"and never forget that you’re innocent until proven guilty, but guilty people go free every day" (Yes)

"maybe we should go to war" = (See US History from April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865)

Might be hard to follow emotionally but if we step back a bit and rely on the facts - its clear to see that the 5th Amendment is here for a reason and prosecutorial misconduct is real.

I know emotions are running high and my POV might be unpopular here and that's Ok (at least for me).

Bill Cosby should not be in Prison.

I don't think that's what anyone is arguing. What upsets most people is that it appears that Cosby did rape a number of women - but because of a deal which was made with a DA he can't be punished under the law. He should be in prison - but he's not because someone made a deal they shouldn't have.

Legal isn't the same as okay and definitely not the same as reasonable behavior of a human to other humans.
I don't think that's what anyone is arguing. What upsets most people is that it appears that Cosby did rape a number of women - but because of a deal which was made with a DA he can't be punished under the law. He should be in prison - but he's not because someone made a deal they shouldn't have.

"I don't think that's what anyone is arguing."

Then why all the blow back?

This was a victory for the 5th Amendment / Constitutional rights.

Cosby is a rapist.

He drugged and raped multiple women.

These are facts that he, himself admitted to in a deposition.

(For those in the back - even if these women voluntarily took the drugs, being raped is being raped. That doesn't mean its Ok for anyone to take drugs from strangers)

The problem is the deposition was only possible because the DA offered an immunity deal.

Then they turned around and claimed there was no such deal.

When advocating for the 5th Amendment, Due Process, "Innocent until Proven guilty" (no matter who it is) - we cant be so far in our feelings that we give even more power to the DA to do whatever they want.

Is Bill Cosby guilty? Yes.

Should Bill Cosby be in prison? No.

The State was not able to convict him without violating his rights.

If you want to be mad at someone - be mad at the State of Pennsylvania's courts / DA for royally messing this whole thing up.

Courts decide what really happened and what should be done about it. They decide whether a person committed a crime and what the punishment should be.

The Courts failed at their task.

"Legal isn't the same as okay and definitely not the same as reasonable behavior of a human to other humans."

As much as I hated the Trayvon Martin verdict....Agreed.

Virginia Courts made slaves of my ancestors.

My support for 5th Amendment / our Constitutional rights has somehow been transformed into my full endorsement of the Judicial System / Bill Cosby in the minds of some (even some that should know better) - and that's Ok.

Wrong, but Ok.
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I think the disconnect is between what should be done from a legal standpoint and what should have been the correct outcome given the severity of the crimes.

In a perfect world, Cosby would've been tried in a criminal court from the jump and would be spending the rest of his life in a jail cell.
But that’s the problem - he should be in prison, because he’s a rapist.

Agreements like that shouldn’t be allowed - same with Epstein. He should have been in prison years ago.
The American legal system gets in its own way sometimes being too pedantic for it's own good.
But that’s the problem - he should be in prison, because he’s a rapist.

Agreements like that shouldn’t be allowed - same with Epstein. He should have been in prison years ago.

...and my ancestors should never have been enslaved.

Slavery was a "legal" decision made in a Virginia court.

It took a war to overturn it...and here we are still dealing with it hundreds of years later.

That's why "critical race theory" is such a problem.

We actually agree if we could move past the petty one-upmanship in this thread.

The way to deal with these issues isn't to give the DA / Justice System more power.

If there isn't enough evidence to convict - then there should be no conviction.

The only reason we "know" he is a rapist is the deposition that was obtained by way of an immunity deal (which should have never happened).

If the immunity deal never happened then there is no confession.

If there is no confession then there is no conviction (if we are to believe the first DA).

We will never know now.

Yes. Bill Cosby is a rapist.

The courts just couldn't prove it w/o violating his 5th amendment rights or backing out of an immunity deal...or so they say.
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Cosby is a rapist.
This is precisely the statement you spent multiple posts and approximately 57 edits arguing against.

You went so far as to contest that George Zimmerman could/should be referred to as a “murderer” (though not a convicted one), even invoking the ‘burden of proof’ as if he did not gleefully admit to killing an unarmed teenager.

Is there a page on “howtoarguewithstrangersontheinternet.com” for hypocrisy?

I said she is responsible for taking the pills.

I never said she was responsible for being raped.
Why even bring it up then? It doesn’t matter if she took the pills. Someone who’s incapacitated cannot provide consent.

For those in the back:

Should Bill Cosby be in prison?
In a more just world, Cosby would’ve been tried and convicted decades ago. His conviction wasn’t overturned due to exculpatory evidence, but because the PA Supreme Court, in a split decision, chose to honor a corrupt “agreement” rejected by the lower courts and deny the possibility of a retrial.

This was not a just outcome for anyone.

This was a victory for the 5th Amendment / Constitutional rights.
It’s a victory for wealthy men able to cut secret deals with corrupt DAs. If you believe that such agreements are wrong, I don’t know what you’re celebrating. There were no winners here.

None of the people locked up on petty or dubious charges, whom Cosby publicly mocked, were offered anything of the sort. Their confessions are routinely coerced by force, the cost of an attorney, and steep minimum sentences. Their "deals" were designed to put them in jail - not to keep them out.

Andrew Wyatt calling this a "victory for Black America" is a bitter joke.
If "agreements" such as Cosby's are common, it is only in the world of White collar crime and White-skinned defendants. They're the ones who benefit most from this ruling.

Case in point: Cosby's release has already been cited by Harvey Weinstein's attorneys:

I'm sure we'll see you in his and Epstein's threads soon - just to keep it consistent and unemotional.

I didnt get that but I suppose its possible as well.

On another note, while you have valid points you seem to be unnecessarily and uncharacteristically messy in this particular thread over the past few days. Hope everything is alright, enjoy your holiday.
And you’re as classy as ever.

I don’t celebrate the 4th of July, but my weekend was just fine.
I’d ask about yours, but given how you move in any thread involving LGBTQ+ dignity I fear you might’ve suffered debilitating hot dog anxiety.

This is precisely the statement you spent multiple posts and approximately 57 edits arguing against.

You even went so far as to contest that George Zimmerman could/should be referred to as a “murderer” (though not a convicted one), even invoking the ‘burden of proof’ as if he did not gleefully admit to killing an unarmed teenager.

Is there a page on “howtoarguewithstrangersontheinternet.com” for hypocrisy?

Why even bring it up then? It doesn’t matter if she took the pills. Someone who’s incapacitated cannot provide consent.

For those in the back:

In a more just world, Cosby would’ve been tried and convicted decades ago. His conviction wasn’t overturned due to exculpatory evidence, but because the PA Supreme Court, in a split decision, chose to honor a corrupt “agreement” rejected by the lower courts and deny the possibility of a retrial.

This was not a just outcome for anyone.

It’s a victory for wealthy men able to cut secret deals with corrupt DAs. If you believe that such agreements are wrong, I don’t know what you’re celebrating. There were no winners here.

None of the people locked up on petty or dubious charges, whom Cosby publicly mocked, were offered anything of the sort. Their confessions are routinely coerced by force, the cost of an attorney, and steep minimum sentences. Their "deals" were designed to put them in jail - not to keep them out.

Andrew Wyatt calling this a "victory for Black America" is a bitter joke.
If "agreements" such as Cosby's common, it is only in the world of White collar crime and White-skinned defendants. They're the ones who benefit most from this ruling.

Case in point: Cosby's release has already been cited by Harvey Weinstein's attorneys:

I'm sure we'll see you in his and Epstein's threads soon - just to keep it consistent and unemotional.

And you’re as classy as ever.

I don’t celebrate the 4th of July, but my weekend was just fine.
I’d ask about yours, but given how you move in any thread involving LGBTQ+ dignity I fear you might’ve suffered debilitating hot dog anxiety.



Mans out here bringing the Carl Thomas emotions lately.

Went from claiming logical fallacies to "Why bring facts up?".

Why not?

Women are fully capable of being accountable for their words and actions.

Did she or did she not voluntarily take the pills from Bill Cosby?

Not once did I say she was accountable for Cosby's actions - only her own of taking the pills.

Almost like you feel women are precious little creatures that cant be held to account for making their own decisions or thinking for themselves or making mistakes, so we need to create a "protected class" instead of simply saying - don't take pills from people you don't know.

Sounds like you got a complex Fam.

Why do you need me to have said what you want me to have said?

Out here combing through / counting my edits when anyone can go back and look.

You aint gotta strawman bruh.

I never claimed Cosby wasn't a rapist.

Just cause you "co-founder" status and all that don't mean you're always right.

"This is precisely the statement you spent multiple posts and approximately 57 edits arguing against."

= Wrong

You clearly got access to all my posts - edits or not -

So you should easily be able to show me where I claimed Bill Cosby was not a rapist.
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Mans out here bringing the Carl Thomas emotions lately.

Went from claiming logical fallacies to "Why bring facts up?".

Why not?

Women are fully capable of being accountable for their words and actions.

Did she or did she not voluntarily take the pills from Bill Cosby?

Not once did I say she was accountable for Cosby's actions - only her own of taking the pills.

Almost like you feel women are precious little creatures that cant be held to account for making their own decisions or thinking for themselves or making mistakes, so we need to create a "protected class" instead of simply saying - don't take pills from people you don't know.

Sounds like you got a complex Fam.

Why do you need me to have said what you want me to have said - out here combing through my edits when anyone can go back and look.

You aint gotta strawman bruh.

I never claimed Cosby wasn't a rapist.

Just cause you "co-founder" status and all that don't mean you're always right.

"This is precisely the statement you spent multiple posts and approximately 57 edits arguing against."

= Wrong

You clearly got access to all my posts - edits or not -

So you should easily be able to show me where I claimed Bill Cosby was not a rapist.
Touchy subject (no pun intended)
This comment is beyond tasteless.

If this discussion is nothing more than an abstract source of entertainment for you, that is a privilege that you need not rub in everyone's faces.
You don’t have to participate in every thread. This is a serious topic. I'm not sure why you're so amazed that it's being treated as such by those with an actual stake in it.


Mans out here bringing the Carl Thomas emotions lately.

Went from claiming logical fallacies to "Why bring facts up?".

Why not?

Women are fully capable of being accountable for their words and actions.

Did she or did she not voluntarily take the pills from Bill Cosby?

Not once did I say she was accountable for Cosby's actions - only her own of taking the pills.

Almost like you feel women are precious little creatures that cant be held to account for making their own decisions or thinking for themselves or making mistakes, so we need to create a "protected class" instead of simply saying - don't take pills from people you don't know.

Sounds like you got a complex Fam.

Why do you need me to have said what you want me to have said - out here combing through my edits when anyone can go back and look.

You aint gotta strawman bruh.

I never claimed Cosby wasn't a rapist.

Just cause you "co-founder" status and all that don't mean you're always right.

"This is precisely the statement you spent multiple posts and approximately 57 edits arguing against."

= Wrong

You clearly got access to all my posts - edits or not -

So you should easily be able to show me where I claimed Bill Cosby was not a rapist.
You don't even know what you're arguing at this point, just that you want to argue with someone.

I never mentioned you at all, but you chose to take exception to my use of Kwame Ture quote that there is a higher law than the law of government AFTER you'd posted a quote from Ted Cruz you found on AZ quotes.
If THAT isn't some hypocrisy...

You then objected to the statement that George Zimmerman and Darren Wilson could be classified as murderers, even if they are not convicted murderers, under the rationale that the "burden of proof" rests with the accuser, not with the accused.

And yet, we have all the proof we need to reach this conclusion.
You now admit as much.

I can see that you're trying as hard as you can to argue; you're just struggling to find a good reason - just like you're struggling to explain why you're so intent on placing blame on Cosby's victims.
Whether you like it or not, Ms. Constand's decision to take "unknown pills" from Bill Cosby is wholly irrelevant. What's next? Ahmaud Arbery shouldn't have been poking around that unfinished house?

Ironically, you sound like Bill Cosby right now:
"What the hell was he doing with the piece of pound cake in his hand?"

What, exactly, is she responsible for?

The constant need to portray those with whom you choose to disagree as "emotional" (even when you make the same points), the desire to find fault with rape victims, attacking intersectionality and promoting "accountability for Black women" in the Kevin Samuels thread... everybody reading this knows what pill you swallowed.
And you’re as classy as ever.

I don’t celebrate the 4th of July, but my weekend was just fine.
I’d ask about yours, but given how you move in any thread involving LGBTQ+ dignity I fear you might’ve suffered debilitating hot dog anxiety.


I never understood why people who ride hard for lgbtq turn around and try to use homosexuality as some sort of insult/joke at the slightest perceived opposition. Extremely odd behavior.

What any of it has to do with bill cosby im not sure. Probably just a thinly veiled attempt to steer the convo away from how wild you look in here. You gonna follow it up with a post about something i said 10 years ago on an completely unrelated topic and continue to prove my point?

While you're spending your evening digging thru my posts in a lame attempt to save face, please be sure to note when I was ever banned, suspended or even warned for "how i move".
This comment is beyond tasteless.

If this discussion is nothing more than an abstract source of entertainment for you, that is a privilege that you need not rub in everyone's faces.
You don’t have to participate in every thread. This is a serious topic. I'm not sure why you're so amazed that it's being treated as such by those with an actual stake in it.

It wasn’t a joke. I said “no pun intended” to thwart off anyone else who would try to say it was. It is most definitely a touchy subject since I can see both sides of the argument. I’ll also have you know that both of my parents are victims of sexual abuse. That said, don’t tell me where I can and can’t post.

If there is any entertainment displayed here it’s your back n’ forth with another member. You’re the head admin and here you are posting a hotdog meme :smh:
The others guys are right.....you have been off lately and definitely in your feelings.
I just don't understand why it's so important that we acknowledge the victims' accountability in a thread about a serial rapist
Celebrities get a pass and it’s wrong. These folks are good entertainers but bad people.
This comment is beyond tasteless.

If this discussion is nothing more than an abstract source of entertainment for you, that is a privilege that you need not rub in everyone's faces.
You don’t have to participate in every thread. This is a serious topic. I'm not sure why you're so amazed that it's being treated as such by those with an actual stake in it.

You don't even know what you're arguing at this point, just that you want to argue with someone.

I never mentioned you at all, but you chose to take exception to my use of Kwame Ture quote that there is a higher law than the law of government AFTER you'd posted a quote from Ted Cruz you found on AZ quotes.
If THAT isn't some hypocrisy...

You then objected to the statement that George Zimmerman and Darren Wilson could be classified as murderers, even if they are not convicted murderers, under the rationale that the "burden of proof" rests with the accuser, not with the accused.

And yet, we have all the proof we need to reach this conclusion.
You now admit as much.

I can see that you're trying as hard as you can to argue; you're just struggling to find a good reason - just like you're struggling to explain why you're so intent on placing blame on Cosby's victims.
Whether you like it or not, Ms. Constand's decision to take "unknown pills" from Bill Cosby is wholly irrelevant. What's next? Ahmaud Arbery shouldn't have been poking around that unfinished house?

Ironically, you sound like Bill Cosby right now:
"What the hell was he doing with the piece of pound cake in his hand?"

What, exactly, is she responsible for?

The constant need to portray those with whom you choose to disagree as "emotional" (even when you make the same points), the desire to find fault with rape victims, attacking intersectionality and promoting "accountability for Black women" in the Kevin Samuels thread... everybody reading this knows what pill you swallowed.

So that's a "no" on the quote huh?

Is this your admission that you were wrong or nah?
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I gotta say, IMO, all these "in your feelings", "you are emotional" talk really comes off as lame jabs that make the person making the charge look worse than the person supposedly "in their feelings"

Nah Rusty, you can tell by the tone he’s using with posting immature memes instead of using words to accentuate his point. It’s kinda like the extra cursing you were using earlier in this thread. You don’t have to resort to that.
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